Upcoming breaking change to ACMEv2 API #8

Ghost tarafından 2018-12-06 19:03:27 +00:00 açıldı · 1 yorum

A recent draft of ACMEv2 made an incompatible change to the protocol which disallows unauthenticated GET requests for certain endpoints. Let's Encrypt has announced that the old behavior will be supported until November 2019, and clients will need to be changed before then: https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/acme-v2-scheduled-deprecation-of-unauthenticated-resource-gets/74380

It's still 11 months away so it's not a pressing emergency, but I thought I'd bring it your attention. (Also, I hope this is the right repo for this issue, sorry if it's not.)

A recent draft of ACMEv2 made an incompatible change to the protocol which disallows unauthenticated GET requests for certain endpoints. Let's Encrypt has announced that the old behavior will be supported until November 2019, and clients will need to be changed before then: https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/acme-v2-scheduled-deprecation-of-unauthenticated-resource-gets/74380 It's still 11 months away so it's not a pressing emergency, but I thought I'd bring it your attention. (Also, I hope this is the right repo for this issue, sorry if it's not.)

This is the right repo.

Thanks so much. I've got an upcoming body of work for implementing ECDSA keys and I may do this at the same time.

This is the right repo. Thanks so much. I've got an upcoming body of work for implementing ECDSA keys and I may do this at the same time.
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Referans: coolaj86/acme.js-ARCHIVED#8
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