Bug fix: Polling status using POST-as-GET wherever possible #33

Ghost souhaite fusionner 1 révision(s) depuis (supprimé) : master vers master
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Avoid repeating finalize POST request and challenge POST requests by
using POST-as-GET requests instead. Allows for testing with Pebble,
and more correctly follows the spec.

Fixes issue: https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme.js/issues/9

Added to bug tracker on rootprojects.org because I thought that was the main place - would be great if that was documented for potential contributors

Avoid repeating finalize POST request and challenge POST requests by using POST-as-GET requests instead. Allows for testing with Pebble, and more correctly follows the spec. Fixes issue: https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme.js/issues/9 Added to bug tracker on rootprojects.org because I thought that was the main place - would be great if that was documented for potential contributors
Ghost a ajouté 1 révision 2021-04-08 13:29:00 +00:00
0aa939a227 Bug fix: Polling status using POST-as-GET wherever possible
Avoid repeating finalize POST request and challenge POST requests by
using POST-as-GET requests instead. Allows for testing with Pebble,
and more correctly follows the spec.
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Référence : coolaj86/acme.js-ARCHIVED#33
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