;(function (exports) { 'use strict'; var PromiseA = exports.Promise || require('bluebird').Promise , path = exports.path || require('path') , Mustache = exports.Mustache || require('mustache') , forEachAsync = exports.forEachAsync || require('foreachasync').forEachAsync , THEME_PREFIX = 'themes' //, sha1sum = exports.sha1sum || require('./lib/node-adaptors').sha1sum //, safeResolve = exports.safeResolve || require('./lib/utils').safeResolve //, UUID = exports.uuid || require('node-uuid') , pforms ; function Desi() { } if (!exports.window) { Desi.sha1sum = require('./lib/node-adapters').sha1sum; Desi.fsapi = require('./lib/node-adapters').fsapi; Desi.realFsapi = require('./lib/node-adapters').realFsapi; // adds helper methods to fsapi require('./lib/utils').create(Desi); // adds Desi.Frontmatter require('./lib/frontmatter').create(Desi); } Desi.slugify = function (title) { return title.toLowerCase() .replace(/["']/g, '') .replace(/\W/g, '-') .replace(/^-+/g, '') .replace(/-+$/g, '') .replace(/--/g, '-') ; }; Desi.slugifyPath = function (filepath) { // because not all filepaths are url-safe return filepath.toLowerCase() .replace(/\//g, '___SLASH___') .replace(/["']/g, '') .replace(/\W/g, '-') .replace(/^-+/g, '') .replace(/-+$/g, '') .replace(/--/g, '-') .replace(/___SLASH___/g, '/') ; }; Desi.pad = function (str, n, c) { c = c || '0'; if (0 !== n && !n) { n = 2; } str = str.toString(); if (str.length < 2) { return c + str; } return str; }; Desi.firstCap = function (str) { return str.replace(/^./, function ($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); }); }; // See https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/415 Desi.num2str = function (obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj, function (key, val) { if ('number' === typeof val) { val = val.toString(); } return val; })); }; pforms = { year: function (entity) { return entity.year; } , month: function (entity) { return Desi.pad(entity.month, 2); } , day: function (entity) { return Desi.pad(entity.day, 2); } , path: function (entity) { return entity.relativePath .toLowerCase() .replace(/^\//, '') ; } , relative_path: function (entity) { // TODO slug the path in desirae proper? // TODO remove collection from start of path instead // of blindly assuming one directory at start of path // entity.collection.name return entity.relativePath .toLowerCase() .replace(/^\/?[^\/]+\//, '') ; } , filename: function (entity) { // don't put .html return entity.name .toLowerCase() .replace(/\.\w+$/, '') ; } , slug: function (entity) { // alias of title return entity.slug; } , title: function (entity) { return entity.slug; } , name: function (entity) { // alias of title return entity.slug; } , collection: function (entity) { // TODO implement in desirae return entity.collection && entity.collection.name || entity.collectionname || entity.collection || '' ; } , categories: function (entity) { return (entity.categories)[0]||''; } , i_month: function (entity) { return parseInt(entity.month, 10) || 0; } , i_day: function (entity) { return parseInt(entity.day, 10) || 0; } }; Desi.permalinkify = function (desi, purl, entity) { var parts = purl.split('/') ; // when created from the web or cmd the file doesn't yet exist if (!entity.name) { entity.name = entity.slug + '.html'; } if (!entity.relativePath) { entity.relativePath = entity.collection || Object.keys(desi.config.collections)[0] || 'posts'; } parts.forEach(function (part, i) { var re = /:(\w+)/g , m // needs to be a copy, not a reference , opart = part.toString() ; /* jshint -W084 */ while (null !== (m = re.exec(opart))) { if (pforms[m[1]]) { part = part.replace(':' + m[1], pforms[m[1]](entity)); } } /* jshint +W084 */ parts[i] = part || ''; }); parts.unshift('/'); purl = path.join.apply(null, parts); if (!/(\/|\.html?)