# [acme-dns-01-test](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-test.js.git) | a [Root](https://rootprojects.org) project An ACME dns-01 test harness for Let's Encrypt integrations. This was specificially designed for [ACME.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js) and [Greenlock.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock-express.js), but will be generically useful to any ACME module. Passing the tests is very easy. There are just five functions to implement: - `init(deps)` - (optional) this gives you the `request` object you should use for HTTP APIs - `zones(opts)` - list domain zones (i.e. example.co.uk, example.com) - `set(opts)` - set a TXT record in a zone (i.e. `_acme-challenge.foo` in `example.co.jp`) - `get(opts)` - confirm that the record was set - `remove(opts)` - clean up after the ACME challenge completes The tests account for single-domain certificates (`example.com`) as well as multiple domain certs (SAN / AltName), wildcards (`*.example.com`), and valid private / localhost certificates. No worries on your end, just pass the tests. 👌 **Node v6 Support**: Please build community plugins using node v6 / vanillajs to ensure that all acme.js and greenlock.js users are fully supported. ## Install ```bash npm install --save-dev acme-dns-01-test@3.x ``` ## Usage ```js var tester = require('acme-dns-01-test'); //var challenger = require('acme-dns-01-cli').create({}); var challenger = require('./YOUR-CHALLENGE-STRATEGY').create({ YOUR_TOKEN_OPTION: 'SOME_API_KEY' }); // The dry-run tests can pass on, literally, 'example.com' // but the integration tests require that you have control over the domain var zone = 'example.com'; tester.testZone('dns-01', zone, challenger).then(function() { console.info('PASS'); }); ``` **Note**: If the service you are testing only handles individual records (not multiple records in a zone), you can use `testRecord` instead: ```js var record = 'foo.example.com'; tester.testRecord('dns-01', record, challenger).then(function() { console.info('PASS'); }); ``` ## Reference Implementations - Compatibility - [x] Let's Encrypt v2.1 / ACME draft 18 - [x] Node v6+ - [x] Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc - Quality - [x] Written in VanillaJS - [x] No compliers or build scripts - [x] Simple, minimal code, in a single file - [x] **Zero dependencies** These libraries are useful as a model for any plugins that you create. - dns-01 - [`cli`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-cli.js) - [`digitalocean`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-digitalocean.js) - [`vultr`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-vultr.js) - [`gandi`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-gandi.js) - [`duckdns`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-duckdns.js) - http-01 - [`cli`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-http-01-cli.js) - [`fs`](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-http-01-fs.js) You can find other implementations by searching npm for [acme-http-01-](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=acme-http-01-) and [acme-dns-01-](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=acme-dns-01-). If you are building a plugin, please let us know. We may like to co-author and help maintain and promote your module. Note: In some cases (such as non-HTTP, or very complex APIs) you will not be able to maintain browser compatibility. Other than than, if you keep your code simple, it will also work in browser implementations of ACME.js. ## Example See `example.js` (it works). ## Starter Template Here's what you could start with. ```js var tester = require('acme-dns-01-test'); // The dry-run tests can pass on, literally, 'example.com' // but the integration tests require that you have control over the domain var zone = 'example.com'; var request; tester .testZone('dns-01', zone, { // Gives you the promisified `request` object for HTTP APIs init: function(deps) { request = deps.request; return null; }, // Should return an array of zone domain name strings // (APIs that don't implement zones, such as DuckDNS, should return an empty array) zones: function(opts) { console.log('dnsHosts:', opts.dnsHosts); throw new Error('_zone not implemented'); }, // Should set a TXT record