'use strict'; var crypto = require('crypto'); //var dnsjs = require('dns-suite'); var dig = require('dig.js/dns-request'); var request = require('util').promisify(require('@root/request')); var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var nameservers = require('dns').getServers(); var index = crypto.randomBytes(2).readUInt16BE(0) % nameservers.length; var nameserver = nameservers[index]; app.use('/', express.static('./')); app.use('/api', express.json()); app.get('/api/dns/:domain', function (req, res, next) { var domain = req.params.domain; var casedDomain = domain.toLowerCase().split('').map(function (ch) { // dns0x20 takes advantage of the fact that the binary operation for toUpperCase is // ch = ch | 0x20; return Math.round(Math.random()) % 2 ? ch : ch.toUpperCase(); }).join(''); var typ = req.query.type; var query = { header: { id: crypto.randomBytes(2).readUInt16BE(0) , qr: 0 , opcode: 0 , aa: 0 // Authoritative-Only , tc: 0 // NA , rd: 1 // Recurse , ra: 0 // NA , rcode: 0 // NA } , question: [ { name: casedDomain //, type: typ || 'A' , typeName: typ || 'A' , className: 'IN' } ] }; var opts = { onError: function (err) { next(err); } , onMessage: function (packet) { var fail0x20; if (packet.id !== query.id) { console.error('[SECURITY] ignoring packet for \'' + packet.question[0].name + '\' due to mismatched id'); console.error(packet); return; } packet.question.forEach(function (q) { // if (-1 === q.name.lastIndexOf(cli.casedQuery)) if (q.name !== casedDomain) { fail0x20 = q.name; } }); [ 'question', 'answer', 'authority', 'additional' ].forEach(function (group) { (packet[group]||[]).forEach(function (a) { var an = a.name; var i = domain.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(a.name.toLowerCase()); // answer is something like ExAMPle.cOM and query was wWw.ExAMPle.cOM var j = a.name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(domain.toLowerCase()); // answer is something like www.ExAMPle.cOM and query was ExAMPle.cOM // it's important to note that these should only relpace changes in casing that we expected // any abnormalities should be left intact to go "huh?" about // TODO detect abnormalities? if (-1 !== i) { // "EXamPLE.cOm".replace("wWw.EXamPLE.cOm".substr(4), "www.example.com".substr(4)) a.name = a.name.replace(casedDomain.substr(i), domain.substr(i)); } else if (-1 !== j) { // "www.example.com".replace("EXamPLE.cOm", "example.com") a.name = a.name.substr(0, j) + a.name.substr(j).replace(casedDomain, domain); } // NOTE: right now this assumes that anything matching the query matches all the way to the end // it does not handle the case of a record for example.com.uk being returned in response to a query for www.example.com correctly // (but I don't think it should need to) if (a.name.length !== an.length) { console.error("[ERROR] question / answer mismatch: '" + an + "' != '" + a.length + "'"); console.error(a); } }); }); if (fail0x20) { console.warn(";; Warning: DNS 0x20 security not implemented (or packet spoofed). Queried '" + casedDomain + "' but got response for '" + fail0x20 + "'."); return; } res.send({ header: packet.header , question: packet.question , answer: packet.answer , authority: packet.authority , additional: packet.additional , edns_options: packet.edns_options }); } , onListening: function () {} , onSent: function (/*res*/) { } , onTimeout: function (res) { console.error('dns timeout:', res); next(new Error("DNS timeout - no response")); } , onClose: function () { } //, mdns: cli.mdns , nameserver: nameserver , port: 53 , timeout: 2000 }; dig.resolveJson(query, opts); }); app.get('/api/http', function (req, res) { var url = req.query.url; return request({ method: 'GET', url: url }).then(function (resp) { res.send(resp.body); }); }); app.get('/api/_acme_api_', function (req, res) { res.send({ success: true }); }); module.exports = app; if (require.main === module) { // curl -L http://localhost:3000/api/dns/example.com?type=A console.info("Listening on localhost:3000"); app.listen(3000); console.info("Try this:"); console.info("\tcurl -L 'http://localhost:3000/api/_acme_api_/'"); console.info("\tcurl -L 'http://localhost:3000/api/dns/example.com?type=A'"); console.info("\tcurl -L 'http://localhost:3000/api/http/?url=https://example.com'"); }