Browse Source

moved common code to own modules

AJ ONeal 5 years ago
  1. 4
  2. 322
  3. 239
  4. 315
  5. 57
  6. 108
  7. 59
  8. 113
  9. 55
  10. 21
  11. 27
  12. 90
  13. 84
  14. 154
  15. 4844
  16. 11
  17. 158
  18. 4


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var Enc = require('@root/encoding/base64');
var ACME = module.exports;
//var Keypairs = exports.Keypairs || {};
//var CSR = exports.CSR;
var sha2 = require('./lib/node/sha2.js');
var sha2 = require('@root/keypairs/lib/node/sha2.js');
var http = require('./lib/node/http.js');
ACME.formatPemChain = function formatPemChain(str) {
@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ ACME.create = function create(me) {
// me.debug = true;
me.challengePrefixes = ACME.challengePrefixes;
me.Keypairs = me.Keypairs || require('@root/keypairs');
me.CSR = me.CSR || require('./csr.js');
me.CSR = me.CSR || require('@root/csr');
me._nonces = [];
me._canUse = {};
if (!me._baseUrl) {


@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018-present AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
var Enc = require('@root/encoding');
var ASN1 = require('./asn1/packer.js'); // DER, actually
var Asn1 = ASN1.Any;
var BitStr = ASN1.BitStr;
var UInt = ASN1.UInt;
var Asn1Parser = require('./asn1/parser.js');
var PEM = require('./pem.js');
var X509 = require('./x509.js');
var Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs');
// TODO find a way that the prior node-ish way of `module.exports = function () {}` isn't broken
var CSR = module.exports;
CSR.csr = function(opts) {
// We're using a Promise here to be compatible with the browser version
// which will probably use the webcrypto API for some of the conversions
return CSR._prepare(opts).then(function(opts) {
return CSR.create(opts).then(function(bytes) {
return CSR._encode(opts, bytes);
CSR._prepare = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
opts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts));
// We do a bit of extra error checking for user convenience
if (!opts) {
throw new Error(
'You must pass options with key and domains to rsacsr'
if (!Array.isArray( || 0 === {
new Error('You must pass as a non-empty array');
// I need to check that 例.中国 is a valid domain name
if (
! {
// allow punycode? xn--
if (
'string' === typeof d /*&& /\./.test(d) && !/--/.test(d)*/
) {
return true;
) {
throw new Error('You must pass as strings');
if (opts.jwk) {
return opts;
if (opts.key && opts.key.kty) {
opts.jwk = opts.key;
return opts;
if (!opts.pem && !opts.key) {
throw new Error('You must pass options.key as a JSON web key');
return Keypairs.import({ pem: opts.pem || opts.key }).then(function(
) {
opts.jwk = pair.private;
return opts;
CSR._encode = function(opts, bytes) {
if ('der' === (opts.encoding || '').toLowerCase()) {
return bytes;
return PEM.packBlock({
bytes: bytes /* { jwk: jwk, domains: } */
CSR.create = function createCsr(opts) {
var hex = CSR.request(opts.jwk,;
return CSR._sign(opts.jwk, hex).then(function(csr) {
return Enc.hexToBuf(csr);
// EC / RSA
CSR.request = function createCsrBodyEc(jwk, domains) {
var asn1pub;
if (/^EC/i.test(jwk.kty)) {
asn1pub = X509.packCsrEcPublicKey(jwk);
} else {
asn1pub = X509.packCsrRsaPublicKey(jwk);
return X509.packCsr(asn1pub, domains);
CSR._sign = function csrEcSig(jwk, request) {
// Took some tips from
// TODO will have to convert web ECDSA signatures to PEM ECDSA signatures (but RSA should be the same)
// TODO have a consistent non-private way to sign
return Keypairs.sign(
{ jwk: jwk, format: 'x509' },
).then(function(sig) {
return CSR._toDer({
request: request,
signature: sig,
kty: jwk.kty
CSR._toDer = function encode(opts) {
var sty;
if (/^EC/i.test(opts.kty)) {
// 1.2.840.10045.4.3.2 ecdsaWithSHA256 (ANSI X9.62 ECDSA algorithm with SHA256)
sty = Asn1('30', Asn1('06', '2a8648ce3d040302'));
} else {
// 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 sha256WithRSAEncryption (PKCS #1)
sty = Asn1('30', Asn1('06', '2a864886f70d01010b'), Asn1('05'));
return Asn1(
// The Full CSR Request Body
// The Signature Type
// The Signature
X509.packCsr = function(asn1pubkey, domains) {
return Asn1(
// Version (0)
// commonName (X.520 DN component)
Asn1('06', '550403'),
// TODO utf8 => punycode
Asn1('0c', Enc.strToHex(domains[0]))
// Public Key (RSA or EC)
// Request Body
// 1.2.840.113549.1.9.14 extensionRequest (PKCS #9 via CRMF)
Asn1('06', '2a864886f70d01090e'),
// subjectAltName (X.509 extension)
Asn1('06', '551d11'),
.map(function(d) {
// TODO utf8 => punycode
return Asn1('82', Enc.strToHex(d));
// TODO finish this later
// we want to parse the domains, the public key, and verify the signature
CSR._info = function(der) {
// standard base64 PEM
if ('string' === typeof der && '-' === der[0]) {
der = PEM.parseBlock(der).bytes;
// jose urlBase64 not-PEM
if ('string' === typeof der) {
der = Enc.base64ToBuf(der);
// not supporting binary-encoded bas64
var c = Asn1Parser.parse(der);
var kty;
// A cert has 3 parts: cert, signature meta, signature
if (c.children.length !== 3) {
throw new Error(
"doesn't look like a certificate request: expected 3 parts of header"
var sig = c.children[2];
if (sig.children.length) {
// ASN1/X509 EC
sig = sig.children[0];
sig = Asn1(
sig = Enc.hexToBuf(sig);
kty = 'EC';
} else {
// Raw RSA Sig
sig = sig.value;
kty = 'RSA';
//c.children[1]; // signature type
var req = c.children[0];
if (4 !== req.children.length) {
throw new Error(
"doesn't look like a certificate request: expected 4 parts to request"
// 0 null
// 1 commonName / subject
var sub = Enc.bufToStr(
// 3 public key (type, key)
//console.log('oid', Enc.bufToHex(req.children[2].children[0].children[0].value));
var pub;
// TODO reuse ASN1 parser for these?
if ('EC' === kty) {
// throw away compression byte
pub = req.children[2].children[1].value.slice(1);
pub = { kty: kty, x: pub.slice(0, 32), y: pub.slice(32) };
while (0 === pub.x[0]) {
pub.x = pub.x.slice(1);
while (0 === pub.y[0]) {
pub.y = pub.y.slice(1);
if ((pub.x.length || pub.x.byteLength) > 48) {
pub.crv = 'P-521';
} else if ((pub.x.length || pub.x.byteLength) > 32) {
pub.crv = 'P-384';
} else {
pub.crv = 'P-256';
pub.x = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.x);
pub.y = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.y);
} else {
pub = req.children[2].children[1].children[0];
pub = {
kty: kty,
n: pub.children[0].value,
e: pub.children[1].value
while (0 === pub.n[0]) {
pub.n = pub.n.slice(1);
while (0 === pub.e[0]) {
pub.e = pub.e.slice(1);
pub.n = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.n);
pub.e = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.e);
// 4 extensions
var domains = req.children[3].children
.filter(function(seq) {
// 1.2.840.113549.1.9.14 extensionRequest (PKCS #9 via CRMF)
if ('2a864886f70d01090e' === Enc.bufToHex(seq.children[0].value)) {
return true;
.map(function(seq) {
return seq.children[1].children[0].children
.filter(function(seq2) {
// subjectAltName (X.509 extension)
if ('551d11' === Enc.bufToHex(seq2.children[0].value)) {
return true;
.map(function(seq2) {
return seq2.children[1].children[0]
) {
// TODO utf8 => punycode
return Enc.bufToStr(name.value);
return {
subject: sub,
altnames: domains,
jwk: pub,
signature: sig