$/.test(purl)) { // we just default to a slash if you were ambiguous purl += '/'; } return purl; }; function readFrontmatter(things) { return forEachAsync(things, function (file) { var parts = Desi.Frontmatter.parse(file.contents) ; if (!file.sha1) { // TODO sha1sum } file.yml = parts.yml; file.frontmatter = parts.frontmatter; file.body = parts.body; }); } // TODO redo entirely function getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, thingies, deps) { var byDirty = {} ; Object.keys(thingies).forEach(function (key) { var files = thingies[key] , cached , cdate , fdate ; files.forEach(function (file) { var pathname = path.join(file.relativePath + '/' + file.name) ; // TODO legitimately checkout layout dependencies if (deps && Object.keys(deps).length) { byDirty[pathname] = file; return; } if (!cacheByPath[pathname]) { if (cacheBySha1[file.sha1]) { // TODO rename } byDirty[pathname] = file; return; } cached = cacheByPath[pathname]; cached.visited = true; if (cached.sha1 && file.sha1) { if (file.sha1 && cached.sha1 !== file.sha1) { byDirty[pathname] = file; return; } cdate = cached.lastModifiedDate && new Date(cached.lastModifiedDate); fdate = file.lastModifiedDate && new Date(file.lastModifiedDate); if (!cdate || !fdate || cdate !== fdate) { byDirty[pathname] = file; } } }); }); return byDirty; } function getLayout(desi, themename, layoutname, arr, i) { if (i > (desi.config.max_layouth_depth || 10)) { console.error('desi.config.yml:max_layouth_depth if your layouts intentionally nest more than ' + i + ' levels deep'); throw new Error("Possible circular dependency in theme '" + themename + "', layout '" + layoutname + "'"); } i = i || 0; // TODO meta.layout for each entity arr = arr || []; var layoutdir = 'layouts' , themepath , file ; if (!themename) { themename = desi.site.theme || desi.config.theme; } // TODO NO DEFAULTS if ('__page__' === layoutname) { layoutname = desi.config.themes[themename].pageLayout || 'page'; } else if ('__post__' === layoutname) { layoutname = desi.config.themes[themename].postLayout || 'post'; } else if (!layoutname) { // TODO assign __post__ in a previous step and do away with this case layoutname = desi.config.themes[themename].postLayout || 'post'; } // THEME PREFIX themepath = path.join(THEME_PREFIX, themename, layoutdir, layoutname); desi.content.themes.some(function (theme) { // TODO what if it isn't html? if (theme.path === themepath || theme.path.match(themepath + '\\.html')) { file = theme; theme.ext = path.extname(file.path); // TODO merge with yml? theme.config = desi.config.themes[themename]; theme.themename = themename; theme.layoutname = layoutname; arr.push(theme); return true; } }); if (!file) { console.error("could not find " + themepath); return; } // TODO handle possible circular dep condition page -> post -> page if (!file.yml || !file.yml.layout) { // return the chain page -> posts -> default -> ruhoh-twitter return arr; } if (!file.yml || !file.yml.layout) { return arr; } return getLayout(desi, themename, file.yml.layout, arr, i + 1); } /* function clone(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } */ Desi.YAML = { parse: (exports.jsyaml || require('js-yaml')).load , stringify: (exports.jsyaml || require('js-yaml')).dump }; Desi.toDesiDate = Desi.toLocaleDate = function (d) { return d.getFullYear() + '-' + Desi.pad(d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + Desi.pad(d.getDate()) + ' ' + (d.getHours() % 12) + ':' + Desi.pad(d.getMinutes()) + ' ' + (d.getHours() - 12 >= 0 ? 'pm' : 'am') ; }; Desi.fromLocaleDate = function (str) { // handles ISO and ISO-ish dates var m = str.match(/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})([T\s](\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(:(\d{1,2}))?)?