Invalid jws #22

opened 2019-05-06 10:25:56 +00:00 by Ghost · 7 comments

Hi. We often have this error. Is there any way to solve/debug it ?

P.S.: Usually there are no problem if you just run certification again.

P.P.S: seems like 1st error from here coolaj86/acme-v2.js#17

account error: {"termsOfServiceAgreed":true,"onlyReturnExisting":false,"contact":["mailto:...@..."]}

{ statusCode: 400,
{ type: 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce',
'JWS has an invalid anti-replay nonce: "0xFdX3cS0nUwRWOV3nl5eCV8dBwZMjR7cU6S-x5Mpl8"',
status: 400 },
{ server: 'nginx',
'content-type': 'application/problem+json',
'content-length': '169',
'replay-nonce': 'i25W9Abj8mOe9NdvK5EyR0XHov0eubWkIcT_6nA4_ts',
expires: 'Fri, 03 May 2019 14:51:08 GMT',
'cache-control': 'max-age=0, no-cache, no-store',
pragma: 'no-cache',
date: 'Fri, 03 May 2019 14:51:08 GMT',
connection: 'close' },
{ uri:
Url {
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: null,
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/acme/new-acct',
path: '/acme/new-acct',
href: '' },
method: 'POST',
{ 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json',
'Content-Length': 1212 } } }

Hi. We often have this error. Is there any way to solve/debug it ? P.S.: Usually there are no problem if you just run certification again. P.P.S: seems like 1st error from here account error: {"termsOfServiceAgreed":true,"onlyReturnExisting":false,"contact":["mailto:...@..."]} { statusCode: 400, body: { type: 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce', detail: 'JWS has an invalid anti-replay nonce: "0xFdX3cS0nUwRWOV3nl5eCV8dBwZMjR7cU6S-x5Mpl8"', status: 400 }, headers: { server: 'nginx', 'content-type': 'application/problem+json', 'content-length': '169', link: '<>;rel="index"', 'replay-nonce': 'i25W9Abj8mOe9NdvK5EyR0XHov0eubWkIcT_6nA4_ts', expires: 'Fri, 03 May 2019 14:51:08 GMT', 'cache-control': 'max-age=0, no-cache, no-store', pragma: 'no-cache', date: 'Fri, 03 May 2019 14:51:08 GMT', connection: 'close' }, request: { uri: Url { protocol: 'https:', slashes: true, auth: null, host: '', port: null, hostname: '', hash: null, search: null, query: null, pathname: '/acme/new-acct', path: '/acme/new-acct', href: '' }, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json', 'Content-Length': 1212 } } }
Ghost changed title from Invilid jws to Invalid jws 2019-05-06 10:34:15 +00:00

Hm, seems like we have found the reason for our case. Just wait a little for test

Hm, seems like we have found the reason for our case. Just wait a little for test
Ghost started working 2019-05-06 11:08:26 +00:00
Ghost canceled time tracking 2019-05-06 11:08:35 +00:00

We created new account for every certification, but we can just save account's info and use it without creating new

return ACME.accounts.create(options).then((account) => {
 return ACME.certificates.create(options).then((fullchainPem) => {
We created new account for every certification, but we can just save account's info and use it without creating new return ACME.accounts.create(options).then((account) => { return ACME.certificates.create(options).then((fullchainPem) => {
Ghost closed this issue 2019-05-06 11:29:33 +00:00

There is a theoretical issue with stale nonces which I haven’t personally had cause failure in production, but I will be pushing the change just in case it’s related.

It’s part of a batch of work to update to the new draft 15 specification and to add ECDSA support, so it may still be a week before it’s fully tested and ready to release.

However, it sounds like you have a solution for your problem and it may not be related anyway.

There is a theoretical issue with stale nonces which I haven’t personally had cause failure in production, but I will be pushing the change just in case it’s related. It’s part of a batch of work to update to the new draft 15 specification and to add ECDSA support, so it may still be a week before it’s fully tested and ready to release. However, it sounds like you have a solution for your problem and it may not be related anyway.
Ghost reopened this issue 2019-05-07 12:27:07 +00:00

Actually, we have another error with JWS after disabling account creation
[acme-v2.js] authorizations were not fetched for
{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce","detail":"JWS has an invalid anti-
replay nonce: "599TSqH-ILiu1Og_IcDwn3D3rIbta1N8D_-z8ZehfTw"","status":400}

Actually, we have another error with JWS after disabling account creation [acme-v2.js] authorizations were not fetched for 'http://***.com,http://www.***.com': {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce","detail":"JWS has an invalid anti- replay nonce: \"599TSqH-ILiu1Og_IcDwn3D3rIbta1N8D_-z8ZehfTw\"","status":400}

Maybe add retry (by spec) ?

When a server rejects a request because its nonce value was
unacceptable (or not present), it MUST provide HTTP status code 400
(Bad Request), and indicate the ACME error type
"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce".  An error response with the
"badNonce" error type MUST include a Replay-Nonce header with a fresh
nonce.  On receiving such a response, a client SHOULD retry the
request using the new nonce.
Maybe add retry (by spec) ? When a server rejects a request because its nonce value was unacceptable (or not present), it MUST provide HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request), and indicate the ACME error type "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce". An error response with the "badNonce" error type MUST include a Replay-Nonce header with a fresh nonce. On receiving such a response, a client SHOULD retry the request using the new nonce.


I just completed a body of work in which I discovered what I believe to be the root cause.

I'll see if I can add a retry feature to that and then I need to find a way to keep backwards compatibility before I deploy the fixes.

If you have the time and are willing to help, hit me up on Keybase. I'm @coolaj86 there and we're in the rootprojects group.

Indeed. I just completed a body of work in which I discovered what I believe to be the root cause. I'll see if I can add a retry feature to that and then I need to find a way to keep backwards compatibility before I deploy the fixes. If you have the time and are willing to help, hit me up on Keybase. I'm @coolaj86 there and we're in the `rootprojects` group.

Fixed in v3

Fixed in v3
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Reference: coolaj86/acme.js-ARCHIVED#22
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