/*jshint -W054 */ ;(function (exports) { 'use strict'; var Mustache = exports.Mustache || require('mustache') ; function map(view) { var newview , analytics , comments ; comments = view.site.disqus_shortname && Mustache.render(view.desi.partials.disqus, { disqus: { shortname: view.site.disqus_shortname , identifier: view.entity.disqus_identifier || undefined , url: !view.entity.disqus_identifier && view.entity.disqus_url || undefined }}) ; analytics = view.site.google_analytics_tracking_id && Mustache.render(view.desi.partials.google_analytics, { google_analytics: { tracking_id: view.site.google_analytics_tracking_id }}) ; newview = { content: view.contents , page: { title: view.entity.yml.title || view.site.title // in rt , tagline: view.entity.yml.tagline // in rt , description: view.entity.yml.description // in rt , content: view.contents , youtube: view.entity.yml.youtube , tags: view.entity.yml.tags , categories: view.entity.yml.categories , player_width: view.entity.yml.player_width , player_height: view.entity.yml.player_height , next: view.entities[view.entity_index + 1] , previous: view.entities[view.entity_index - 1] , date: view.entity.year + '-' + view.entity.month + '-' + view.entity.day // TODO , url: view.entities. } , 'page?previous': view.entities[view.entity_index - 1] // ruhoh-twitter only // should contain { url: ..., title: ... } , 'page?next': view.entities[view.entity_index + 1] // ruhoh-twitter only , 'page.categories?to_categories': [] // ruhoh-twitter only , 'page.tags?to_tags': [] // ruhoh-twitter only , posts: { collated: view.desi.collated } , urls: { base_url: view.env.base_url // /something/ -> good (leading and trailing slash) // / -> bad good (leading and trailing slash) , base_path: (view.env.base_path + '/').replace('//', '/') } , data: { author: { name: view.author.name , twitter: view.author.twitter } , title: view.site.title } , stylesheets: { 'load': function () { return function (text, render) { // TODO pay attention to text of which styles to load? // this is unescaped, right? console.log('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ magicstache'); return render(view.desi.styles.join('\n')); }; }} , styles: view.desi.styles.join('\n') , assets: view.desi.styles.join('\n') // ruhoh-twitter only , comments: comments // ruhoh-twitter only , analytics: analytics // ruhoh-twitter only , widgets: { comments: comments , analytics: analytics , facebook_connect: view.desi.partials.facebook_connect , twitter: view.desi.partials.twitter , google_plusone: view.desi.partials.google_plusone , amazon_link_enhancer: view.site.amazon_affiliate_id && Mustache.render(view.desi.partials.amazon_link_enhancer, { amazon_affiliate_id: view.site.amazon_affiliate_id }) } , site: { navigation: view.navigation , title: view.site.title // ruhoh-twitter only , author: { // ruhoh-twitter only name: view.author.name // ruhoh-twitter only } } }; // backwards compat newview.site['navigation?to_pages'] = newview.site.navigation; // ruhoh-twitter only newview.site['navigation?to__root'] = newview.site.navigation; newview.data.navigation = view.site.navigation; newview.data['navigation?to_pages'] = newview.site.navigation; newview.data['navigation?to__root'] = newview.site.navigation; newview.page.content = view.contents; return newview; } // shoulda made this an object at the start... oops map.ruhoh = map; map['ruhoh@1.0'] = map; map['ruhoh@2.6'] = map; exports.DesiraeDatamapRuhoh = map.DesiraeDatamapRuhoh = map; }('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || window));