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2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Did you mean DearDesi?
2015-01-03 19:26:23 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
If you're looking for [DearDesi](, the DIY blog platform for normal people
you should go to <>.
2015-01-13 10:41:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
Desirae (this repo) is the code that programmers to use to make DearDesi better
for everyone and to make Desirae-compatible blog platforms. (it's blog-ception!)
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Desirae (v0.9)
2015-01-11 11:04:30 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
Desirae is a static webpage compiler written in JavaScript.
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
It can run entirely in the browser
(with a little help from a minimal just to serve to read and save files).
It can also run entirely from the commandline (with io.js / node.js).
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- `JavaScript` - it's so stable it takes 10 years to get new any features.
- Won't break every time you upgrade OS X and reinstall `brew` (_cough_ ruby)
- Decent use of `try { ... } catch(e) ...` and `promise.catch()`
- the idea is that it shouldn't blow up at the slightest parse error without telling you which page is to blame (_cough_ ruhoh _cough_ jekyll)... bless me
- Browser (optional)
- using your front-end templates to build in your front-end? Imagine that!
- io.js (node.js) (optional)
- if you'd prefer to go headless, you can.
- The server is _very_ minimal and could easily be implemented in any language (such as ruby or python).
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Installation
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
bower install --save desirae
npm install --save desirae
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Why
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
Because I hate ruby.
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
Well, I don't hate it, but it hates me. Or at least it moves too fast and has
too many breaking changes between updates.
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
Anyway, I had to drop [ruhoh]( because I made a new year's resolution to blog
more (last year I made dozens of gists and 0 blog posts) and I just couldn't get the right ruby
versions and gems and whatnot... so I gave up and wrote my own (because I needed something
compatible with ruhoh).
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Usage Overview
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
### Before we get started
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
**Browser**: The default fs adapter will request the config files from `/api/fs/`.
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
**Node**: Remember that desirae is built browser-first, and optimized to reduce the number of round-trips
(in case someone actually desides to host a Desi service, y'know?), so... the node adapter is built with
the server in mind. If you can't respect that, don't look at the code. :-)
**NOTE**: The mixing of `snake_case` with `camelCase` is somewhat intentional.
It's an artifact of this project being born out of the ashes of my
[ruhoh]( blog, which is built in ruby and uses YAML.
### Getting Started
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
First off you need to declare a state object that will be used in every _desirae_ action.
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
var desi = {};
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
2015-01-16 04:45:10 +00:00
After that you'll load any plugins you need.
2015-01-23 22:13:09 +00:00
Here's how you would load all of the common plugins:
2015-01-16 04:45:10 +00:00
2015-01-23 22:13:09 +00:00
// load the module whether in browser or node
function dload(filename, exportname) {
return dload('undefined' !== typeof window && window[exportname] || require(filename)[exportname];
// 1. Transform (yml, slug, etc)
, dload('desirae/lib/transform-core', 'DesiraeTransformCore').lint
, { collections: true }
, dload('desirae/lib/transform-core', 'DesiraeTransformCore').root
, { root: true }
, dload('desirae/lib/transform-core', 'DesiraeTransformCore').normalize
, { root: true, collections: true }
, dload('desirae/lib/transform-core', 'DesiraeTransformCore').disqus
, { collections: true }
// 2. Register Aggregators (rss, categories, tags, etc)
Desi.registerAggregator(dload('desirae/lib/aggregate-core', 'DesiraeAggregateCore').collate);
// 3. Register Datamappers (ruhoh, desirae, jade, mustache, liquid)
Desi.registerDataMapper('desirae', dload('desirae/lib/datamap-core', 'DesiraeDatamapCore'));
Desi.registerDataMapper('desirae@1.0', dload('desirae/lib/datamap-core', 'DesiraeDatamapCore'));
Desi.registerDataMapper('ruhoh', dload('desirae-datamap-ruhoh', 'DesiraeDatamapRuhoh'));
Desi.registerDataMapper('ruhoh@1.0', dload('desirae-datamap-ruhoh', 'DesiraeDatamapRuhoh'));
Desi.registerDataMapper('ruhoh@2.6', dload('desirae-datamap-ruhoh', 'DesiraeDatamapRuhoh'));
// 4. Register Renderers (md -> html, less -> css, etc)
, dload('desirae/lib/render-core', 'DesiraeRenderJs')
, { themes: true, assets: true }
, dload('desirae/lib/render-core', 'DesiraeRenderCss')
, { themes: true, assets: true }
, dload('desirae/lib/render-core', 'DesiraeRenderHtml')
, { root: true, collections: true, themes: true, assets: true }
['md', 'markdown'].forEach(function (ext) {
, dload('desirae/lib/render-core', 'DesiraeRenderMarkdown')
, { root: true, collections: true }
, dload('desirae/lib/render-core', 'DesiraeRenderJade')
, { root: true, collections: true, themes: true }
2015-01-16 04:45:10 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
And then you'll initialize Desirae with an _environment_.
