
425 rader
13 KiB

'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
if (process.version.match(/^v(\d+)/)[1] > 6) {
console.warn('# Node v6 Compatibility #');
console.warn("You're using node " + process.version);
'Please write node-v6 compatible JavaScript (not Babel/ECMAScript) and test with node v6.'
'(ACME.js and Greenlock.js are widely deployed in enterprise node v6 environments. The few node v6 bugs in Buffer and Promise are hotfixed by ACME.js in just a few lines of code)'
// Load _after_ node v6 compat
var crypto = require('crypto');
var promisify = require('util').promisify;
var request = require('@root/request');
request = promisify(request);
module.exports.create = function() {
throw new Error(
'acme-challenge-test is a test fixture for acme-challenge-* plugins, not a plugin itself'
// ignore all of this, it's just to normalize Promise vs node-style callback thunk vs synchronous
function promiseCheckAndCatch(obj, name) {
// don't loose this-ness, just in case that's important
var fn = obj[name].bind(obj);
var promiser;
// function signature must match, or an error will be thrown
if (fn.length <= 1) {
// wrap so that synchronous errors are caught (alsa handles synchronous results)
promiser = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return fn(opts);
} else if (2 === fn.length) {
// wrap as a promise
promiser = promisify(fn);
} else {
throw new Error(
"'challenge." +
name +
"' should accept either one argument, the options," +
' and return a Promise or accept two arguments, the options and a node-style callback thunk'
function shouldntBeUndefined(result) {
if ('undefined' === typeof result) {
throw new Error(
"'challenge.'" +
name +
"' should never return `undefined`. Please explicitly `return null`" +
" (or fix the place where a value should have been returned but wasn't)."
return result;
return function(opts) {
return promiser(opts).then(shouldntBeUndefined);
function mapAsync(els, doer) {
els = els.slice(0);
var results = [];
function next() {
var el = els.shift();
if (!el) {
return results;
return doer(el).then(function(result) {
return next();
return next();
function newZoneRegExp(zonename) {
// (^|\.)example\.com$
// which matches:
// but not:
return new RegExp('(^|\\.)' + zonename.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '$');
function pluckZone(zones, dnsHost) {
return zones
.filter(function(zonename) {
// the only character that needs to be escaped for regex
// and is allowed in a domain name is '.'
return newZoneRegExp(zonename).test(dnsHost);
.sort(function(a, b) {
// longest match first
return b.length - a.length;
// Here's the meat, where the tests are happening:
function testEach(type, domains, challenger) {
var chr = wrapChallenger(type, challenger);
// We want the same rnd for all domains so that we catch errors like removing
// the apex (bare) domain TXT record to when creating the wildcard record
var rnd = crypto.randomBytes(2).toString('hex');"Testing each of '%s'", domains.join(', '));
// Zones
// Get ALL zones for all records on the certificate
return chr
.init({ request: request })
.then(function() {
return chr.zones({ request: request, dnsHosts: domains });
.then(function(zones) {
var all = {
var zone = pluckZone(zones, domain);
return {
domain: domain,
challenge: fakeChallenge(type, zone, domain, rnd),
request: request
// resolving for the sake of same indentation / scope
return Promise.resolve()
.then(function() {
return mapAsync(all, function(opts) {
return set(chr, opts);
.then(function() {
return mapAsync(all, function(opts) {
return check(chr, opts);
.then(function() {
return mapAsync(all, function(opts) {
return remove(chr, opts).then(function() {"PASS '%s'", opts.domain);
.then(function() {;'It looks like the soft tests all passed.');
console.log('It is highly likely that your plugin is correct.');
'Now go test with Greenlock.js and/or ACME.js to be sure.'
function set(chr, opts) {
var ch = opts.challenge;
if ('http-01' === ch.type && ch.wildname) {
throw new Error('http-01 cannot be used for wildcard domains');
// Set
// Add (not replace) a TXT for the domain
return chr.set(opts).then(function() {
// _test is used by the manual cli reference implementations
var query = { type: ch.type, /*debug*/ status: ch.status, _test: true };
if ('http-01' === ch.type) {
query.identifier = ch.identifier;
query.token = ch.token;
// For testing only
query.url = ch.challengeUrl;
} else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) {
query.identifier = { type: 'dns', value: ch.dnsHost };
// For testing only
query.altname = ch.altname;
// there should only be two possible TXT records per challenge domain:
// one for the bare domain, and the other if and only if there's a wildcard
query.wildcard = ch.wildcard;
query.dnsAuthorization = ch.dnsAuthorization;
query.dnsZone = ch.dnsZone;
query.dnsPrefix = ch.dnsPrefix;
} else {
query = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ch));
query.comment = 'unknown challenge type, supplying everything';
opts.query = query;
return opts;
function check(chr, opts) {
var ch = opts.challenge;
// Get
// Check that ONE of the relevant TXT records matches
return chr
.get({ request: request, challenge: opts.query })
.then(function(secret) {
if (!secret) {
throw new Error(
'`secret` should be an object containing `keyAuthorization` or `dnsAuthorization`'
if ('string' === typeof secret) {
'secret was passed as a string, which works historically, but should be an object instead:'
);'{ "keyAuthorization": "' + secret + '" }');'or');
// TODO this should be "keyAuthorizationDigest"'{ "dnsAuthorization": "' + secret + '" }');
'This is to help keep acme / greenlock (and associated plugins) future-proof for new challenge types'
// historically 'secret' has been a string, but I'd like it to transition to be an object.
