An example chat server in golang.
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

240 lignes
6.6 KiB

package main
import (
restful ""
type JsonMsg struct {
Messages []*chatMsg `json:"messages"`
type myHttpServer struct {
chans chan bufferedConn
func (m *myHttpServer) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
bufConn := <-m.chans
return bufConn, nil
func newHttpServer(l net.Listener) *myHttpServer {
return &myHttpServer{make(chan bufferedConn), l}
// TODO I probably should just make the non-exportable properties private/lowercase
type authReq struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
ChallengedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
Chan chan authReq `json:"-"`
Otp string `json:"otp"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
DidAuth bool `json:"-"`
Subject string `json:"sub"` // Subject as in 'sub' as per OIDC
VerifiedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
Tries int `json:"-"`
func serveStatic(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
actual := path.Join(config.RootPath, req.PathParameter("subpath"))
fmt.Printf("serving %s ... (from %s)\n", actual, req.PathParameter("subpath"))
http.ServeFile(resp.ResponseWriter, req.Request, actual)
func serveHello(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{\"msg\":\"hello\"}")
func requestAuth(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
ar := authReq{
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
DidAuth: false,
Tries: 0,
// Not sure why go restful finds it easier to do ReadEntity() than the "normal" way...
// err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&ar)
err := req.ReadEntity(&ar)
if nil != err {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"bad json in request body\"} }")
email := strings.TrimSpace(ar.Subject)
emailParts := strings.Split(email, "@")
// TODO better pre-mailer validation (whitelist characters or use lib)
if 2 != len(emailParts) {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"bad email address '"+email+"'\"} }")
ar.Subject = email
var otp string
if "" != config.Mailer.ApiKey {
otp, err = sendAuthCode(config.Mailer, ar.Subject)
if nil != err {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"error sending auth code via mailgun\" } }")
if "" == otp {
otp, err = genAuthCode()
if nil != err {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"error generating random number (code)\"} }")
ar.Otp = otp
// Cheat code in case you didn't set up mailgun keys in the config file
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n== HTTP AUTHORIZATION ==\n[cheat code for %s]: %s\n", ar.Subject, ar.Otp)
cid, _ := genAuthCode()
if "" == cid {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"error generating random number (cid)\"} }")
ar.Cid = cid
authReqs <- ar
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"success\": true, \"cid\": \""+ar.Cid+"\" }")
func issueToken(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
ar := authReq{}
cid := req.PathParameter("cid")
if "" == cid {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"bad cid in request url params\"} }")
err := req.ReadEntity(&ar)
if nil != err {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"bad json in request body\"} }")
ar.Cid = cid
ar.Chan = make(chan authReq)
valAuthReqs <- ar
av := <-ar.Chan
ar.Chan = nil
// TODO use a pointer instead?
if "" == av.Otp {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"invalid request: empty authorization challenge\"} }")
av.Tries += 1
av.ChallengedAt = time.Now()
// TODO security checks
// * ChallengedAt was at least 1 second ago
// * Tries does not exceed 5
// * CreatedAt is not more than 15 minutes old
// Probably also need to make sure than not more than n emails are sent per y minutes
// Not that this would even matter if the above were implemented, just a habit
if 1 != subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(av.Otp), []byte(ar.Otp)) {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"invalid authorization code\"} }")
// I'm not sure if this is necessary, but I think it is
// to overwrite the original with the updated
// (these are copies, not pointers, IIRC)
// and it seems like this is how I might write to a DB anyway
authReqs <- av
av.DidAuth = true
ar.VerifiedAt = time.Now()
authReqs <- av
// TODO I would use a JWT, but I need to wrap up this project
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"success\": true, \"token\": \""+ar.Cid+"\" }")
func requireToken(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response, chain *restful.FilterChain) {
ar := authReq{}
auth := req.HeaderParameter("Authorization")
if "" == auth {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"missing Authorization header\"} }")
authParts := strings.Split(auth, " ")
if "bearer" != strings.ToLower(authParts[0]) || "" == authParts[1] {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"expected 'Authorization: Bearer <Token>'\"} }")
ar.Cid = authParts[1]
ar.Chan = make(chan authReq)
valAuthReqs <- ar
av := <-ar.Chan
ar.Chan = nil
// TODO use a pointer instead?
if "" == av.Cid {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"invalid token: no session found\"} }")
// I prefer testing for "if not good" to "if bad"
// (much safer in the dynamic world I come from)
if true != av.DidAuth {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"message\": \"bad session'\"} }")
req.SetAttribute("user", av.Subject)
chain.ProcessFilter(req, resp)
func listMsgs(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
// TODO support ?since=<ISO_TS>, but for now we'll just let the client sort the list
// TODO Could this have a data race if the list were added to while this is iterating?
Messages: myChatHist.msgs[:myChatHist.c],
func postMsg(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
user, ok := req.Attribute("user").(string)
if !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"code\": \"E_SANITY\", \"message\": \"SANITY FAIL user was not set, nor session error sent\"} }")
if "" == user {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"code\": \"E_SESSION\", \"message\": \"invalid session\"} }")
msg := chatMsg{}
err := req.ReadEntity(&msg)
if nil != err {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"code\": \"E_FORMAT\", \"message\": \"invalid json POST\"} }")
msg.sender = nil
msg.ReceivedAt = time.Now()
msg.User = user
if "" == msg.Channel {
msg.Channel = "general"
if "" == msg.Message {
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"error\": { \"code\": \"E_FORMAT\", \"message\": \"please specify a 'message'\"} }")
broadcastMsg <- msg
fmt.Fprintf(resp, "{ \"success\": true }")