/** @import('typed-query-selector/strict') */ let AJQuery = { $, $$ }; /** * AJQuery - The fastest, most lightweight, least dependency jQuery alternative, * now typed, Ai-enhanced, and better than ever! * @namespace AJQuery */ /** * Selects the first element that matches the given selector within the specified parent. * @param {string} sel - The CSS selector to match. * @param {Document|Element} [$parent=document] - The parent element to search within. Defaults to document. */ function $(sel, $parent = document) { let $child = $parent.querySelector(sel); return $child; } /** * Select all matching child elements from $parent (which is document by default) * @param {String} sel - The CSS selector to match. * @param {Document|Element} [$parent=document] - The parent element to search within. Defaults to document. */ function $$(sel, $parent = document) { let $children = $parent.querySelectorAll(sel); let children = Array.from($children); return children; } export default AJQuery;