[STICKY] Issues moved to Github - READ #1

créé 2021-04-22 14:36:05 +00:00 par coolaj86 · 0 commentaire

Originally this was a "redecentralized" project and so I started self-hosting. However,

If for political or moral reasons you do not like Github, please feel free to open an issue here, or send me an email directly.

Otherwise please use https://github.com/therootcompany/acme.js for issues and PRs.

Originally this was a _"redecentralized"_ project and so I started self-hosting. However, If for political or moral reasons you do not like Github, please feel free to open an issue here, or send me an email directly. Otherwise please use https://github.com/therootcompany/acme.js for issues and PRs.
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Référence : coolaj86/acme.js#1
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