| Sponsored by [ppl](https://ppl.family) | [acme-v2.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js) | [acme-v2-cli.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2-cli.js) | [greenlock.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock.js) | [goldilocks.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/goldilocks.js) | acme-v2.js ========== A framework for building Let's Encrypt v2 (ACME draft 11) clients, successor to `le-acme-core.js`. Built [by request](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock.js/issues/5#issuecomment-8). ## Looking for Quick 'n' Easy™? If you're looking for an *ACME-enabled webserver*, try [goldilocks.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/goldilocks.js). If you're looking to *build a webserver*, try [greenlock.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock.js). * [greenlock.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/greenlock.js) * [goldilocks.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/goldilocks.js) ## How to build ACME clients As this is intended to build ACME clients, there is not a simple 2-line example. I'd recommend first running the example CLI client with a test domain and then investigating the files used for that example: ```bash node examples/cli.js ``` The example cli has the following prompts: ``` What web address(es) would you like to get certificates for? (ex: example.com,*.example.com) What challenge will you be testing today? http-01 or dns-01? [http-01] What email should we use? (optional) What API style would you like to test? v1-compat or promise? [v1-compat] Put the string 'mBfh0SqaAV3MOK3B6cAhCbIReAyDuwuxlO1Sl70x6bM.VNAzCR4THe4czVzo9piNn73B1ZXRLaB2CESwJfKkvRM' into a file at 'example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/mBfh0SqaAV3MOK3B6cAhCbIReAyDuwuxlO1Sl70x6bM' echo 'mBfh0SqaAV3MOK3B6cAhCbIReAyDuwuxlO1Sl70x6bM.VNAzCR4THe4czVzo9piNn73B1ZXRLaB2CESwJfKkvRM' > 'example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/mBfh0SqaAV3MOK3B6cAhCbIReAyDuwuxlO1Sl70x6bM' Then hit the 'any' key to continue... ``` When you've completed the challenge you can hit a key to continue the process. If you place the certificate you receive back in `tests/fullchain.pem` you can then test it with `examples/https-server.js`. ``` examples/cli.js examples/genkeypair.js tests/compat.js examples/https-server.js examples/http-server.js ``` ## Let's Encrypt Directory URLs ``` # Production URL https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory ``` ``` # Staging URL https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory ``` ## Two API versions, Two Implementations This library (acme-v2.js) supports ACME [*draft 11*](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-11), otherwise known as Let's Encrypt v2 (or v02). * ACME draft 11 * Let's Encrypt v2 * Let's Encrypt v02 The predecessor (le-acme-core) supports Let's Encrypt v1 (or v01), which was a [hodge-podge of various drafts](https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/blob/master/docs/acme-divergences.md) of the ACME spec early on. * ACME early draft * Let's Encrypt v1 * Let's Encrypt v01 This library maintains compatibility with le-acme-core so that it can be used as a **drop-in replacement** and requires **no changes to existing code**, but also provides an updated API more congruent with draft 11. ## le-acme-core-compatible API (recommended) Status: Stable, Locked, Bugfix-only ``` var RSA = require('rsa-compat').RSA; var acme = require('acme-v2/compat.js').ACME.create({ RSA: RSA }); // // Use exactly the same as le-acme-core // ``` See documentation at ## draft API (dev) Status: Almost stable, not locked This API is a simple evolution of le-acme-core, but tries to provide a better mapping to the new draft 11 APIs. ``` var ACME = require('acme-v2').ACME.create({ RSA: require('rsa-compat').RSA // other overrides , request: require('request') , promisify: require('util').promisify // used for constructing user-agent , os: require('os') , process: require('process') // used for overriding the default user-agent , userAgent: 'My custom UA String' , getUserAgentString: function (deps) { return 'My custom UA String'; } // don't try to validate challenges locally , skipChallengeTest: false }); ``` ```javascript // Accounts ACME.accounts.create(options) // returns Promise registration data { email: '' // valid email (server checks MX records) , accountKeypair: { // privateKeyPem or privateKeyJwt privateKeyPem: '' } , agreeToTerms: fn (tosUrl) {} // returns Promise with tosUrl } // Registration ACME.certificates.create(options) // returns Promise { newAuthzUrl: '' // specify acmeUrls.newAuthz , newCertUrl: '' // specify acmeUrls.newCert , domainKeypair: { privateKeyPem: '' } , accountKeypair: { privateKeyPem: '' } , domains: [ 'example.com' ] , setChallenge: fn (hostname, key, val) // return Promise , removeChallenge: fn (hostname, key) // return Promise } // Discovery URLs ACME.init(acmeDirectoryUrl) // returns Promise ``` Helpers & Stuff ```javascript // Constants ACME.challengePrefixes['http-01'] // '/.well-known/acme-challenge' ACME.challengePrefixes['dns-01'] // '_acme-challenge' ``` Todo ---- * support ECDSA keys * Apr 5, 2018 - appears that sometimes 'pending' status cannot be progressed to 'processing' nor 'deactivated' * this may be a bug in the staging API as it appears it cannot be cancelled either, but returns success status code Changelog --------- * v1.0.2 * use `options.contact` to provide raw contact array * made `options.email` optional * file cleanup * v1.0.1 * Compat API is ready for use * Eliminate debug logging * Apr 10, 2018 - tested backwards-compatibility using greenlock.js * Apr 5, 2018 - export http and dns challenge tests * Apr 5, 2018 - test http and dns challenges (success and failure) * Apr 5, 2018 - test subdomains and its wildcard * Apr 5, 2018 - test two subdomains * Apr 5, 2018 - test wildcard * Apr 5, 2018 - completely match api for acme v1 (le-acme-core.js) * Mar 21, 2018 - *mostly* matches le-acme-core.js API * Mar 21, 2018 - can now accept values (not hard coded) * Mar 20, 2018 - SUCCESS - got a test certificate (hard-coded) * Mar 20, 2018 - download certificate * Mar 20, 2018 - poll for status * Mar 20, 2018 - finalize order (submit csr) * Mar 20, 2018 - generate domain keypair * Mar 20, 2018 - respond to challenges * Mar 16, 2018 - get challenges * Mar 16, 2018 - new order * Mar 15, 2018 - create account * Mar 15, 2018 - generate account keypair * Mar 15, 2018 - get nonce * Mar 15, 2018 - get directory