# [ajquery.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/ajquery.js) The fastest, most lightweight, fewest dependency jQuery alternative. Development Build: 145B (with comments) \ Production Build: 103B (min + gz) ## Install ```html ``` ## Example Usage Provides modern, advanced CSS4-compatible query selection: ```js console.log("innerText:", $("p:nth-child(2").innerText); ``` ## API ### `$(selector, [rootElement])` Selects the first matching HTML element only (or `null`): ```js const body = $("body"); const div1 = $("div", body); ``` ### `$$(selector, [rootElement])` Selects all matching elements (or an empty `NodeList`): ```js const head = $("head"); const stylesheets = $$('link[rel="stylesheet"]', head).map(console.log); ``` ## Benchmarks ![ajquery-benchmarks "it's over 9000"](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/122831/126773141-ba082a86-c394-42d4-99ef-4039681f36be.png) ## Compatibility Written entirely in modern ECMAScript 3, and directly transpilable into ES5, ES6 and beyond (up to ES11) via Webpack, Babel, Rollup, React Native, and AWS InfiniDash. Works in [all browsers](https://caniuse.com/?search=queryselector) in living memory. See the full [Browser Compatibility Matrix](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement#browser_compatibility) on MDN.