updated readme

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2015-01-23 19:19:10 -07:00
parent 9ffa1c5855
commit 04507b6aa5
1 changed files with 105 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -1,81 +1,132 @@
Not a Web Developer?
You're in the wrong place. **Go to <http://dear.desi>** and follow the instructions there.
Did you mean to come here?
If you're a normal person interested in *Desi, the DIY blog platform for normal people*,
you might have meant to go to [DearDesi](http://dear.desi) instead.
Otherwise, if you're a cyborg, wizzard, or web developer: carry on.
Dear Desi
A nice, friendly tool to help you get set up and start blogging with Desirae
These instructions cover the command line only.
Front-end written in AngularJS, back-end in Node.js
If you want instructions for the web interface, head over to [DearDesi](http://dear.desi).
Install and Usage
Command Line Install (for developers)
If you're on OS X or Linux, it's as easy as pie to install and use Desirae.
This assumes that you already have `git` and `iojs` (or `node`) installed,
otherwise see [iojs-install-script](https://github.com/coolaj86/iojs-install-script)
First install io.js (or node.js), if you haven't already.
# io.js
echo "v1.0.3" > /tmp/IOJS_VER
curl -fsSL bit.ly/easy-install-iojs | bash
# node.js
echo "v0.11.14" > /tmp/NODE_VER
curl -fsSL bit.ly/easy-install-node | bash
Then install desi
npm install -g desi
And create a copy of the desirae-seed
That was easy
Quick Usage
* desi init -d ~/Desktop/new-blog
* pushd ~/Desktop/new-blog
* desi post "my first post"
* desi build
* desi serve
**Note**: both through command line and web you need `site.yml` and `authors/xyz.yml` configured in order to create a post (as well as build).
The post commands output the location of post in various formats.
Initialize your blog (step 1)
You can do this 3 ways:
1. Create a new blog with `desi init -d ~/Desktop/blog`
2. Clone the seed project and themes yourself
3. Clone the seed project and import your posts and themes
### Automated (desi init)
# initialize (and or create) a blog directory
desi init -d ~/Desktop/blog
# initialize the current directory
pushd ~/Desktop/blog
desi init
Note that you cannot initialize a directory that is already in use
(where 'in use' means has at least one non-dotfile).
### Manual (clone yourself)
There are a number of themes available at <https://github.com/DearDesi>,
just look for ones with 'theme' in the description.
git clone git@github.com:DearDesi/desirae-blog-template.git ~/my-desirae-blog
pushd ~/my-desirae-blog
git submodule init
git submodule update
git submodule add git@github.com:DearDesi/ruhoh-bootstrap-2.git themes/ruhoh-bootstrap-2
And now fire up Dear Desi to get started
You will need to make sure that you have some details about your theme in `config.yml`.
Basically that means that you specify a [`datamap`](https://github.com/DearDesi?query=datamap)
and which defaults for a `page` and `post` in the `layouts` folder.
desi serve -d ~/my-desirae-blog
Just open it up, it'll make sense.
### Migrate (import another blog)
Obviously this is a little different for everyone, so here's what I'd recommend:
1. start by following the Automated procedure above
2. copy over your posts/articles folder(s)
3. edit `config.yml` to add a config with a permalink with your collections (posts, articles, essays, whatever you call them)
4. skip ahead to the *Setup your blog* section and make sure your `site.yml` and `authors/xxx.yml` are correct.
5. run `desi build -d /path/to/blog` to test if there are any issues with your existing yaml
* if there are, you can take a look at the [normalize](https://github.com/DearDesi/desirae/blob/master/lib/transform-core.js#L72) function and perhaps hand-edit a few things (and when you're ready, you can [register your transform](https://github.com/DearDesi/deardesi/blob/master/bin/deardesi.js#L28) for collections.
6. Now copy over your theme and set it to be the default in `site.yml`
7. build again. Your site probably won't look right:
* look for stuff like `urls.base_url`, `host`, `page.url` that might have an extra `/` at the beginning or end or be named slightly differently.
See <https://github.com/DearDesi/desirae/blob/master/GLOSSARY.md> for disambiguation about the meaning of terms in Desi.
Setup your blog (step 2)
1. Create an authors file in `authors/YOUR_NAME.yml` and model it after [this example](https://github.com/DearDesi/deardesi/blob/master/example/authors/johndoe.yml)
* You don't need to use all of the fields (your template might not even support them all)
2. Create a site file as `site.yml`, similar to [this example](https://github.com/DearDesi/deardesi/blob/master/example/site.yml)
**Important Things**
* `site.yml.base_url` - the point of ownership (usually blog.example.com or example.com)
* `site.yml.base_path` - where the blog is "mounted", relative to the `base_url` (usually `/` or `/blog`)
* `authors/me.yml.name` - most templates use this
* `authors/me.yml.email` - and this
* `authors/me.yml.twitter` - and this
Build your blog (step 2)
The build *will* fail if you don't have `site.yml` and `authors/johndoe.yml` configured.
desi build -d /path/to/blog
desi serve -d /path/to/blog
Now open up your evergreen browser to <http://local.dear.desi:65080>
Once you've done the initial setup in the browser, you can run `desi` from the commandline
**NOTE:** You can omit the `-d` if you are already in your blog directory.
Build Production Site
You must set `base_path` and `base_url` in `site.yml` before attempting to build.
desi build -d ~/my-desirae-blog
Outputs to `~/my-desirae-blog/compiled`
Create a new Post
desi post "My First Post" -d ~/my-desirae-blog
Outputs to `~/my-desirae-blog/posts/my-first-post.md`