/) , d = {} ; if (!m) { return []; } d.year = m[1]; d.month = m[2]; d.day = m[3]; d.hour = m[4] = Desi.pad(m[5] || '00'); // hours d.minute = m[5] = Desi.pad(m[6] || '00'); // minutes d.second = m[6] = Desi.pad(m[8] || '00'); // seconds if (parseInt(m[4], 10) > 12) { d.twelve_hour = m[7] = m[4] - 12; // 12-hour d.meridian = m[8] = 'pm'; // am/pm } else { d.twelve_hour = m[7] = m[4]; d.meridian = m[8] = 'am'; } // 0 -> 12 if (!parseInt(d.twelve_hour, 10)) { d.twelve_hour = '12'; } return d; }; // read config and such Desi._initFileAdapter = function (env) { if (!exports.window) { // TODO pull state out of this later Desi.realFsapi.create(Desi, env); } return PromiseA.resolve(); }; Desi.init = function (desi, env) { Desi._initFileAdapter(env); if (!exports.window) { // TODO pull state out of this later Desi.realFsapi.create(Desi, env); } // config.yml, data.yml, site.yml, authors return PromiseA.all([ Desi.fsapi.getAllConfigFiles() /*, fsapi.getBlogdir()*/ ]).then(function (plop) { var arr = plop[0] //, blogdir = plop[1] ; //desi.blogdir = blogdir; //desi.originals = {}; //desi.copies = {}; Object.keys(arr).forEach(function (key) { desi[key] = arr[key]; //desi.originals[key] = arr[key]; //desi.copies[key] = clone(arr[key]); //desi[key] = clone(arr[key]); }); // TODO just walk all of ./*.yml authors, posts, themes, _root from the get-go desi.config.rootdir = desi.config.rootdir || '_root'; // TODO create a config linter as a separate module /* if ('object' !== typeof desi.config.collections || !Object.keys(desi.config.collections).length) { desi.config.collections = { 'posts': {} }; } if ('object' !== typeof desi.config.themes || !Object.keys(desi.config.themes).length) { desi.config.themes = { 'ruhoh-twitter': {} }; } if ('object' !== typeof desi.config.assets || !Object.keys(desi.config.assets).length) { desi.config.assets = { 'media': {} }; } if ('string' !== typeof desi.site.theme) { desi.site.theme = 'ruhoh-twitter'; } */ if (!Array.isArray(desi.site.navigation) || !desi.site.navigation.length) { desi.site.navigation = []; // ['archive']; } var collectionnames = Object.keys(desi.config.collections) , themenames = Object.keys(desi.config.themes) .filter(function (k) { return 'default' !== k; }) //.map(function (n) { return path.join(n, 'layouts'); }) , assetnames = Object.keys(desi.config.assets) ; // TODO make document configurability return PromiseA.all([ Desi.fsapi.getMeta( themenames.map(function (n) { return path.join(THEME_PREFIX, n); }) , { dotfiles: false , extensions: Object.keys(Desi._exts.themes) } ) , Desi.fsapi.getMeta( [desi.config.rootdir] , { dotfiles: false , extensions: Object.keys(Desi._exts.collections) } ) , Desi.fsapi.getMeta( collectionnames , { dotfiles: false , extensions: Object.keys(Desi._exts.collections) } ) , Desi.fsapi.getMeta( assetnames , { dotfiles: false //, extensions: Object.keys(Desi._exts.assets) } ) , Desi.fsapi.getCache() ]); }).then(function (things) { function noErrors(map) { Object.keys(map).forEach(function (pathname) { map[pathname] = map[pathname].filter(function (metaf) { if (!metaf.relativePath) { metaf.relativePath = path.dirname(metaf.path); metaf.name = metaf.name || path.basename(metaf.path); } metaf.path = path.join(metaf.relativePath, metaf.name); if (metaf.error) { console.error("Couldn't read '" + metaf.path + "'"); console.error(metaf.error); throw new Error(metaf.error); //return false; } if (!metaf.size) { console.error("Junk file (0 bytes) '" + metaf.path + "'"); console.error(metaf.error); throw new Error(metaf.error); //return false; } return true; }); }); return map; } var themes = noErrors(things[0]) , root = noErrors(things[1])[desi.config.rootdir] , collections = noErrors(things[2]) , assets = noErrors(things[3]) , cache = noErrors(things[4]) ; if (!themes[Object.keys(themes)[0]].length) { console.error('Missing THEMES!'); throw new Error('It seems that your themes directory is missing'); } if (!root.length) { console.error('Missing ROOT!'); throw new