/*global Promise*/ (function (exports) { 'use strict'; var Keypairs = exports.Keypairs = {}; var Rasha = exports.Rasha || require('rasha'); var Eckles = exports.Eckles || require('eckles'); Keypairs._stance = "We take the stance that if you're knowledgeable enough to" + " properly and securely use non-standard crypto then you shouldn't need Bluecrypt anyway."; Keypairs._universal = "Bluecrypt only supports crypto with standard cross-browser and cross-platform support."; Keypairs.generate = function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; var p; if (!opts.kty) { opts.kty = opts.type; } if (!opts.kty) { opts.kty = 'EC'; } if (/^EC/i.test(opts.kty)) { p = Eckles.generate(opts); } else if (/^RSA$/i.test(opts.kty)) { p = Rasha.generate(opts); } else { return Promise.Reject(new Error("'" + opts.kty + "' is not a well-supported key type." + Keypairs._universal + " Please choose 'EC', or 'RSA' if you have good reason to.")); } return p.then(function (pair) { return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: pair.public }).then(function (thumb) { pair.private.kid = thumb; // maybe not the same id on the private key? pair.public.kid = thumb; return pair; }); }); }; // Chopping off the private parts is now part of the public API. // I thought it sounded a little too crude at first, but it really is the best name in every possible way. Keypairs.neuter = Keypairs._neuter = function (opts) { // trying to find the best balance of an immutable copy with custom attributes var jwk = {}; Object.keys(opts.jwk).forEach(function (k) { if ('undefined' === typeof opts.jwk[k]) { return; } // ignore RSA and EC private parts if (-1 !== ['d', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi'].indexOf(k)) { return; } jwk[k] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.jwk[k])); }); return jwk; }; Keypairs.thumbprint = function (opts) { return Promise.resolve().then(function () { if (/EC/i.test(opts.jwk.kty)) { return Eckles.thumbprint(opts); } else { return Rasha.thumbprint(opts); } }); }; Keypairs.publish = function (opts) { if ('object' !== typeof opts.jwk || !opts.jwk.kty) { throw new Error("invalid jwk: " + JSON.stringify(opts.jwk)); } // returns a copy var jwk = Keypairs.neuter(opts); if (jwk.exp) { jwk.exp = setTime(jwk.exp); } else { if (opts.exp) { jwk.exp = setTime(opts.exp); } else if (opts.expiresIn) { jwk.exp = Math.round(Date.now()/1000) + opts.expiresIn; } else if (opts.expiresAt) { jwk.exp = opts.expiresAt; } } if (!jwk.use && false !== jwk.use) { jwk.use = "sig"; } if (jwk.kid) { return Promise.resolve(jwk); } return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: jwk }).then(function (thumb) { jwk.kid = thumb; return jwk; }); }; function setTime(time) { if ('number' === typeof time) { return time; } var t = time.match(/^(\-?\d+)([dhms])$/i); if (!t || !t[0]) { throw new Error("'" + time + "' should be datetime in seconds or human-readable format (i.e. 3d, 1h, 15m, 30s"); } var now = Math.round(Date.now()/1000); var num = parseInt(t[1], 10); var unit = t[2]; var mult = 1; switch(unit) { // fancy fallthrough, what fun! case 'd': mult *= 24; /*falls through*/ case 'h': mult *= 60; /*falls through*/ case 'm': mult *= 60; /*falls through*/ case 's': mult *= 1; } return now + (mult * num); } }('undefined' !== typeof module ? module.exports : window));