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2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
// Copyright 2018-present AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
(function(exports) {
'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
var ASN1 = exports.ASN1;
var Enc = exports.Enc;
var PEM = exports.PEM;
var X509 = exports.x509;
var Keypairs = exports.Keypairs;
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// TODO find a way that the prior node-ish way of `module.exports = function () {}` isn't broken
var CSR = (exports.CSR = function(opts) {
// We're using a Promise here to be compatible with the browser version
// which will probably use the webcrypto API for some of the conversions
return CSR._prepare(opts).then(function(opts) {
return CSR.create(opts).then(function(bytes) {
return CSR._encode(opts, bytes);
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
CSR._prepare = function(opts) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var Keypairs;
opts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts));
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// We do a bit of extra error checking for user convenience
if (!opts) {
throw new Error(
'You must pass options with key and domains to rsacsr'
if (!Array.isArray( || 0 === {
new Error('You must pass as a non-empty array');
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// I need to check that 例.中国 is a valid domain name
if (
! {
// allow punycode? xn--
if (
'string' ===
typeof d /*&& /\./.test(d) && !/--/.test(d)*/
) {
return true;
) {
throw new Error('You must pass as strings');
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
if (opts.jwk) {
return opts;
if (opts.key && opts.key.kty) {
opts.jwk = opts.key;
return opts;
if (!opts.pem && !opts.key) {
throw new Error('You must pass options.key as a JSON web key');
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
Keypairs = exports.Keypairs;
if (!exports.Keypairs) {
throw new Error(
'Keypairs.js is an optional dependency for PEM-to-JWK.\n' +
"Install it if you'd like to use it:\n" +
'\tnpm install --save rasha\n' +
'Otherwise supply a jwk as the private key.'
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
return Keypairs.import({ pem: opts.pem || opts.key }).then(function(
) {
opts.jwk = pair.private;
return opts;
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
CSR._encode = function(opts, bytes) {
if ('der' === (opts.encoding || '').toLowerCase()) {
return bytes;
return PEM.packBlock({
bytes: bytes /* { jwk: jwk, domains: } */
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
CSR.create = function createCsr(opts) {
var hex = CSR.request(opts.jwk,;
return CSR._sign(opts.jwk, hex).then(function(csr) {
return Enc.hexToBuf(csr);
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// EC / RSA
CSR.request = function createCsrBodyEc(jwk, domains) {
var asn1pub;
if (/^EC/i.test(jwk.kty)) {
asn1pub = X509.packCsrEcPublicKey(jwk);
} else {
asn1pub = X509.packCsrRsaPublicKey(jwk);
return X509.packCsr(asn1pub, domains);
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
CSR._sign = function csrEcSig(jwk, request) {
// Took some tips from
// TODO will have to convert web ECDSA signatures to PEM ECDSA signatures (but RSA should be the same)
// TODO have a consistent non-private way to sign
return Keypairs._sign(
{ jwk: jwk, format: 'x509' },
).then(function(sig) {
return CSR._toDer({
request: request,
signature: sig,
kty: jwk.kty
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
CSR._toDer = function encode(opts) {
var sty;
if (/^EC/i.test(opts.kty)) {
// 1.2.840.10045.4.3.2 ecdsaWithSHA256 (ANSI X9.62 ECDSA algorithm with SHA256)
sty = ASN1('30', ASN1('06', '2a8648ce3d040302'));
} else {
// 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 sha256WithRSAEncryption (PKCS #1)
sty = ASN1('30', ASN1('06', '2a864886f70d01010b'), ASN1('05'));
return ASN1(
// The Full CSR Request Body
// The Signature Type
// The Signature
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
X509.packCsr = function(asn1pubkey, domains) {
return ASN1(
// Version (0)
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// commonName (X.520 DN component)
ASN1('06', '550403'),
ASN1('0c', Enc.utf8ToHex(domains[0]))
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// Public Key (RSA or EC)
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// Request Body
// 1.2.840.113549.1.9.14 extensionRequest (PKCS #9 via CRMF)
ASN1('06', '2a864886f70d01090e'),
// subjectAltName (X.509 extension)
ASN1('06', '551d11'),
.map(function(d) {
return ASN1(
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// TODO finish this later
// we want to parse the domains, the public key, and verify the signature
CSR._info = function(der) {
// standard base64 PEM
if ('string' === typeof der && '-' === der[0]) {
der = PEM.parseBlock(der).bytes;
// jose urlBase64 not-PEM
if ('string' === typeof der) {
der = Enc.base64ToBuf(der);
// not supporting binary-encoded bas64
var c = ASN1.parse(der);
var kty;
// A cert has 3 parts: cert, signature meta, signature
if (c.children.length !== 3) {
throw new Error(
"doesn't look like a certificate request: expected 3 parts of header"
var sig = c.children[2];
if (sig.children.length) {
// ASN1/X509 EC
sig = sig.children[0];
sig = ASN1(
sig = Enc.hexToBuf(sig);
kty = 'EC';
} else {
// Raw RSA Sig
sig = sig.value;
kty = 'RSA';
//c.children[1]; // signature type
var req = c.children[0];
// TODO utf8
if (4 !== req.children.length) {
throw new Error(
"doesn't look like a certificate request: expected 4 parts to request"
// 0 null
// 1 commonName / subject
var sub = Enc.bufToBin(
// 3 public key (type, key)
//console.log('oid', Enc.bufToHex(req.children[2].children[0].children[0].value));
var pub;
// TODO reuse ASN1 parser for these?