Error('It seems that your root directory is missing'); } /* if (!collections[Object.keys(collections)[0]].length) { console.error('Missing Collections!'); throw new Error('It seems that your collections are missing'); } */ desi.cache = cache; desi.meta = { themes: themes , collections: collections , root: root , assets: assets }; desi.styles = []; return desi; }); }; Desi.getDirtyFiles = function (desi, env) { var cache = desi.cache //, config = desi.config , cacheByPath = {} , cacheBySha1 = {} , dfiles , dthemes , droot ; cache.sources = cache.sources || []; cache.sources.forEach(function (source) { cacheByPath[source.path] = source; cacheBySha1[source.sha1] = source; }); dthemes = getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, desi.meta.themes); droot = getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, [desi.meta.root], dthemes); dfiles = getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, desi.meta.collections, dthemes); return PromiseA.all([ Object.keys(droot).length ? Desi.fsapi.getContents(Object.keys(droot)) : PromiseA.resolve([]) , Object.keys(dfiles).length ? Desi.fsapi.getContents(Object.keys(dfiles)) : PromiseA.resolve([]) , Object.keys(dthemes).length ? Desi.fsapi.getContents(Object.keys(dthemes)) : PromiseA.resolve([]) ]).then(function (arr) { var result = { root: [], collections: [], themes: [] } ; function noErrors(collectionBase, arr, entity) { // FOO FOO FOO if (!entity.error) { if (!entity.relativePath) { entity.relativePath = path.dirname(entity.path); entity.name = entity.name || path.basename(entity.path); } entity.relativePath = entity.relativePath.replace(desi.config.rootdir, '').replace(/^\//, ''); entity.path = path.join(entity.relativePath, entity.name); entity.ext = path.extname(entity.path); // TODO better collection detection if ('root' === collectionBase) { // TODO how to reconcile rootdir vs _root vs root? entity.collection = 'root'; entity.collectionType = 'root'; // desi.config.rootdir; } else if ('collections' === collectionBase) { entity.collection = entity.relativePath.split('/')[0]; entity.collectionType = 'collections'; } else if ('themes' === collectionBase) { entity.collection = entity.relativePath.split('/')[1]; entity.collectionType = 'themes'; } arr.push(entity); return PromiseA.resolve(); } if (env.onError) { return env.onError(entity.error); } else { console.error("Couldn't get file contents for '" + entity.path + "'"); console.error(entity.error); return PromiseA.reject(entity.error); } } return forEachAsync(arr[0], function (o) { return noErrors('root', result.root, o); }).then(function () { return forEachAsync(arr[1], function (o) { return noErrors('collections', result.collections, o); }); }).then(function () { return forEachAsync(arr[2], function (o) { return noErrors('themes', result.themes, o); }); }).then(function () { desi.content = result; return desi; }); }); }; Desi.copyAssets = function(desi, env) { var files = {} ; Object.keys(desi.meta.assets).forEach(function (key) { var assets = desi.meta.assets[key] ; assets.forEach(function (asset) { files[path.join(asset.relativePath, asset.name)] = path.join(env.compiled_path, 'assets', asset.relativePath, asset.name); }); }); return (Object.keys(files).length && Desi.fsapi.copy(files).then(function (copied) { if (copied.error) { console.error(copied.error); throw new Error(copied.error); } if (copied.errors && copied.errors.length) { console.error("Errors copying assets..."); copied.errors.forEach(function (err) { console.error(err); throw new Error(err); }); } return desi; }) || PromiseA.resolve(desi)); }; Desi.parseFrontmatter = function (desi) { return readFrontmatter(desi.content.root.concat(desi.content.themes.concat(desi.content.collections))).then(function () { return desi; }); }; Desi.getNav = function (desi) { var alwaysAdd = true ; if (desi.site.navigation.length) { alwaysAdd = false; } // TODO add missing metadata and resave file desi.navigation = []; desi.content.root.forEach(function (entity) { var name = path.join(entity.relativePath, path.basename(entity.name, path.extname(entity.name))) , nindex ; // The index should not show up in the automatic listing if (alwaysAdd && 'index' === name) { return; } nindex = (desi.site.navigation).indexOf(name); if (!alwaysAdd && -1 === nindex) { return; } else { nindex = desi.navigation.length; } // TODO this happens before normalization... should fix that... desi.navigation[nindex] = { title: entity.yml && entity.yml.title || Desi.firstCap(name) , name: name , active: false // placeholder }; }); // transform spare array into compact array desi.navigation = desi.navigation.filter(function (n) { return n; }); return PromiseA.resolve(desi); }; Desi.runTransforms = function (desi, env) { desi.permalinks = desi.permalinks || {}; function makeTransformer(type) { return function (entity, i, entities) { var collection ; if ('root' === type) { // TODO 'no magic', 'defaults in the app, not the lib' collection = { permalink: '/:filename/' }; } else { collection = desi.config[type][entity.collection]; } Desi._transformers[type].forEach(function (obj) { try { obj.transform(desi, env, collection, entity, i, entities); } catch(e) { console.error('[ERROR]'); console.error("Transform " + obj.name + " failed on " + entity.path); console.error(e.message); throw e; } }); }; } desi.content.root.forEach(makeTransformer('root')); desi.content.collections.forEach(makeTransformer('collections')); return PromiseA.resolve(desi); }; Desi._aggregations = []; Desi.registerAggregator = function (fn) { Desi._aggregations.push(fn); }; Desi.runAggregations = function (desi, env/*, collectionname*/) { return forEachAsync(Desi._aggregations, function (fn) { return fn(desi, env); }).then(function () { return desi; }); }; Desi._datamaps = {}; Desi.registerDataMapper = function (name, fn) { if (!Desi._datamaps[name]) { Desi._datamaps[name] = fn; } else { throw new Error("cannot add additional data mapper for '" + name + "' (there's already one assigned)"); } }; Desi._transformers = { root: [], collections: [], assets: [], themes: [] }; Desi.registerTransform = function (name, fn, opts) { ['root', 'collections', 'themes', 'assets'].forEach(function (thingname) { if (!opts[thingname]) { return; } if (Desi._transformers[thingname].some(function (obj) { if (name === obj.name || fn === obj.transform) { return true; } })) { throw new Error("cannot add additional transformer for '" + name + "' (there's already one assigned)"); } Desi._transformers[thingname].push({ name: name , transform: fn , root: opts.root , assets: opts.assets , themes: opts.themes , collections: opts.collections }); }); }; Desi._exts = { root: {}, collections: {}, assets: {}, themes: {} }; Desi._renderers = { root: {}, collections: {}, assets: {}, themes: {} }; Desi.registerRenderer = function(ext, fn, opts) { opts = opts || {}; if (!('root' in opts)) { opts.root = true; } if (!('collections' in opts)) { opts.collections = true; } ext = ext.replace(/^\./, ''); ['root', 'collections', 'themes', 'assets'].forEach(function (key) { if (!opts[key]) { return; } Desi._exts[key][ext] = true; if (!Desi._renderers[key][ext]) { Desi._renderers[key][ext] = []; } // LIFO Desi._renderers[key][ext].unshift(fn); }); }; Desi.render = function (ext, content, view) { var type = view.entity.collectionType ; ext = (ext||'').toLowerCase().replace(/^\./, ''); if (Desi._renderers[type][ext] && Desi._renderers[type][ext].length) { return Desi._renderers[type][ext][0](content, view); } return PromiseA.reject(new Error("no '" + type + "' renderer registered for '." + ext + "'")); }; function renderLayers(desi, env, view, entity) { var mustached = '' , layers ; // BUG XXX the entity