@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
/*global Promise*/
'use strict';
var Enc = require('@root/encoding');
var EC = module.exports;
var native = require('./lib/node/ecdsa.js');
var SSH;
var x509 = require('./x509.js');
var PEM = require('./pem.js');
//var SSH = require('./ssh-keys.js');
var sha2 = require('./lib/node/sha2.js');
// 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7
// prime256v1 (ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curve)
var OBJ_ID_EC = '06 08 2A8648CE3D030107'.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
// secp384r1 (SECG (Certicom) named elliptic curve)
var OBJ_ID_EC_384 = '06 05 2B81040022'.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
EC._stance =
"We take the stance that if you're knowledgeable enough to" +
" properly and securely use non-standard crypto then you shouldn't need Bluecrypt anyway.";
native._stance = EC._stance;
EC._universal =
'Bluecrypt only supports crypto with standard cross-browser and cross-platform support.';
EC.generate = native.generate;
EC.export = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (!opts || !opts.jwk || 'object' !== typeof opts.jwk) {
throw new Error('must pass { jwk: jwk } as a JSON object');
var jwk = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.jwk));
var format = opts.format;
if (
opts.public ||
-1 !== ['spki', 'pkix', 'ssh', 'rfc4716'].indexOf(format)
) {
jwk.d = null;
if ('EC' !== jwk.kty) {
throw new Error("options.jwk.kty must be 'EC' for EC keys");
if (!jwk.d) {
if (!format || -1 !== ['spki', 'pkix'].indexOf(format)) {
format = 'spki';
} else if (-1 !== ['ssh', 'rfc4716'].indexOf(format)) {
format = 'ssh';
} else {
throw new Error(
"options.format must be 'spki' or 'ssh' for public EC keys, not (" +
typeof format +
') ' +
} else {
if (!format || 'sec1' === format) {
format = 'sec1';
} else if ('pkcs8' !== format) {
throw new Error(
"options.format must be 'sec1' or 'pkcs8' for private EC keys, not '" +
format +
if (-1 === ['P-256', 'P-384'].indexOf(jwk.crv)) {
throw new Error(
"options.jwk.crv must be either P-256 or P-384 for EC keys, not '" +
jwk.crv +
if (!jwk.y) {
throw new Error(
'options.jwk.y must be a urlsafe base64-encoded either P-256 or P-384'
if ('sec1' === format) {
return PEM.packBlock({
bytes: x509.packSec1(jwk)
} else if ('pkcs8' === format) {
return PEM.packBlock({
type: 'PRIVATE KEY',
bytes: x509.packPkcs8(jwk)
} else if (-1 !== ['spki', 'pkix'].indexOf(format)) {
return PEM.packBlock({
type: 'PUBLIC KEY',
bytes: x509.packSpki(jwk)
} else if (-1 !== ['ssh', 'rfc4716'].indexOf(format)) {
return SSH.packSsh(jwk);
} else {
throw new Error(
'Sanity Error: reached unreachable code block with format: ' +
native.export = EC.export;
EC.import = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (!opts || !opts.pem || 'string' !== typeof opts.pem) {
throw new Error('must pass { pem: pem } as a string');
if (0 === opts.pem.indexOf('ecdsa-sha2-')) {
return SSH.parseSsh(opts.pem);
var pem = opts.pem;
var u8 = PEM.parseBlock(pem).bytes;
var hex = Enc.bufToHex(u8);
var jwk = { kty: 'EC', crv: null, x: null, y: null };
if (
-1 !== hex.indexOf(OBJ_ID_EC) ||
-1 !== hex.indexOf(OBJ_ID_EC_384)
) {
if (-1 !== hex.indexOf(OBJ_ID_EC_384)) {
jwk.crv = 'P-384';
} else {
jwk.crv = 'P-256';
// PKCS8
if (0x02 === u8[3] && 0x30 === u8[6] && 0x06 === u8[8]) {
//console.log("PKCS8", u8[3].toString(16), u8[6].toString(16), u8[8].toString(16));
jwk = x509.parsePkcs8(u8, jwk);
// EC-only
} else if (0x02 === u8[2] && 0x04 === u8[5] && 0xa0 === u8[39]) {
//console.log("EC---", u8[2].toString(16), u8[5].toString(16), u8[39].toString(16));
jwk = x509.parseSec1(u8, jwk);
// EC-only
} else if (0x02 === u8[3] && 0x04 === u8[6] && 0xa0 === u8[56]) {
//console.log("EC---", u8[3].toString(16), u8[6].toString(16), u8[56].toString(16));
jwk = x509.parseSec1(u8, jwk);
// SPKI/PKIK (Public)
} else if (0x30 === u8[2] && 0x06 === u8[4] && 0x06 === u8[13]) {
//console.log("SPKI-", u8[2].toString(16), u8[4].toString(16), u8[13].toString(16));
jwk = x509.parseSpki(u8, jwk);
// Error
} else {
//console.log("PKCS8", u8[3].toString(16), u8[6].toString(16), u8[8].toString(16));
//console.log("EC---", u8[2].toString(16), u8[5].toString(16), u8[39].toString(16));
//console.log("EC---", u8[3].toString(16), u8[6].toString(16), u8[56].toString(16));
//console.log("SPKI-", u8[2].toString(16), u8[4].toString(16), u8[13].toString(16));
throw new Error('unrecognized key format');
} else {
throw new Error('Supported key types are P-256 and P-384');
if (opts.public) {
if (true !== opts.public) {
throw new Error(
'options.public must be either `true` or `false` not (' +
typeof opts.public +
") '" +
opts.public +
delete jwk.d;
return jwk;
native.import = EC.import;
EC.pack = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return EC.export(opts);
// Chopping off the private parts is now part of the public API.
// I thought it sounded a little too crude at first, but it really is the best name in every possible way.
EC.neuter = function(opts) {
// trying to find the best balance of an immutable copy with custom attributes
var jwk = {};
Object.keys(opts.jwk).forEach(function(k) {
if ('undefined' === typeof opts.jwk[k]) {
// ignore EC private parts
if ('d' === k) {
jwk[k] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.jwk[k]));
return jwk;
native.neuter = EC.neuter;
EC.__thumbprint = function(jwk) {
// Use the same entropy for SHA as for key
var alg = 'SHA-256';
if (/384/.test(jwk.crv)) {
alg = 'SHA-384';
var payload =
'{"crv":"' +
jwk.crv +
'","kty":"EC","x":"' +
jwk.x +
'","y":"' +
jwk.y +
return sha2.sum(alg, payload).then(function(hash) {
return Enc.bufToUrlBase64(Uint8Array.from(hash));
EC.thumbprint = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var jwk;
if ('EC' === opts.kty) {
jwk = opts;
} else if (opts.jwk) {
jwk = opts.jwk;
} else {
return native.import(opts).then(function(jwk) {
return EC.__thumbprint(jwk);
return EC.__thumbprint(jwk);


