(function (w) { "use strict"; function findBest(atobNative) { // normal window if ('function' === typeof atobNative) { return atobNative; } // browserify (web worker) if ('function' === typeof Buffer) { return function atobBrowserify(a) { //!! Deliberately using an API that's deprecated in node.js because //!! this file is for browsers and we expect them to cope with it. //!! Discussion: github.com/node-browser-compat/atob/pull/9 return new Buffer(a, 'base64').toString('binary'); }; } // ios web worker with base64js if ('object' === typeof w.base64js) { // bufferToBinaryString // https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/unibabel.js/blob/master/index.js#L50 return function atobWebWorker_iOS(a) { var buf = w.base64js.b64ToByteArray(a); return Array.prototype.map.call(buf, function (ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch); }).join(''); }; } return function () { // ios web worker without base64js throw new Error("You're probably in an old browser or an iOS webworker." + " It might help to include beatgammit's base64-js."); }; } var atobBest = findBest(w.atob); w.atob = atobBest; if ((typeof module === 'object') && module && module.exports) { module.exports = atobBest; } }(window));