doesn't get a datamap (though it probably doesn't need one) layers = getLayout(desi, entity.theme, entity.layout, [entity]); return forEachAsync(layers, function (current) { var body = (current.body || current.contents || '').trim() ; return Desi.render(current.ext, body, view).then(function (html) { // TODO organize datamap inheritence var datamap = Desi._datamaps[current.config && current.datamap] || Desi._datamaps[env.datamap] || Desi._datamaps[entity.datamap] || Desi._datamaps['ruhoh@2.6'] , newview ; view.contents = mustached; // shallowClone to prevent perfect object equality (and potential template caching) view.entity.original_base_path = view.entity.base_path; view.entity.home_path = view.entity.base_path + '/index.html'; env.original_base_path = env.base_path; if (env.explicitIndexes) { view.entity.base_path = path.join(view.entity.base_path, 'index.html'); env.base_path = path.join(env.base_path, 'index.html'); } newview = datamap(view); env.base_path = env.original_base_path; view.entity.base_path = view.entity.original_base_path; mustached = Mustache.render(html, newview, desi.partials); return mustached; }).catch(function (e) { console.error(current); if (env.onError) { return env.onError(e); } else { console.error('no registered renderer for ' + entity.path + ' or rendering failed'); throw e; } }); }); } Desi.build = function (desi, env) { var compiled = [] ; if (/dropbox/.test(env.base_url)) { env.explicitIndexes = true; } /* function compileScriptEntity(entity, i, arr) { } */ function compileThemeEntity(entity, i, arr) { var view ; console.info("[themes] compiling " + (i + 1) + "/" + arr.length + " " + entity.path); // TODO generate per-page for a more full 'view' object? view = { entity: { collectionType: 'themes' }, url: path.join(env.base_path, entity.path) }; // TODO this is more 'preprocessing' than 'rendering', perse return Desi.render(entity.ext, entity.body || entity.contents, view).then(function (css) { compiled.push({ contents: css, path: entity.path }); // TODO read theme config if (/stylesheets.*\.css/.test(entity.path) && (!/google/.test(entity.path) || /obsid/.test(entity.path))) { desi.styles.push(Mustache.render(desi.partials.stylesheet_link, view)); } }); } function compileContentEntity(entity, i, arr) { console.info("compiling " + (i + 1) + "/" + arr.length + " " + entity.path); var navigation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(desi.navigation)) , author = desi.authors[entity.yml.author] || desi.authors[Object.keys(desi.authors)[0]] , view , themename = entity.theme || desi.site.theme ; if (!author) { console.error("\n\n\n"); console.error("You don't have any files in authors/*.yml"); console.error("Please create authors/your-name.yml and fill it out"); console.error("For example:"); console.error("\n"); console.error("name: John Doe"); console.error("bio: One cool dude."); console.error("email: john.doe@email.com"); console.error("website: http://john.example.com"); console.error("facebook: http://fb.com/john.doe"); console.error("\n\n\n"); throw new Error("author file not found"); } // TODO nested names? navigation.forEach(function (nav) { // TODO allow permalink nav.href = path.join(env.base_path, nav.name); if (!/\.x?html?$/.test(nav.href)) { // add trailing slash nav.href += '/'; } if (nav.href.replace(/(\/)?(\/index)?(\.html)?$/i, '') === entity.relative_url.replace(/(\/)?(\/index)?(\.html)?$/i, '')) { nav.active = true; } if (env.explicitIndexes && !/\.x?html?$/.test(nav.href)) { nav.href = path.join(nav.href, 'index.html'); } nav.path = nav.href; }); view = { env: env , config: desi.config , site: desi.site , data: desi.data , entity: entity , entity_index: i , entities: arr , desi: desi , navigation: navigation , author: Desi.num2str(author) }; desi.allStyles = desi.styles.slice(0); desi.styles = desi.styles.filter(function (str) { // TODO better matching return str.match('/' + themename + '/'); }); return renderLayers(desi, env, view, entity).then(function (html) { desi.styles = desi.allStyles; // NOTE: by now, all permalinks should be in the format // /path/to/page.html or /path/to/page/index.html if (/^(index)?