@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
/*global Promise*/
'use strict';
var Enc = require('@root/encoding/base64');
var Keypairs = module.exports;
var Rasha = require('./rsa.js');
var Eckles = require('./ecdsa.js');
var native = require('./lib/node/keypairs.js');
Keypairs._stance =
"We take the stance that if you're knowledgeable enough to" +
" properly and securely use non-standard crypto then you shouldn't need Bluecrypt anyway.";
Keypairs._universal =
'Bluecrypt only supports crypto with standard cross-browser and cross-platform support.';
Keypairs.generate = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var p;
if (!opts.kty) {
opts.kty = opts.type;
if (!opts.kty) {
opts.kty = 'EC';
if (/^EC/i.test(opts.kty)) {
p = Eckles.generate(opts);
} else if (/^RSA$/i.test(opts.kty)) {
p = Rasha.generate(opts);
} else {
return Promise.Reject(
new Error(
"'" +
opts.kty +
"' is not a well-supported key type." +
Keypairs._universal +
" Please choose 'EC', or 'RSA' if you have good reason to."
return p.then(function(pair) {
return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: pair.public }).then(function(thumb) {
pair.private.kid = thumb; // maybe not the same id on the private key?
pair.public.kid = thumb;
return pair;
Keypairs.export = function(opts) {
return Eckles.export(opts).catch(function(err) {
return Rasha.export(opts).catch(function() {
return Promise.reject(err);
// XXX
native.export = Keypairs.export;
* Chopping off the private parts is now part of the public API.
* I thought it sounded a little too crude at first, but it really is the best name in every possible way.
Keypairs.neuter = function(opts) {
/** trying to find the best balance of an immutable copy with custom attributes */
var jwk = {};
Object.keys(opts.jwk).forEach(function(k) {
if ('undefined' === typeof opts.jwk[k]) {
// ignore RSA and EC private parts
if (-1 !== ['d', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi'].indexOf(k)) {
jwk[k] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.jwk[k]));
return jwk;
Keypairs.thumbprint = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (/EC/i.test(opts.jwk.kty)) {
return Eckles.thumbprint(opts);
} else {
return Rasha.thumbprint(opts);
Keypairs.publish = function(opts) {
if ('object' !== typeof opts.jwk || !opts.jwk.kty) {
throw new Error('invalid jwk: ' + JSON.stringify(opts.jwk));
/** returns a copy */
var jwk = Keypairs.neuter(opts);
if (jwk.exp) {
jwk.exp = setTime(jwk.exp);
} else {
if (opts.exp) {
jwk.exp = setTime(opts.exp);
} else if (opts.expiresIn) {
jwk.exp = Math.round( / 1000) + opts.expiresIn;
} else if (opts.expiresAt) {
jwk.exp = opts.expiresAt;
if (!jwk.use && false !== jwk.use) {
jwk.use = 'sig';
if (jwk.kid) {
return Promise.resolve(jwk);
return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: jwk }).then(function(thumb) {
jwk.kid = thumb;
return jwk;
// JWT a.k.a. JWS with Claims using Compact Serialization
Keypairs.signJwt = function(opts) {
return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: opts.jwk }).then(function(thumb) {
var header = opts.header || {};
var claims = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( || {}));
header.typ = 'JWT';
if (!header.kid && false !== header.kid) {
header.kid = thumb;
if (!header.alg && opts.alg) {
header.alg = opts.alg;
if (!claims.iat && (false === claims.iat || false === opts.iat)) {
claims.iat = undefined;
} else if (!claims.iat) {
claims.iat = Math.round( / 1000);
if (opts.exp) {
claims.exp = setTime(opts.exp);
} else if (
!claims.exp &&
(false === claims.exp || false === opts.exp)
) {
claims.exp = undefined;
} else if (!claims.exp) {
throw new Error(
" should be the expiration date as seconds, human form (i.e. '1h' or '15m') or false"
if (opts.iss) {
claims.iss = opts.iss;
if (!claims.iss && (false === claims.iss || false === opts.iss)) {
claims.iss = undefined;
} else if (!claims.iss) {
throw new Error(
' should be in the form of, a secure OIDC base url'
return Keypairs.signJws({
jwk: opts.jwk,
pem: opts.pem,
protected: header,
header: undefined,
payload: claims
}).then(function(jws) {
return [jws.protected, jws.payload, jws.signature].join('.');
Keypairs.signJws = function(opts) {
return Keypairs.thumbprint(opts).then(function(thumb) {
function alg() {
if (!opts.jwk) {
throw new Error("opts.jwk must exist and must declare 'typ'");
if (opts.jwk.alg) {
return opts.jwk.alg;
var typ = 'RSA' === opts.jwk.kty ? 'RS' : 'ES';
return typ + Keypairs._getBits(opts);
function sign() {
var protect = opts.protected;
var payload = opts.payload;
// Compute JWS signature
var protectedHeader = '';
// Because unprotected headers are allowed, regrettably...
if (false !== protect) {
if (!protect) {
protect = {};
if (!protect.alg) {
protect.alg = alg();
// There's a particular request where ACME / Let's Encrypt explicitly doesn't use a kid
if (false === protect.kid) {
protect.kid = undefined;
} else if (!protect.kid) {
protect.kid = thumb;
protectedHeader = JSON.stringify(protect);
// Not sure how to handle the empty case since ACME POST-as-GET must be empty
//if (!payload) {
// throw new Error("opts.payload should be JSON, string, or ArrayBuffer (it may be empty, but that must be explicit)");
// Trying to detect if it's a plain object (not Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, Uint8Array, etc)
if (
payload &&
'string' !== typeof payload &&
'undefined' === typeof payload.byteLength &&
'undefined' === typeof payload.buffer
) {
payload = JSON.stringify(payload);
// Converting to a buffer, even if it was just converted to a string
if ('string' === typeof payload) {
payload = Enc.strToBuf(payload);
var protected64 = Enc.strToUrlBase64(protectedHeader);
var payload64 = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(payload);
var msg = protected64 + '.' + payload64;
return native._sign(opts, msg).then(function(buf) {
var signedMsg = {
protected: protected64,
payload: payload64,
signature: Enc.bufToUrlBase64(buf)
return signedMsg;
if (opts.jwk) {
return sign();
} else {
return Keypairs.import({ pem: opts.pem }).then(function(pair) {
opts.jwk = pair.private;
return sign();
// TODO expose consistently
Keypairs.sign = native._sign;
Keypairs._getBits = function(opts) {
if (opts.alg) {
return opts.alg.replace(/[a-z\-]/gi, '');
// base64 len to byte len
var len = Math.floor((opts.jwk.n || '').length * 0.75);
// TODO this may be a bug
// need to confirm that the padding is no more or less than 1 byte
if (/521/.test(opts.jwk.crv) || len >= 511) {
return '512';
} else if (/384/.test(opts.jwk.crv) || len >= 383) {
return '384';
return '256';
// XXX
native._getBits = Keypairs._getBits;
function setTime(time) {
if ('number' === typeof time) {
return time;
var t = time.match(/^(\-?\d+)([dhms])$/i);
if (!t || !t[0]) {
throw new Error(
"'" +
time +
"' should be datetime in seconds or human-readable format (i.e. 3d, 1h, 15m, 30s"
var now = Math.round( / 1000);
var num = parseInt(t[1], 10);
var unit = t[2];
var mult = 1;
switch (unit) {
// fancy fallthrough, what fun!
case 'd':
mult *= 24;
/*falls through*/
case 'h':
mult *= 60;
/*falls through*/
case 'm':
mult *= 60;
/*falls through*/
case 's':
mult *= 1;
return now + mult * num;


