'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var request; // = require('@root/request'); var parseString = require('xml2js').parseString; parseString = util.promisify(parseString); const SANDBOX_URL = 'https://api.sandbox.namecheap.com/xml.response'; const PRODUCTION_URL = 'https://api.namecheap.com/xml.response'; var defaults = { baseUrl: PRODUCTION_URL }; function extend(obj) { var newObj = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { newObj[i] = obj[i]; } } return newObj; } function assign(obj1, obj2) { for (var attrname in obj2) { obj1[attrname] = obj2[attrname]; } } function requestUrl(baseUrl, params) { var queryString = Object.keys(params) .map(function(key) { return ( encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]) ); }) .join('&'); // console.debug(queryString); return baseUrl + '?' + queryString; } module.exports.create = function(config) { // config = { baseUrl, token } var baseUrl = config.baseUrl || defaults.baseUrl; var globalParams = { apiUser: config.apiUser, apiKey: config.apiKey, username: config.username, ClientIp: config.clientIp }; function api(command, params) { var requestParams = extend(globalParams); requestParams['Command'] = command; assign(requestParams, params); var url = requestUrl(baseUrl, requestParams); // console.log(url); return request({ method: 'POST', url: url }).then(function(response) { var responseBody = response.body; // console.log(responseBody); return parseString(responseBody).then(function(result) { // check response status if (result['ApiResponse']['$']['Status'] === 'ERROR') { for ( let i = 0; i < result['ApiResponse']['Errors'].length; i++ ) { console.log(result['ApiResponse']['Errors'][i]); } throw new Error('API Error'); } else { // Status="OK" return result['ApiResponse']['CommandResponse'][0]; } }); }); } return { init: function(deps) { request = deps.request; return null; }, zones: function(data) { return api('namecheap.domains.getList', {}).then(function( zonesResponse ) { // console.log('zones'); // console.log(zonesResponse); return zonesResponse['DomainGetListResult'].map(function(x) { return x['Domain'][0]['$']['Name']; }); }); }, set: function(data) { var ch = data.challenge; var txt = ch.dnsAuthorization; var params = {}; var zone = ch.dnsZone; // the domain is the first part params['SLD'] = zone.split('.')[0]; // the rest of the components are the TLD params['TLD'] = zone .split('.') .splice(1) .join('.'); // setting a host record overwrites all existing, // adding a new records means you've have to send back all previous records too return api('namecheap.domains.dns.getHosts', params).then(function( hostsResponse ) { var currentHostRecordsCount = hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][0]['host'].length; for (var i = 0; i < currentHostRecordsCount; i++) { // console.log(hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][i]['host'][0]); var currentEntry = hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][0]['host'][i][ '$' ]; params['HostName' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['Name']; params['RecordType' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['Type']; params['Address' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['Address']; params['TTL' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['TTL']; } params['HostName' + (currentHostRecordsCount + 1)] = ch.dnsPrefix; params['RecordType' + (currentHostRecordsCount + 1)] = 'TXT'; params['Address' + (currentHostRecordsCount + 1)] = txt; params['TTL' + (currentHostRecordsCount + 1)] = 100; // in minutes // console.log(params); return api('namecheap.domains.dns.setHosts', params) .then(function(setHostResponse) { // console.log('setHost'); // console.log(setHostResponse); return true; }) .catch(function(err) { throw new Error( 'record did not set. check subdomain, api key, etc' ); }); }); }, remove: function(data) { var ch = data.challenge; var params = {}; var zone = ch.dnsZone; // the domain is the first part params['SLD'] = zone.split('.')[0]; // the rest of the components are the TLD params['TLD'] = zone .split('.') .splice(1) .join('.'); // setting a host record overwrites all existing, // removing a new records means you've have to send back all previous records without removed return api('namecheap.domains.dns.getHosts', params).then(function( hostsResponse ) { var currentHostRecordsCount = hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][0]['host'].length; for (var i = 0; i < currentHostRecordsCount; i++) { // console.log(hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][i]['host'][0]); var currentEntry = hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][0]['host'][i][ '$' ]; if (currentEntry['Address'] != ch.dnsAuthorization) { params['HostName' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['Name']; params['RecordType' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['Type']; params['Address' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['Address']; params['TTL' + (i + 1)] = currentEntry['TTL']; } } return api('namecheap.domains.dns.setHosts', params) .then(function(setHostResponse) { // console.log('setHost'); // console.log(setHostResponse); return true; }) .catch(function(err) { throw new Error( 'record did not remove. check subdomain, api key, etc' ); }); }); }, get: function(data) { var ch = data.challenge; var params = {}; var zone = ch.dnsZone; // the domain is the first part params['SLD'] = zone.split('.')[0]; // the rest of the components are the TLD params['TLD'] = zone .split('.') .splice(1) .join('.'); return api('namecheap.domains.dns.getHosts', params).then(function( hostsResponse ) { // console.log('hosts'); // console.log(hostsResponse); var currentHostRecords = hostsResponse['DomainDNSGetHostsResult'][0]['host']; var entries = currentHostRecords.filter(function(x) { return x['$']['Type'] === 'TXT'; }); var entry = entries.filter(function(x) { // console.log('data', x.data); // console.log('dnsAuth', ch.dnsAuthorization, ch); return x['$']['Address'] === ch.dnsAuthorization; })[0]; if (entry) { return { dnsAuthorization: entry['$']['Address'] }; } else { return null; } }); } }; };