'use strict'; var A = module.exports; var U = require('./utils.js'); var Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs'); var Enc = require('@root/encoding/bytes'); A._getAccountKid = function(me, options) { // It's just fine if there's no account, we'll go get the key id we need via the existing key var kid = options.kid || (options.account && (options.account.key && options.account.key.kid)); if (kid) { return Promise.resolve(kid); } //return Promise.reject(new Error("must include KeyID")); // This is an idempotent request. It'll return the same account for the same public key. return A._registerAccount(me, options).then(function(account) { return account.key.kid; }); }; // ACME RFC Section 7.3 Account Creation /* { "protected": base64url({ "alg": "ES256", "jwk": {...}, "nonce": "6S8IqOGY7eL2lsGoTZYifg", "url": "https://example.com/acme/new-account" }), "payload": base64url({ "termsOfServiceAgreed": true, "onlyReturnExisting": false, "contact": [ "mailto:cert-admin@example.com", "mailto:admin@example.com" ] }), "signature": "RZPOnYoPs1PhjszF...-nh6X1qtOFPB519I" } */ A._registerAccount = function(me, options) { //#console.debug('[ACME.js] accounts.create'); function agree(agreed) { var err; if (!agreed) { err = new Error("must agree to '" + me._tos + "'"); err.code = 'E_AGREE_TOS'; throw err; } return true; } function getAccount() { return U._importKeypair(options.accountKey).then(function(pair) { var contact; if (options.contact) { contact = options.contact.slice(0); } else if (options.subscriberEmail) { contact = ['mailto:' + options.subscriberEmail]; } var accountRequest = { termsOfServiceAgreed: true, onlyReturnExisting: false, contact: contact }; var pub = pair.public; return attachExtAcc(pub, accountRequest).then(function(accReq) { var payload = JSON.stringify(accReq); return U._jwsRequest(me, { accountKey: options.accountKey, url: me._directoryUrls.newAccount, protected: { kid: false, jwk: pair.public }, payload: Enc.strToBuf(payload) }).then(function(resp) { var account = resp.body; if (resp.statusCode < 200 || resp.statusCode >= 300) { if ('string' !== typeof account) { account = JSON.stringify(account); } throw new Error( 'account error: ' + resp.statusCode + ' ' + account + '\n' + payload ); } // the account id url is the "kid" var kid = resp.headers.location; if (!account) { account = { _emptyResponse: true }; } if (!account.key) { account.key = {}; } account.key.kid = kid; return account; }); }); }); } // for external accounts (probably useless, but spec'd) function attachExtAcc(pubkey, accountRequest) { if (!options.externalAccount) { return Promise.resolve(accountRequest); } return Keypairs.signJws({ // TODO is HMAC the standard, or is this arbitrary? secret: options.externalAccount.secret, protected: { alg: options.externalAccount.alg || 'HS256', kid: options.externalAccount.id, url: me._directoryUrls.newAccount }, payload: Enc.strToBuf(JSON.stringify(pubkey)) }).then(function(jws) { accountRequest.externalAccountBinding = jws; return accountRequest; }); } return Promise.resolve() .then(function() { //#console.debug('[ACME.js] agreeToTerms'); var agreeToTerms = options.agreeToTerms; if (!agreeToTerms) { agreeToTerms = function(terms) { console.log( 'By using this software you accept this Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Service:' ); console.info( 'ACME Subscriber Agreement:', terms.acmeSubscriberTermsUrl ); console.info( 'Greenlock/ACME.js Terms of Use:', terms.terms.acmeJsTermsUrl ); return true; }; } else if (true === agreeToTerms) { agreeToTerms = function(terms) { return terms && true; }; } return agreeToTerms({ acmeSubscriberTosUrl: me._tos, acmeJsTosUrl: 'https://rootprojects.org/legal/#terms' }); }) .then(agree) .then(getAccount); };