@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var native = module.exports;
// XXX received from caller
var EC = native;
native.generate = function(opts) {
var wcOpts = {};
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
if (!opts.kty) {
opts.kty = 'EC';
// ECDSA has only the P curves and an associated bitlength = 'ECDSA';
if (!opts.namedCurve) {
opts.namedCurve = 'P-256';
wcOpts.namedCurve = opts.namedCurve; // true for supported curves
if (/256/.test(wcOpts.namedCurve)) {
wcOpts.namedCurve = 'P-256';
wcOpts.hash = { name: 'SHA-256' };
} else if (/384/.test(wcOpts.namedCurve)) {
wcOpts.namedCurve = 'P-384';
wcOpts.hash = { name: 'SHA-384' };
} else {
return Promise.Reject(
new Error(
"'" +
wcOpts.namedCurve +
"' is not an NIST approved ECDSA namedCurve. " +
" Please choose either 'P-256' or 'P-384'. " +
// XXX received from caller
var extractable = true;
return window.crypto.subtle
.generateKey(wcOpts, extractable, ['sign', 'verify'])
.then(function(result) {
return window.crypto.subtle
.exportKey('jwk', result.privateKey)
.then(function(privJwk) {
privJwk.key_ops = undefined;
privJwk.ext = undefined;
return {
private: privJwk,
// XXX received from caller
public: EC.neuter({ jwk: privJwk })