// to make it backwards compatible in v2.7 to change it,
// so I'm not sure that we really need to.
if ('http-01' === ch.type) {
secret = secret.keyAuthorization || secret;
if (ch.keyAuthorization !== secret) {
throw new Error(
"http-01 challenge.get() returned '" +
secret +
"', which does not match the keyAuthorization" +
" saved with challenge.set(), which was '" +
ch.keyAuthorization +
} else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) {
secret = secret.dnsAuthorization || secret;
if (ch.dnsAuthorization !== secret) {
throw new Error(
"dns-01 challenge.get() returned '" +
secret +
"', which does not match the dnsAuthorization" +
" (keyAuthDigest) saved with challenge.set(), which was '" +
ch.dnsAuthorization +
} else {
if ('tls-alpn-01' === ch.type) {
"'tls-alpn-01' support is in development" +
" (or developed and we haven't update this yet). Please contact us."
} else {
"We don't know how to test '" +
ch.type +
"'... are you sure that's a thing?"
secret = secret.keyAuthorization || secret;
if (ch.keyAuthorization !== secret) {
"The returned value doesn't match keyAuthorization",
function remove(chr, opts) {
// Remove
// Delete ONLY the SINGLE relevant TXT record
return chr.remove(opts).then(function() {
return chr.get(opts).then(function(result) {
if (result) {
throw new Error(
'challenge.remove() should have made it not possible for challenge.get() to return a value'
if (null !== result) {
throw new Error(
'challenge.get() should return null when the value is not set'
function wrapChallenger(type, challenger) {
var zones;
if ('dns-01' === type) {
if ('function' !== typeof challenger.zones) {
'You must implement `zones` to return an array of strings.' +
" If you're testing a special type of service that doesn't support" +
' domain zone listing (as opposed to domain record listing),' +
' such as DuckDNS, return an empty array.'
zones = promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'zones');
} else {
zones = function() {
return Promise.resolve([]);
if ('function' !== typeof challenger.get) {
"'challenge.get' should be implemented for the sake of testing." +
' It should be implemented as the internal method for fetching the challenge' +
' (i.e. reading from a database, file system or API, not return internal),' +
' not the external check (the http call, dns query, etc),' +
' which will already be done as part of this test.'
var init = challenger.init;
if ('function' !== typeof init) {
init = function(opts) {
return null;
return {
init: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'init'),
zones: zones,
set: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'set'),
get: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'get'),
remove: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'remove')
function fakeChallenge(type, zone, altname, rnd) {
var expires = new Date( + 10 * 60 * 1000).toISOString();
var token = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex');
var thumb = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
var keyAuth = token + '.' + crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
var dnsAuth = crypto
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=/g, '');
var challenge = {
type: type,
identifier: { type: 'dns', value: null }, // completed below
wildcard: false, // completed below
status: 'pending',
expires: expires,
token: token,
thumbprint: thumb,
keyAuthorization: keyAuth,
url: null, // completed below
// we create a random record to prevent self cache-poisoning
dnsHost: '_' + rnd.slice(0, 2) + '-acme-challenge-' + rnd.slice(2) + '.', // completed below
dnsAuthorization: dnsAuth,
altname: altname,
_test: true // used by CLI referenced implementations
if ('*.' === altname.slice(0, 2)) {
challenge.wildcard = true;
altname = altname.slice(2);
challenge.identifier.value = altname;
challenge.url =
'http://' + altname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + challenge.token;
challenge.dnsHost += altname;
if (zone) {
challenge.dnsZone = zone;
challenge.dnsPrefix = challenge.dnsHost
.replace(newZoneRegExp(zone), '')
.replace(/\.$/, '');
return challenge;
function testZone(type, zone, challenger) {
var domains = [zone, 'foo.' + zone];
if ('dns-01' === type) {
domains.push('*.foo.' + zone);
return testEach(type, domains, challenger);
function testRecord(type, altname, challenger) {
return testEach(type, [altname], challenger);
module.exports.testRecord = testRecord;
module.exports.testZone = testZone;
module.exports.test = testZone;