(\/?index.html)?$/.test(entity.permalink)) { console.info("[index] compiling " + (entity.path || entity.name)); compiled.push({ contents: html, path: path.join('index.html') }); } else { //console.info("[collection] compiling " + entity.path, entity.relative_file); compiled.push({ contents: html, path: path.join(entity.relative_file.replace(env.base_path, '')) }); } // catches /a, /a/index.html, a/index.html // but not index.html /index.html if (/^.+\/(index\.x?html?)$/.test(entity.permalink)) { entity.redirects.push(entity.permalink.replace(/\/(index.x?html?)?$/, '.html')); } else if (/\.x?html?$/.test(entity.permalink)) { entity.redirects.push(entity.permalink.replace(/\.x?html?$/, '/index.html')); } else { // found index, ignoring redirect } // TODO why are redirects broken? var redirectHtml = Mustache.render(desi.partials.redirect, view) ; entity.redirects.forEach(function (redirect) { compiled.push({ contents: redirectHtml , path: redirect }); }); }).catch(function (e) { if (env.onError) { return env.onError(e); } else { console.error("couldn't render " + entity.path); console.error(entity); console.error(e); throw e; } }); } function doStuff() { var themes = desi.content.themes.filter(function (f) { return !/\blayouts\b/.test(f.path); }) ; console.info('[first] compiling theme assets'); return forEachAsync(themes, compileThemeEntity).then(function () { console.info('compiling article pages'); return forEachAsync(desi.content.collections, compileContentEntity).then(function () { console.info('compiling root pages'); return forEachAsync(desi.content.root, compileContentEntity); }).then(function () { desi.compiled = compiled; return desi; }); }); } if (!desi.partials) { return Desi.fsapi.getAllPartials().then(function (partials) { if (partials.error) { throw partials.error; } desi.partials = partials; return doStuff(); }); } else { return doStuff(); } }; Desi.buildAll = function (desi, env) { return Desi.getDirtyFiles(desi, env) .then(Desi.parseFrontmatter) .then(Desi.getNav) .then(function () { return Desi.runTransforms(desi, env); }) .then(function () { return Desi.runAggregations(desi, env); }) .then(function () { return Desi.build(desi, env); }).then(function () { return Desi.copyAssets(desi, env); }).catch(function (e) { if (env.onError) { return env.onError(e); } else { console.error('buildAll failed somewhere'); console.error(e); throw e; } }) ; }; Desi.write = function (desi, env) { var compiled = desi.compiled.slice(0) , batches = [] , now , size = 0 ; if (!compiled.length) { return; } compiled.forEach(function (thing) { thing.path = path.join(env.compiled_path, thing.path); }); // because some servers / proxies are terrible at handling large uploads (>= 100k) // (vagrant? or express? one of the two is CRAZY slow) while (compiled.length) { batches.push(compiled.splice(0, 500)); } now = Date.now(); return forEachAsync(batches, function (files) { return Desi.fsapi.putFiles(files).then(function (saved) { // TODO reduce from files size += saved.size; if (saved.error) { console.error('[ERROR] saving fsapi batch at root'); console.error(saved.error); throw new Error(saved.error); } if (!saved.errors || !saved.errors.length) { return; } saved.errors.forEach(function (e) { console.error('[ERROR] saving fsapi batch'); console.error(e); throw new Error(e); }); }); }).then(function () { return { numFiles: desi.compiled.length , size: size , start: now , end: Date.now() }; }); }; exports.Desirae = Desi.Desirae = Desi; }('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || window));