@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var Keypairs = module.exports;
Keypairs._sign = function(opts, payload) {
return Keypairs._import(opts).then(function(privkey) {
if ('string' === typeof payload) {
payload = new TextEncoder().encode(payload);
return window.crypto.subtle
name: Keypairs._getName(opts),
hash: { name: 'SHA-' + Keypairs._getBits(opts) }
.then(function(signature) {
signature = new Uint8Array(signature); // ArrayBuffer -> u8
// This will come back into play for CSRs, but not for JOSE
if ('EC' === opts.jwk.kty && /x509|asn1/i.test(opts.format)) {
return Keypairs._ecdsaJoseSigToAsn1Sig(signature);
} else {
// jose/jws/jwt
return signature;
Keypairs._import = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var ops;
// all private keys just happen to have a 'd'
if (opts.jwk.d) {
ops = ['sign'];
} else {
ops = ['verify'];
// gotta mark it as extractable, as if it matters
opts.jwk.ext = true;
opts.jwk.key_ops = ops;
return window.crypto.subtle
name: Keypairs._getName(opts),
namedCurve: opts.jwk.crv,
hash: { name: 'SHA-' + Keypairs._getBits(opts) }
.then(function(privkey) {
delete opts.jwk.ext;
return privkey;
// ECDSA JOSE / JWS / JWT signatures differ from "normal" ASN1/X509 ECDSA signatures
Keypairs._ecdsaJoseSigToAsn1Sig = function(bufsig) {
// it's easier to do the manipulation in the browser with an array
bufsig = Array.from(bufsig);
var hlen = bufsig.length / 2; // should be even
var r = bufsig.slice(0, hlen);
var s = bufsig.slice(hlen);
// unpad positive ints less than 32 bytes wide
while (!r[0]) {
r = r.slice(1);
while (!s[0]) {
s = s.slice(1);
// pad (or re-pad) ambiguously non-negative BigInts, up to 33 bytes wide
if (0x80 & r[0]) {
if (0x80 & s[0]) {
var len = 2 + r.length + 2 + s.length;
var head = [0x30];
// hard code 0x80 + 1 because it won't be longer than
// two SHA512 plus two pad bytes (130 bytes <= 256)
if (len >= 0x80) {
return Uint8Array.from(
head.concat([0x02, r.length], r, [0x02, s.length], s)
Keypairs._getName = function(opts) {
if (/EC/i.test(opts.jwk.kty)) {
return 'ECDSA';
} else {
return 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5';


@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var native = module.exports;
// XXX added by caller: _stance, neuter
var RSA = native;
native.generate = function(opts) {
var wcOpts = {};
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
if (!opts.kty) {
opts.kty = 'RSA';
// Support PSS? I don't think it's used for Let's Encrypt = 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5';
if (!opts.modulusLength) {
opts.modulusLength = 2048;
wcOpts.modulusLength = opts.modulusLength;
if (wcOpts.modulusLength >= 2048 && wcOpts.modulusLength < 3072) {
// erring on the small side... for no good reason
wcOpts.hash = { name: 'SHA-256' };
} else if (wcOpts.modulusLength >= 3072 && wcOpts.modulusLength < 4096) {
wcOpts.hash = { name: 'SHA-384' };
} else if (wcOpts.modulusLength < 4097) {
wcOpts.hash = { name: 'SHA-512' };
} else {
// Public key thumbprints should be paired with a hash of similar length,
// so anything above SHA-512's keyspace would be left under-represented anyway.
return Promise.Reject(
new Error(
"'" +
wcOpts.modulusLength +
"' is not within the safe and universally" +
' acceptable range of 2048-4096. Typically you should pick 2048, 3072, or 4096, though other values' +
' divisible by 8 are allowed. ' +
// TODO maybe allow this to be set to any of the standard values?
wcOpts.publicExponent = new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]);
var extractable = true;
return window.crypto.subtle
.generateKey(wcOpts, extractable, ['sign', 'verify'])
.then(function(result) {
return window.crypto.subtle
.exportKey('jwk', result.privateKey)
.then(function(privJwk) {
return {
private: privJwk,
public: RSA.neuter({ jwk: privJwk })


