Timing is off #2

opened 2020-01-08 12:16:43 +00:00 by Ghost · 0 kommentarer

The demo website at https://rootprojects.org/authenticator/ generates a new token every 30 seconds starting with page load, which is incorrect.
Instead, it should generate the second token after (t modulo 30) seconds where t denotes the current unix timestamp.

The demo website at https://rootprojects.org/authenticator/ generates a new token every 30 seconds starting with page load, which is incorrect. Instead, it should generate the second token after (t modulo 30) seconds where t denotes the current unix timestamp.
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Förfallodatumet är ogiltigt eller utanför gränserna. Använd formatet 'åååå-mm-dd'.

Inget förfallodatum satt.


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Reference: coolaj86/browser-authenticator.js#2
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