'use strict'; var PromiseA = require('bluebird'); var dns = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('dns')); var Challenge = module.exports; var leDnsResponse; Challenge.create = function (defaults) { return { getOptions: function () { return defaults || {}; } , set: Challenge.set , get: Challenge.get , remove: Challenge.remove , loopback: Challenge.loopback , test: Challenge.test }; }; // Show the user the token and key and wait for them to be ready to continue Challenge.set = function (args, domain, challenge, keyAuthorization, cb) { var keyAuthDigest = require('crypto').createHash('sha256').update(keyAuthorization||'').digest('base64') .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=+$/g, '') ; var challengeDomain = domain; if (this.leDnsResponse) { this.leDnsResponse(challenge, keyAuthorization, keyAuthDigest, challengeDomain, domain) .then((successMessage) => { console.log("Yay! " + successMessage); cb(null); }); } else { console.info(""); console.info("Challenge for '" + domain + "'"); console.info(""); console.info("We now present (for you copy-and-paste pleasure) your ACME Challenge"); console.info("public Challenge and secret KeyAuthorization and Digest, in that order, respectively:"); console.info(challenge); console.info(keyAuthorization); console.info(keyAuthDigest); console.info(""); console.info(challengeDomain + "\tTXT " + keyAuthDigest + "\tTTL 60"); console.info(""); console.info(JSON.stringify({ domain: domain , challenge: challenge , keyAuthorization: keyAuthorization , keyAuthDigest: keyAuthDigest }, null, ' ').replace(/^/gm, '\t')); console.info(""); console.info("hit enter to continue..."); process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.on('data', function () { process.stdin.pause(); cb(null); }); } }; // nothing to do here, that's why it's manual Challenge.get = function (defaults, domain, challenge, cb) { cb(null); }; // might as well tell the user that whatever they were setting up has been checked Challenge.remove = function (args, domain, challenge, cb) { console.info("Challenge for '" + domain + "' complete. You may remove it."); console.info(""); //console.info("hit enter to continue..."); //process.stdin.resume(); //process.stdin.on('data', function () { // process.stdin.pause(); cb(null); //}); }; Challenge.loopback = function (defaults, domain, challenge, done) { var challengeDomain = (defaults.test || '') + defaults.acmeChallengeDns + domain; console.log("dig TXT +noall +answer @ '" + challengeDomain + "' # " + challenge); dns.resolveTxtAsync(challengeDomain).then(function (x) { done(null, x); }, done); }; Challenge.test = function (args, domain, challenge, keyAuthorization, done) { var me = this; args.test = args.test || '_test.'; defaults.test = args.test; me.set(args, domain, challenge, keyAuthorization || challenge, function (err, k) { if (err) { done(err); return; } me.loopback(defaults, domain, challenge, function (err, arr) { if (err) { done(err); return; } if (!arr.some(function (a) { return a.some(function (keyAuthDigest) { return keyAuthDigest === k; }); })) { err = new Error("txt record '" + challenge + "' doesn't match '" + k + "'"); } me.remove(defaults, domain, challenge, function (_err) { if (_err) { done(_err); return; } // TODO needs to use native-dns so that specific nameservers can be used // (otherwise the cache will still have the old answer) done(err || null); /* me.loopback(defaults, domain, challenge, function (err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } done(); }); */ }); }); }); }