@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var native = module.exports;
// XXX provided by caller: import, export
var EC = native;
native.generate = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var typ = 'ec';
var format = opts.format;
var encoding = opts.encoding;
var priv;
var pub = 'spki';
if (!format) {
format = 'jwk';
if (-1 !== ['spki', 'pkcs8', 'ssh'].indexOf(format)) {
format = 'pkcs8';
if ('pem' === format) {
format = 'sec1';
encoding = 'pem';
} else if ('der' === format) {
format = 'sec1';
encoding = 'der';
if ('jwk' === format || 'json' === format) {
format = 'jwk';
encoding = 'json';
} else {
priv = format;
if (!encoding) {
encoding = 'pem';
if (priv) {
priv = { type: priv, format: encoding };
pub = { type: pub, format: encoding };
} else {
// jwk
priv = { type: 'sec1', format: 'pem' };
pub = { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' };
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return require('crypto').generateKeyPair(
namedCurve: opts.crv || opts.namedCurve || 'P-256',
privateKeyEncoding: priv,
publicKeyEncoding: pub
function(err, pubkey, privkey) {
if (err) {
private: privkey,
public: pubkey
}).then(function(keypair) {
if ('jwk' === format) {
return Promise.all([
pem: keypair.private,
format: priv.type
pem: keypair.public,
format: pub.type,
public: true
]).then(function(pair) {
return {
private: pair[0],
public: pair[1]
if ('ssh' !== opts.format) {
return keypair;
return native
pem: keypair.public,
format: format,
public: true
.then(function(jwk) {
return EC.export({
jwk: jwk,
format: opts.format,
public: true
}).then(function(pub) {
return {
private: keypair.private,
public: pub


@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016-2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
'use strict';
module.exports = function(bitlen, exp) {
var k = require('node-forge').pki.rsa.generateKeyPair({
bits: bitlen || 2048,
e: exp || 0x10001
var jwk = {
kty: 'RSA',
n: _toUrlBase64(k.n),
e: _toUrlBase64(k.e),
d: _toUrlBase64(k.d),
p: _toUrlBase64(k.p),
q: _toUrlBase64(k.q),
dp: _toUrlBase64(k.dP),
dq: _toUrlBase64(k.dQ),
qi: _toUrlBase64(k.qInv)
return {
private: jwk,
public: {
kty: jwk.kty,
n: jwk.n,
e: jwk.e
function _toUrlBase64(fbn) {
var hex = fbn.toRadix(16);
if (hex.length % 2) {
// Invalid hex string
hex = '0' + hex;
while ('00' === hex.slice(0, 2)) {
hex = hex.slice(2);
return Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=/g, '');
if (require.main === module) {
var keypair = module.exports(2048, 0x10001);;


@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016-2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
'use strict';
module.exports = function(bitlen, exp) {
var keypair = require('crypto').generateKeyPairSync('rsa', {
modulusLength: bitlen,
publicExponent: exp,
privateKeyEncoding: { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' },
publicKeyEncoding: { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' }
var result = { privateKeyPem: keypair.privateKey.trim() };
return result;
if (require.main === module) {
var keypair = module.exports(2048, 0x10001);;


@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016-2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
'use strict';
module.exports = function(bitlen, exp) {
var ursa;
try {
ursa = require('ursa');
} catch (e) {
ursa = require('ursa-optional');
var keypair = ursa.generatePrivateKey(bitlen, exp);
var result = {
privateKeyPem: keypair
return result;
if (require.main === module) {
var keypair = module.exports(2048, 0x10001);;


@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016-2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
'use strict';
var oldver = false;
module.exports = function(bitlen, exp) {
bitlen = parseInt(bitlen, 10) || 2048;
exp = parseInt(exp, 10) || 65537;
try {
return require('./generate-privkey-node.js')(bitlen, exp);
} catch (e) {
if (!/generateKeyPairSync is not a function/.test(e.message)) {
throw e;
try {
return require('./generate-privkey-ursa.js')(bitlen, exp);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
"[rsa-compat] Unexpected error when using 'ursa':"
if (!oldver) {
oldver = true;
'[WARN] rsa-compat: Your version of node does not have crypto.generateKeyPair()'
"[WARN] rsa-compat: Please update to node >= v10.12 or 'npm install --save ursa node-forge'"
'[WARN] rsa-compat: Using node-forge as a fallback may be unacceptably slow.'
if (/arm|mips/i.test(require('os').arch)) {
console.warn(' WARNING');
'WARNING: You are generating an RSA key using pure JavaScript on'
' a VERY SLOW cpu. This could take DOZENS of minutes!'
" We recommend installing node >= v10.12, or 'gcc' and 'ursa'"
' sudo apt-get install build-essential && npm install ursa'
try {
return require('./generate-privkey-forge.js')(bitlen, exp);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw e;
'[ERROR] rsa-compat: could not generate a private key.'
'None of crypto.generateKeyPair, ursa, nor node-forge are present'
if (require.main === module) {
var keypair = module.exports(2048, 0x10001);;