for dnsHost with dnsAuthorization and ttl || 300 set: function(opts) { console.log('set opts:', opts); throw new Error('set not implemented'); }, // Should remove the *one* TXT record for dnsHost with dnsAuthorization // Should NOT remove otherrecords for dnsHost (wildcard shares dnsHost with // non-wildcard) remove: function(opts) { console.log('remove opts:', opts); throw new Error('remove not implemented'); }, // Should get the record via the DNS server's API // (Note: gets different options than set or remove) get: function(opts) { console.log('get opts:', opts); throw new Error('get not implemented'); } }) .then(function() { console.info('PASS'); }); ``` ## dns-01 vs http-01 For `type` dns-01: // `dnsHost` is the domain/subdomain/host // `dnsAuthorization` is the value of the TXT record // `dnsPrefix` is the record-only part, if `zones()` is implemented // `dnsZone` is the zone-only part, if `zones()` is implemented For `type` http-01: // `altname` is the name of the domain // `token` is the name of the file ( .well-known/acme-challenge/`token` ) // `keyAuthorization` is the contents of the file See [acme-http-01-test.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme-dns-01-test.js.git). ## Detailed Overview Here's a quick pseudo stub-out of what a test-passing plugin object might look like: ```js var request; tester .testZone('dns-01', 'example.com', { init: function(deps) { // { request: { get, post, put, delete } // } request = deps.request; return null; }, zones: function(opts) { // { dnsHosts: [ // '_acme-challenge.foo.example.com', // '_acme-challenge.bar.example.com' // ] } return YourApi( 'GET', // Most Domain Zone apis don't have a search or filter option, // but `opts` includes list of dnsHosts is provided just in case. 'https://exampledns.com/api/dns/zones?search=' + opts.dnsHosts.join(',') ).then(function(result) { return result.zones.map(function(zone) { return zone.name; }); }); }, set: function(opts) { var ch = opts.challenge; // { type: 'dns-01' // , identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'foo.example.com' } // , wildcard: false // , dnsHost: '_acme-challenge.foo.example.com' // , dnsPrefix: '_acme-challenge.foo' // , dnsZone: 'example.com' // , dnsAuthorization: 'zzzz' } return YourApi( 'POST', 'https://exampledns.com/api/dns/txt/' + ch.dnsZone + '/' + ch.dnsPrefix, { value: ch.dnsAuthorization } ); }, get: function(query) { var ch = query.challenge; // { type: 'dns-01' // , identifier: { type: 'dns', value: 'foo.example.com' } // , altname: '...' // , dnsHost: '...' // , wildcard: false } // Note: query.identifier.value is different for http-01 than for dns-01 // because of how a DNS query is different from an HTTP request return YourApi( 'GET', 'https://exampledns.com/api/dns/txt/' + ch.dnsZone + '/' + ch.dnsPrefix ).then(function(secret) { return { dnsAuthorization: secret }; }); }, remove: function(opts) { var ch = opts.challenge; // same options as in `set()` (which are not the same as `get()` return YourApi( 'DELETE', 'https://exampledns.com/api/dns/txt/' + ch.dnsZone + '/' + ch.dnsPrefix ); } }) .then(function() { console.info('PASS'); }); ``` Where `YourApi` might look something like this: ```js var YourApi = function createApi(config) { return function(method, url, body) { return request({ method: method, url: url, json: body || true, headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + config.apiToken } }).then(function(resp) { return resp.body; }); }; }; ``` Note: `request` is actually `@root/request`, but the API is the same as the standard `request`. Avoid using 3rd party API libraries where you can - they tend to bloat your dependencies and add security risk. Instead, just use the API documentation and cURL examples. ### Two notes: Note 1: The `API.get()`, `API.set()`, and `API.remove()` is where you do your magic up to upload a file to the correct location on an http serever, set DNS records, or add the appropriate data to the database that handles such things. Note 2: - When `altname` is `foo.example.com` the `dnsHost` will be `_acme-challenge.foo.example.com` - When `altname` is `*.foo.example.com` the `dnsHost` will _still_ be `_acme-challenge.foo.example.com`!! - When `altname` is `bar.foo.example.com` the `dnsHost` will be `_acme-challenge.bar.foo.example.com`