if ('EC' === kty) {
// throw away compression byte
pub = req.children[2].children[1].value.slice(1);
pub = { kty: kty, x: pub.slice(0, 32), y: pub.slice(32) };
while (0 === pub.x[0]) {
pub.x = pub.x.slice(1);
while (0 === pub.y[0]) {
pub.y = pub.y.slice(1);
if ((pub.x.length || pub.x.byteLength) > 48) {
pub.crv = 'P-521';
} else if ((pub.x.length || pub.x.byteLength) > 32) {
pub.crv = 'P-384';
} else {
pub.crv = 'P-256';
pub.x = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.x);
pub.y = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.y);
} else {
pub = req.children[2].children[1].children[0];
pub = {
kty: kty,
n: pub.children[0].value,
e: pub.children[1].value
while (0 === pub.n[0]) {
pub.n = pub.n.slice(1);
while (0 === pub.e[0]) {
pub.e = pub.e.slice(1);
pub.n = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.n);
pub.e = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(pub.e);
// 4 extensions
var domains = req.children[3].children
.filter(function(seq) {
// 1.2.840.113549.1.9.14 extensionRequest (PKCS #9 via CRMF)
if (
'2a864886f70d01090e' === Enc.bufToHex(seq.children[0].value)
) {
return true;
.map(function(seq) {
return seq.children[1].children[0].children
.filter(function(seq2) {
// subjectAltName (X.509 extension)
if ('551d11' === Enc.bufToHex(seq2.children[0].value)) {
return true;
.map(function(seq2) {
return seq2.children[1].children[0]
function(name) {
// TODO utf8
return Enc.bufToBin(name.value);
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
return {
subject: sub,
altnames: domains,
jwk: pub,
signature: sig
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
X509.packCsrRsaPublicKey = function(jwk) {
// Sequence the key
var n = ASN1.UInt(Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.n));
var e = ASN1.UInt(Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.e));
var asn1pub = ASN1('30', n, e);
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// Add the CSR pub key header
return ASN1(
ASN1('30', ASN1('06', '2a864886f70d010101'), ASN1('05')),
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
X509.packCsrEcPublicKey = function(jwk) {
var ecOid = X509._oids[jwk.crv];
if (!ecOid) {
throw new Error(
"Unsupported namedCurve '" +
jwk.crv +
"'. Supported types are " +
var cmp = '04'; // 04 == x+y, 02 == x-only
var hxy = '';
// Placeholder. I'm not even sure if compression should be supported.
if (!jwk.y) {
cmp = '02';
hxy += Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.x);
if (jwk.y) {
hxy += Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.y);
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// 1.2.840.10045.2.1 ecPublicKey
return ASN1(
ASN1('30', ASN1('06', '2a8648ce3d0201'), ASN1('06', ecOid)),
ASN1.BitStr(cmp + hxy)
X509._oids = {
// 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 prime256v1
// (ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curve) (06 08 - 2A 86 48 CE 3D 03 01 07)
'P-256': '2a8648ce3d030107',
// P-384 (06 05 - 2B 81 04 00 22)
// (SEC 2 recommended EC domain secp256r1)
'P-384': '2b81040022'
// requires more logic and isn't a recommended standard
// P-521 (06 05 - 2B 81 04 00 23)
// (SEC 2 alternate P-521)
//, 'P-521': '2B 81 04 00 23'
2019-05-07 07:52:33 +00:00
2019-10-02 21:04:54 +00:00
// don't replace the full parseBlock, if it exists
PEM.parseBlock =
PEM.parseBlock ||
function(str) {
var der = str
.filter(function(line) {
return !/-----/.test(line);
return { bytes: Enc.base64ToBuf(der) };
})('undefined' === typeof window ? module.exports : window);