An example chat server in golang.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
991 B

6 years ago
# chat.go
Rudimentary go chat server as a fun project.
# Install
git clone
go get
go get
Note: I also copied some code directly from
# Usage
6 years ago
**Start the server**
go run -race chatserver*.go -conf ./config.yml
6 years ago
See sample config file at `config.sample.yml`.
**Connect clients**
You can connect multiple clients.
telnet localhost 4080
You can also use HTTP. The API docs and examples can be seen at <http://localhost:4080>
curl http://localhost:4080
* [x] Awesome telnet server (would
* [x] HTTP API (no UI for the sake of time)
* [x] Multiplex the same port (because I wanted to learn)
* [x] E-mail "magic link" authentication (minus the link since it's localhost)
Not Implemented
* [ ] Write to log file (just `go run ./chatserver.go > /path/to/log`
* [ ] Rooms