@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var Keypairs = module.exports;
var crypto = require('crypto');
Keypairs._sign = function(opts, payload) {
return Keypairs._import(opts).then(function(pem) {
payload = Buffer.from(payload);
// node specifies RSA-SHAxxx even when it's actually ecdsa (it's all encoded x509 shasums anyway)
// TODO opts.alg = (protect||header).alg
var nodeAlg = 'SHA' + Keypairs._getBits(opts);
var binsig = crypto
if ('EC' === opts.jwk.kty && !/x509|asn1/i.test(opts.format)) {
// ECDSA JWT signatures differ from "normal" ECDSA signatures
binsig = Keypairs._ecdsaAsn1SigToJoseSig(binsig);
return binsig;
Keypairs._import = function(opts) {
if (opts.pem && opts.jwk) {
return Promise.resolve(opts.pem);
} else {
// XXX added by caller
return Keypairs.export({ jwk: opts.jwk });
Keypairs._ecdsaAsn1SigToJoseSig = function(binsig) {
// should have asn1 sequence header of 0x30
if (0x30 !== binsig[0]) {
throw new Error('Impossible EC SHA head marker');
var index = 2; // first ecdsa "R" header byte
var len = binsig[1];
var lenlen = 0;
// Seek length of length if length is greater than 127 (i.e. two 512-bit / 64-byte R and S values)
if (0x80 & len) {
lenlen = len - 0x80; // should be exactly 1
len = binsig[2]; // should be <= 130 (two 64-bit SHA-512s, plus padding)
index += lenlen;
// should be of BigInt type
if (0x02 !== binsig[index]) {
throw new Error('Impossible EC SHA R marker');
index += 1;
var rlen = binsig[index];
var bits = 32;
if (rlen > 49) {
bits = 64;
} else if (rlen > 33) {
bits = 48;
var r = binsig.slice(index + 1, index + 1 + rlen).toString('hex');
var slen = binsig[index + 1 + rlen + 1]; // skip header and read length
var s = binsig.slice(index + 1 + rlen + 1 + 1).toString('hex');
if (2 * slen !== s.length) {
throw new Error('Impossible EC SHA S length');
// There may be one byte of padding on either
while (r.length < 2 * bits) {
r = '00' + r;
while (s.length < 2 * bits) {
s = '00' + s;
if (2 * (bits + 1) === r.length) {
r = r.slice(2);
if (2 * (bits + 1) === s.length) {
s = s.slice(2);
return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(r, 'hex'), Buffer.from(s, 'hex')]);


@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var native = module.exports;
// XXX provided by caller: export
var RSA = native;
var PEM = require('../../pem.js');
var x509 = require('../../x509.js');
var ASN1 = require('../../asn1/parser.js');
native.generate = function(opts) {
opts.kty = 'RSA';
return native._generate(opts).then(function(pair) {
var format = opts.format;
var encoding = opts.encoding;
// The easy way
if ('json' === format && !encoding) {
format = 'jwk';
encoding = 'json';
if (
('jwk' === format || !format) &&
('json' === encoding || !encoding)
) {
return pair;
if ('jwk' === format || 'json' === encoding) {
throw new Error(
"format '" +
format +
"' is incompatible with encoding '" +
encoding +
// The... less easy way
var priv;
var pub;
if ('spki' === format || 'pkcs8' === format) {
format = 'pkcs8';
pub = 'spki';
if ('pem' === format) {
format = 'pkcs1';
encoding = 'pem';
} else if ('der' === format) {
format = 'pkcs1';
encoding = 'der';
priv = format;
pub = pub || format;
if (!encoding) {
encoding = 'pem';
if (priv) {
priv = { type: priv, format: encoding };
pub = { type: pub, format: encoding };
} else {
// jwk
priv = { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' };
pub = { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' };
if (('pem' === format || 'der' === format) && !encoding) {
encoding = format;
format = 'pkcs1';
var exOpts = { jwk: pair.private, format: format, encoding: encoding };
return RSA.export(exOpts).then(function(priv) {
exOpts.public = true;
if ('pkcs8' === exOpts.format) {
exOpts.format = 'spki';
return RSA.export(exOpts).then(function(pub) {
return { private: priv, public: pub };
native._generate = function(opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
var modlen = opts.modulusLength || 2048;
var exp = opts.publicExponent || 0x10001;
var pair = require('./generate-privkey.js')(modlen, exp);
if (pair.private) {
pair = toJwks(pair);
resolve({ private: pair.private, public: pair.public });
} catch (e) {
// PKCS1 to JWK only
function toJwks(oldpair) {
var block = PEM.parseBlock(oldpair.privateKeyPem);
var asn1 = ASN1.parse(block.bytes);
var jwk = { kty: 'RSA', n: null, e: null };
jwk = x509.parsePkcs1(block.bytes, asn1, jwk);
return { private: jwk, public: RSA.neuter({ jwk: jwk }) };
var Enc = require('@root/encoding/base64');
x509.parsePkcs1 = function parseRsaPkcs1(buf, asn1, jwk) {
if (
!asn1.children.every(function(el) {
return 0x02 === el.type;
) {
throw new Error(
'not an RSA PKCS#1 public or private key (not all ints)'
if (2 === asn1.children.length) {
jwk.n = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[0].value);
jwk.e = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[1].value);
return jwk;
} else if (asn1.children.length >= 9) {
// the standard allows for "otherPrimeInfos", hence at least 9
jwk.n = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[1].value);
jwk.e = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[2].value);
jwk.d = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[3].value);
jwk.p = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[4].value);
jwk.q = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[5].value);
jwk.dp = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[6].value);
jwk.dq = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[7].value);
jwk.qi = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(asn1.children[8].value);
return jwk;
} else {
throw new Error(
'not an RSA PKCS#1 public or private key (wrong number of ints)'