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
Desirae.init(desi, {
url: "",
base_url: "",
base_path: "/blog",
compiled_path: "compiled_dev",
// default: continue when possible
onError: function (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
// io.js / node.js only
working_path: "./path/to/blog",
}).then(function () {
console.log("Desirae is initialized");
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
Using the paths specified in the environment it will read the appropriate
`config.yml`, `site.yml`, and `authors/*.yml` files to initialize itself.
Then you can specify to build the static blog. You'll need to pass the environment again.
Desirae.buildAll(desi, env).then(function () {
console.log('Desirae built your blog!');
Finally, you save the built out to disk.
Desirae.write(desi, env).then(function () {
console.log('Desirae pushd all files to the appropriate fs adapter!');
2015-01-11 11:04:30 +00:00
2015-01-16 04:48:54 +00:00
### Plugins
You need to start every file with a wrapper that is browser and io.js/node.js compatible
/*jshint -W054 */
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
(function (exports) {
"use strict";
2015-01-16 04:48:54 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
var DesiraeMyModule = {};
2015-01-16 04:48:54 +00:00
// ... a bunch of code ...
DesiraeMyModule.doStuff = doStuff;
exports.DesiraeMyModule = DesiraeMyModule.DesiraeMyModule = DesiraeMyModule;
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
})(("undefined" !== typeof exports && exports) || window);
2015-01-16 04:48:54 +00:00
Other than that, just be mindful that your code needs to run in both iojs/node and browser environments
2015-01-16 04:45:10 +00:00
so steer away from things that are super iojs/node-ish or super window-ish.
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Configuration
2015-01-11 11:04:30 +00:00
There are a few configuration files:
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- `site.yml` is stuff that might be unique to your site, such as (title, url, adwords id, etc)
- `authors/<<your-handle.yml>>` contains information about you (name, handle, facebook, etc)
- `config.yml` contains directives that describe _how_ the blog should be compiled - more technical stuff.
2015-01-11 11:04:30 +00:00
If any of these files change, the entire site needs to be retemplated.
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
I'd like to make the plugin system connect-style API for adding plugins or whatever so that,
for example, so you could have a custom markdown preprocessor (that handles includes, perhaps)
and still pass the string along to the 'real' markdown parser afterwards.
But here's what I've got so far:
## Rendering Engines
### (html, markdown, jade)
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- `Desirae.registerRenderer(ext, fn)`
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
For example, if you want to add the ability to render from `slim` or `haml`
instead of just `markdown` you could find the appropriate
JavaScript module (or make requests to an API service that renders them for you) and do this
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
var slim = exports.slimjs || require("slimjs");
function render(contentstr /*, desi*/) {
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
return PromiseA.resolve(slim(contentstr));
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
Desirae.registerRenderer(".slim", render);
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
## Data Mapping
### (desirae, ruhoh, etc)
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- `Desirae.registerDataMapper(ext, fn)`
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
If you want to use a non-desirae theme that uses attributes in a different than
how Desirae creates the view object internally
(i.e. it wants `{{ }}` instead of `{{ entity.title }}`), you can use a
data mapper to accomplish this.
Please try not to modify the original object if you can avoid it.
