// Copyright 2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; var RSA = require('rsa-compat').RSA; var readline = require('readline'); var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); require('./genkeypair.js'); function getWeb() { rl.question('What web address(es) would you like to get certificates for? (ex: example.com,*.example.com) ', function (web) { web = (web||'').trim().split(/,/g); if (!web[0]) { getWeb(); return; } if (web.some(function (w) { return '*' === w[0]; })) { console.log('Wildcard domains must use dns-01'); getEmail(web, 'dns-01'); } else { getChallengeType(web); } }); } function getChallengeType(web) { rl.question('What challenge will you be testing today? http-01 or dns-01? [http-01] ', function (chType) { chType = (chType||'').trim(); if (!chType) { chType = 'http-01'; } getEmail(web, chType); }); } function getEmail(web, chType) { rl.question('What email should we use? (optional) ', function (email) { email = (email||'').trim(); if (!email) { email = null; } getApiStyle(web, chType, email); }); } function getApiStyle(web, chType, email) { var defaultStyle = 'compat'; rl.question('What API style would you like to test? v1-compat or promise? [v1-compat] ', function (apiStyle) { apiStyle = (apiStyle||'').trim(); if (!apiStyle) { apiStyle = 'v1-compat'; } rl.close(); var RSA = require('rsa-compat').RSA; var accountKeypair = RSA.import({ privateKeyPem: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../tests/account.privkey.pem') }); var domainKeypair = RSA.import({ privateKeyPem: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../tests/privkey.pem') }); var directoryUrl = 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'; if ('promise' === apiStyle) { require('../tests/promise.js').run(directoryUrl, RSA, web, chType, email, accountKeypair, domainKeypair); } else if ('cb' === apiStyle) { require('../tests/cb.js').run(directoryUrl, RSA, web, chType, email, accountKeypair, domainKeypair); } else { if ('v1-compat' !== apiStyle) { console.warn("Didn't understand '" + apiStyle + "', using 'v1-compat' instead..."); } require('../tests/compat.js').run(directoryUrl, RSA, web, chType, email, accountKeypair, domainKeypair); } }); } getWeb();