Welcome to Caddy!

Here's some info to help you know what to do next

Where do my sites go?

Your sites are in /srv/www. In fact, this page is served from /srv/www/localhost/index.html

If you have a site, say example.com, you can put it in /srv/www/example.com and then edit the Caddyfile to reflect the change:

https://example.com {
  tls john@email.com
  root /srv/www/example.com
https://www.example.com {
  redir https://example.com

What was installed to where?


How do I start / stop / reload / see logs for Caddy?

Windows Mac Linux
The world may never know...
launchctl unload com.caddyserver.web
launchctl load -w com.caddyserver.web
launchctl list | grep caddy
launchctl remove grep caddy
systemctl status caddy
systemctl enable caddy
systemctl start caddy
systemctl stop caddy
journalctl --boot -u caddy.service