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -40,15 +40,20 @@
"author": "AJ ONeal <> (",
"license": "MPL-2.0",
"dependencies": {
"@root/csr": "^1.0.0-wip.0",
"@root/csr": "^0.8.0",
"@root/encoding": "^1.0.1",
"@root/keypairs": "^1.0.0-wip.0"
"@root/keypairs": "^0.9.0",
"@root/pem": "^1.0.4",
"@root/x509": "^0.7.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@root/request": "^1.3.10",
"dig.js": "^1.3.9",
"dns-suite": "^1.2.12",
"dotenv": "^8.1.0",
"punycode": "^1.4.1"
"eslint": "^6.5.1",
"punycode": "^1.4.1",
"webpack": "^4.41.0",
"webpack-cli": "^3.3.9"


@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
/*global Promise*/
'use strict';
var RSA = module.exports;
var native = require('./lib/node/rsa.js');
var x509 = require('./x509.js');
var PEM = require('./pem.js');
//var SSH = require('./ssh-keys.js');
var sha2 = require('./lib/node/sha2.js');
var Enc = require('@root/encoding/base64');
RSA._universal =
'Bluecrypt only supports crypto with standard cross-browser and cross-platform support.';
RSA._stance =
"We take the stance that if you're knowledgeable enough to" +
" properly and securely use non-standard crypto then you shouldn't need Bluecrypt anyway.";
native._stance = RSA._stance;
RSA.generate = native.generate;
// Chopping off the private parts is now part of the public API.
// I thought it sounded a little too crude at first, but it really is the best name in every possible way.
RSA.neuter = function(opts) {
// trying to find the best balance of an immutable copy with custom attributes
var jwk = {};
Object.keys(opts.jwk).forEach(function(k) {
if ('undefined' === typeof opts.jwk[k]) {
// ignore RSA private parts
if (-1 !== ['d', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi'].indexOf(k)) {
jwk[k] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.jwk[k]));
return jwk;
native.neuter = RSA.neuter;
RSA.__thumbprint = function(jwk) {
// Use the same entropy for SHA as for key
var len = Math.floor(jwk.n.length * 0.75);
var alg = 'SHA-256';
// TODO this may be a bug
// need to confirm that the padding is no more or less than 1 byte
if (len >= 511) {
alg = 'SHA-512';
} else if (len >= 383) {
alg = 'SHA-384';
return sha2
.sum(alg, '{"e":"' + jwk.e + '","kty":"RSA","n":"' + jwk.n + '"}')
.then(function(hash) {
return Enc.bufToUrlBase64(Uint8Array.from(hash));
RSA.thumbprint = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var jwk;
if ('EC' === opts.kty) {
jwk = opts;
} else if (opts.jwk) {
jwk = opts.jwk;
} else {
return RSA.import(opts).then(function(jwk) {
return RSA.__thumbprint(jwk);
return RSA.__thumbprint(jwk);
RSA.export = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (!opts || !opts.jwk || 'object' !== typeof opts.jwk) {
throw new Error('must pass { jwk: jwk }');
var jwk = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.jwk));
var format = opts.format;
var pub = opts.public;
if (pub || -1 !== ['spki', 'pkix', 'ssh', 'rfc4716'].indexOf(format)) {
jwk = RSA.neuter({ jwk: jwk });
if ('RSA' !== jwk.kty) {
throw new Error("options.jwk.kty must be 'RSA' for RSA keys");
if (!jwk.p) {
// TODO test for n and e
pub = true;
if (!format || 'pkcs1' === format) {
format = 'pkcs1';
} else if (-1 !== ['spki', 'pkix'].indexOf(format)) {
format = 'spki';
} else if (-1 !== ['ssh', 'rfc4716'].indexOf(format)) {
format = 'ssh';
} else {
throw new Error(
"options.format must be 'spki', 'pkcs1', or 'ssh' for public RSA keys, not (" +
typeof format +
') ' +
} else {
// TODO test for all necessary keys (d, p, q ...)
if (!format || 'pkcs1' === format) {
format = 'pkcs1';
} else if ('pkcs8' !== format) {
throw new Error(
"options.format must be 'pkcs1' or 'pkcs8' for private RSA keys"
if ('pkcs1' === format) {
if (jwk.d) {
return PEM.packBlock({
bytes: x509.packPkcs1(jwk)
} else {
return PEM.packBlock({
bytes: x509.packPkcs1(jwk)
} else if ('pkcs8' === format) {
return PEM.packBlock({
type: 'PRIVATE KEY',
bytes: x509.packPkcs8(jwk)
} else if (-1 !== ['spki', 'pkix'].indexOf(format)) {
return PEM.packBlock({
type: 'PUBLIC KEY',
bytes: x509.packSpki(jwk)
} else if (-1 !== ['ssh', 'rfc4716'].indexOf(format)) {
return SSH.pack({ jwk: jwk, comment: opts.comment });
} else {
throw new Error(
'Sanity Error: reached unreachable code block with format: ' +
native.export = RSA.export;
RSA.pack = function(opts) {
// wrapped in a promise for API compatibility
// with the forthcoming browser version
// (and potential future native node capability)
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return RSA.export(opts);


@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ require('dotenv').config();
var CSR = require('@root/csr');
var Enc = require('@root/encoding/base64');
var PEM = require('../pem.js');
var PEM = require('@root/pem');
var punycode = require('punycode');
var ACME = require('../acme.js');
var Keypairs = require('../keypairs.js');
var Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs');
var acme = ACME.create({
// debug: true
