# Bluecrypt SSH Fingerprint (for Browsers) A minimal library to read an SSH public key (`id_rsa.pub`) and generate its fingerprint. Works for RSA and ECDSA public keys. # Features < 150 lines of code | 1.1kb gzipped | 2.4kb minified | 4.1kb with comments * [x] SSH Public Key SHA256 Fingerprints * RSA (2048-bit, 3072-bit, 4096-bit) * EC / ECDSA * P-256 (prime256v1, secp256r1) * P-384 (secp384r1) * [x] Node.js version * [Greenlock SSH Fingerprint](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/ssh-fingerprint.js) ### Need SSH Private Keys? SSH private keys (`id_rsa`) are just normal PEM files, so you can use Eckles or Rasha, as mentioned above. # Web Demo ```bash git clone https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/bluecrypt-ssh-fingerprint.js pushd bluecrypt-ssh-fingerprint.js/ ``` ```bash open index.html ``` # Install You can use it as a plain-old javascript library: ```html ``` It's also on npm: ```bash npm install bluecrypt-ssh-fingerprint ``` # Usage Very simple: ```js var pub = 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCba21UHE+VbDTpmYYFZUOV+OQ8AngOCdjROsPC0KiEfMvEaEM3NQl58u6QL7G7QsErKViiNPm9OTFo6HF5JijfWzK7haHFuRMEsgI4VwIYyhvqlJDfw/wt0AiVvSmoMfEQn1p1aiaO4V/RJSE3Vw/uz2bxiT22uSkSqOyShyfYE6dMHnuoBkzr4jvSifT+INmbv6Nyo4+AAMCZtYeHLrsFeSTjLL9jMPjI4ZkVdlw2n3Xn9NbltF3/8Ao8dQfElqw+LIQWqU0oFHYNIP4ttfl5ObMKHaKSvBMyNruZR0El/ZsrcHLkAHRCLj07KRQJ81l5CUTPtQ02P1Eamz/nT4I3 rsa@localhost'; SSH.fingerprint({ pub: pub }).then(function (fing) { console.info('The key fingerprint is:'); console.info(fing.fingerprint); }); ``` # Other Tools in the Bluecrypt Suite * [Browser JWK to SSH](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/bluecrypt-jwk-to-ssh.js) * [Browser SSH to JWK](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/bluecrypt-ssh-to-jwk.js) * [Browser ASN.1 parser](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/asn1-parser.js) (for x509, etc) * [Browser ASN.1 packer](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/asn1-packer.js) (for x509, etc) # Legal [ssh-fingerprint.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/bluecrypt-ssh-fingerprint.js) | MPL-2.0 | [Terms of Use](https://therootcompany.com/legal/#terms) | [Privacy Policy](https://therootcompany.com/legal/#privacy) Bluecrypt™ is owned by AJ ONeal