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
_TODO: maybe pass in a two-level deep shallow copy ?_
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
Desirae.registerDataMapper("ruhoh@3.0", function (view) {
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
return {
page: {
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
name: view.entity.title,
author: {
// ...
2015-01-15 03:33:57 +00:00
The default datamapper is `ruhoh@2.6`
(note that that might be misnamed, I'm a little confused as to how Ruhoh's template versions correspond
to Ruhoh proper versions).
## Adapters
### (fs, http, dropbox)
I'd love to work with anyone who is familiar with the Dropbox or similar APIs.
I think it would be awesome to support various means of storage. Perhaps github gists too.
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
# Server
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
Obviously there has to be a server with some sort of storage and retrieval mechanism.
I've implemented a very simple node server using the filesystem.
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
## GET /api/fs/walk
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- `dir` **must** be supplied. returns a flat list of all files, recursively
- `dotfiles` default to `false`. includes dotfiles when `true`.
- `extensions` defaults to `null`. inclode **only** the supplied extensions when `true`.
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
"name": "",
"createdDate": "2015-01-05T18:19:30.000Z",
"lastModifiedDate": "2015-01-05T18:19:30.000Z",
"size": 2121,
"relativePath": "posts/2015"
"name": "tips-for-the-ages.jade",
"createdDate": "2014-06-16T18:19:30.000Z",
"lastModifiedDate": "2014-06-16T18:19:30.000Z",
"size": 389,
"relativePath": "posts"
"name": "my-first-post.html",
"createdDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z",
"lastModifiedDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z",
"size": 4118,
"relativePath": "posts/2013"
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
To retrieve multiple dir listings at once:
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- for a few simple dirs without special chars just change `dir` to `dirs` and separate with commas
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- for many dirs, or dirs with special chars, `POST` an object containing an array of `dirs` with `&_method=GET` appended to the url.
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
{ "dirs": [ "old", "2013,12", "2013,11" ] }
"posts/2015": [ { "name": ... }, { ... } ]
, "posts/2013": [ ... ]
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
## GET /api/fs/files
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
"path": "posts/",
"createdDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z",
"lastModifiedDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z",
"contents": "...",
"sha1": "6eae3a5b062c6d0d79f070c26e6d62486b40cb46"
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
To retrieve multiple files at once:
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- for a few simple files without special chars just change `path` to `paths` and separate with commas
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
- for many files, or files with special chars, `POST` an object containing an array of `pathss` with `&_method=GET` appended to the url.
2015-01-06 06:07:14 +00:00
{ "paths": [ "posts/", "posts/2013,11," ] }
{ "path": "posts/"
, "lastModifiedDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z"
, "contents": "..."
, "sha1": "6eae3a5b062c6d0d79f070c26e6d62486b40cb46"
, ...
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
## POST /api/fs/files
By default this should assume that you intended to write to the compiled directory
and return an error if you try to write to any other directory, unless `compiled=false` (not yet implemented).
`_method=PUT` is just for funzies.
Including `sha1` is optional, but recommended.
`lastModifiedDate` is optional and may or may not make any difference.
`strict` (not yet implemented) fail immediately and completely on any error
"files": [
{ "path": "posts/"
, "name": ""
, "relativePath": "posts"
2015-01-13 10:41:14 +00:00
, "createdDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z"
, "lastModifiedDate": "2013-08-01T22:47:37.000Z"
, "contents": "..."
, "sha1": "6eae3a5b062c6d0d79f070c26e6d62486b40cb46"
, "delete": false
, ...
The response may include errors of all shapes and sizes.
{ "error": { message: "any top-level error", ... }
, "errors": [
{ "type": "file|directory"
, "message": "maybe couldn't create the directory, but maybe still wrote the file. Maybe not"
, ...
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
## POST /api/fs/copy
2015-01-13 10:41:14 +00:00
2020-11-09 03:01:26 +00:00
{ "files": { "assets/logo.png": "compiled/assets/logo.png" } }
2015-01-13 10:41:14 +00:00
# License
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla \
Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed \
with this file, You can obtain one at \