/*jshint -W054 */ ;(function (exports) { 'use strict'; window.YAML = window.YAML || {}; window.YAML.parse = exports.jsyaml.load || require('jsyaml').load; //YAML.parse = require('yaml').eval; //YAML.parse2 = require('yamljs').parse; function readFrontMatter(text) { var lines , line , padIndent = '' , ymllines = [] ; lines = text.split(/\n/); line = lines.shift(); if (!line.match(/^---\s*$/)) { return; } // our yaml parser can't handle objects // that start without indentation, so // we can add it if this is the case if (lines[0] && lines[0].match(/^\S/)) { padIndent = ''; } while (true) { line = lines.shift(); // premature end-of-file (unsupported yaml) if (!line && '' !== line) { ymllines = []; break; } // end-of-yaml front-matter if (line.match(/^---\s*$/)) { break; } if (line) { // supported yaml ymllines.push(padIndent + line); } } // XXX can't be sorted because arrays get messed up //ymllines.sort(); if (ymllines) { return '---\n' + ymllines.join('\n'); } return; } function separateText(text, fm) { var len , yml ; yml = readFrontMatter(fm); // strip frontmatter from text, if any // including trailing '---' (which is accounted for by the added '\n') if (yml) { len = fm.split(/\n/).length + 1; } else { len = 0; } return text.split(/\n/).slice(len).join('\n'); } function parseText(text) { var fm = readFrontMatter(text) , body = fm && separateText(text, fm) , yml ; if (fm) { try { yml = window.YAML.parse(fm); } catch(e) { // } } return { yml: yml , frontmatter: fm , body: body }; } exports.Frontmatter = exports.Frontmatter = {}; exports.Frontmatter.Frontmatter = exports.Frontmatter; exports.Frontmatter.readText = readFrontMatter; exports.Frontmatter.separateText = separateText; exports.Frontmatter.parse = parseText; }('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || window));