angular.module('', []). factory('Desirae', ['$q', '$http', function ($q, $http) { var Desi = window.Desirae || require('./deardesi').Desirae , desi = {/*TODO api_base: '/api'*/} ; // TODO what version of ruhoh are ruhoh-twitter and ruhoh-boostrap-2 Desi.registerDataMapper('ruhoh', window.DesiraeDatamapRuhoh || require('desirae-datamap-ruhoh').DesiraeDatamapRuhoh); Desi.registerDataMapper('ruhoh@2.6', window.DesiraeDatamapRuhoh || require('desirae-datamap-ruhoh').DesiraeDatamapRuhoh); function gdrive2host(str) { // // var m ; str = str || ''; m = str.match(/(?=drive.*google|google.*drive).*folderview.*id=([^&]+)/i); console.log(m); if (m && m[1]) { return '' + m[1]; } } function dropbox2host(str) { if (!/dropbox/.test(str)) { return; } // // // // str = str || ''; if (!str.match(/dropboxusercontent\.com\/u\/([^\/]+)\/index.html/)) { window.alert("Sorry, Desi can't use that type of dropbox link." + "\n\n1. Open the Dropbox folder on your computer" + "\n (The DropBox app must be installed)" + "\n\n2. Open the Public folder" + "\n (if you don't have a Public folder, your account doesn't support hosting websites and you're simply out of luck)" + "\n\n2. Create a new file called index.html" + "\n\n3. Right-click on index.html" + "\n\n4. Select 'Copy Public Link'" + "\n\n5. Paste that link as the URL for Desi" ); return; } return str.replace(/\/index\.html$/, ''); } function splitUrl(str) { var m ; str = str || ''; m = str.match(/(https?:\/\/)?([^\.\/?#]+\.[^\/?#]+)(\/[^#?]+)?/i); console.log(m); if (!m || !m[2]) { return; } return { baseUrl: (m[1] || 'http://') + m[2] , basePath: (m[3] && m[3].replace(/\/$/, '')) || '/' }; } function getBlogdir () { return $http.get('/api/fs/rootdir').then(function (resp) { desi.blogdir =; return; }); } getBlogdir(); return { splitUrl: splitUrl , gdrive2host: gdrive2host , dropbox2host: dropbox2host , reset: function () { desi = {}; return getBlogdir(); } , toDesiDate: Desi.toLocaleDate , meta: function () { var d = $q.defer() ; if (desi.meta) { d.resolve(desi); return d.promise; } Desi.init(desi).then(function () { d.resolve(desi); }); return d.promise; } , build: function (env) { var d = $q.defer() ; if (desi.built) { d.resolve(desi); return d.promise; } Desi.buildAll(desi, env).then(function () { d.resolve(desi); }); return d.promise; } , write: function (env) { var d = $q.defer() ; if (desi.written) { d.resolve(desi); return d.promise; } Desi.write(desi, env).then(function () { d.resolve(desi); }); return d.promise; } , putFiles: function (files) { return $q.when(Desi.fsapi.putFiles(files)); } }; }] );