;(function (exports) { 'use strict'; //require('require-yaml'); var PromiseA = exports.Promise || require('bluebird').Promise , path = exports.path || require('path') , Mustache = exports.Mustache || require('mustache') , marked = exports.marked || require('marked') , forEachAsync = exports.forEachAsync || require('foreachasync').forEachAsync , sha1sum = exports.sha1sum || require('./lib/deardesi-node').sha1sum , frontmatter = exports.frontmatter || require('./lib/frontmatter').Frontmatter , safeResolve = exports.safeResolve || require('./lib/deardesi-utils').safeResolve , getStats = exports.getStats || require('./lib/deardesi-node').getStats , getContents = exports.getContents || require('./lib/deardesi-node').getContents ; function getCollections(blogbase, ignorable, collectionnames) { var collectiondir , collectiondirs = [] , lost = [] , found = [] , errors = [] ; collectionnames.forEach(function (collectionname) { collectiondir = safeResolve(_dirname, collectionname); if (!collectiondir) { return PromiseA.reject(new Error("Please update your config.yml: " + collectionname + " is outside of '" + _dirname + "'")); } collectiondirs.push({ name: collectionname, path: collectiondir }); }); return getFolders(collectiondirs, { recursive: true, limit: 5, stats: true }).then(function (stats) { collectiondirs.forEach(function (collection) { if (!stats[collection.path]) { errors.push({ collection: collection , message: "server did not return success or error for " + collection.path + ':\n' + JSON.stringify(stats) }); } else if (!stats[collection.path].type) { lost.push(collection); } else if ('directory' !== stats[collection.path].type) { errors.push({ collection: collection , message: collection.path + " is not a directory (might be a symbolic link)" }); } else { found.push(collection); } }); return { lost: lost , found: found , errors: errors }; }); } function showCollectionNotes(notes) { if (notes.lost.length) { console.warn("WARNING: these collections you specified couldn't be found"); notes.lost.forEach(function (node) { console.warn('? ' + node.name); }); console.log(''); } if (notes.found.length) { console.log("Will compile these collections"); notes.found.forEach(function (node) { console.log('+ ' + node.name); }); console.log(''); } } function getLayouts() { // TODO } function updatePage(pagedir, node, lstat, data) { var parts = frontmatter.parse(data) , meta , html , view ; if (!parts.yml) { console.error("Could not parse frontmatter for " + node); console.error(parts.frontmatter); return; } if (/\.(html|htm)$/.test(node)) { html = parts.body.trim(); } else if (/\.(md|markdown|mdown|mkdn|mkd|mdwn|mdtxt|mdtext)$/.test(node)) { console.log('parsing markdown...'); html = marked(parts.body.trim()); } else { console.error('unknown parser for ' + node); } meta = { mtime: lstat.mtime , ymlsum: sha1sum(parts.frontmatter.trim()) , textsum: sha1sum(parts.body.trim()) , htmlsum: sha1sum(html) , filesum: sha1sum(data) , filename: node , filepath: pagedir }; /* // TODO db.getCached(meta).error(function () { // TODO rebuild and save }); */ // TODO meta.layout view = { page: parts.yml , content: html }; console.log(node); console.log(parts.frontmatter); console.log(parts.yml); //Mustache.render(pagetpl, view)); //console.log(meta.mtime.valueOf(), meta.ymlsum, meta.textsum, node); return meta; } function templatePosts() { var pagetpl , defaulttpl ; // TODO declare path to theme pagetpl = frontmatter.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(config.theme, 'layouts', 'page.html'), 'utf8')); defaulttpl = frontmatter.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(config.theme, 'layouts', 'default.html'), 'utf8')); } function getCollection() { } console.log(''); console.log(''); console.log('loading caches...'); getMetaCache().then(function (db) { console.log('last update: ' + (db.lastUpdate && new Date(db.lastUpdate) || 'never')); console.log('checking for local updates...'); // TODO get layouts here return getCollections('.', Object.keys(config.collections)).then(function (notes) { showCollectionNotes(notes); return notes.found; }).then(function (found) { var metas = [] ; return forEachAsync(found, function (collection) { begintime = Date.now(); console.log('begin', ((begintime - starttime) / 1000).toFixed(4)); return fs.readdirAsync(collection.path).then(function (nodes) { // TODO look for companion yml file aside html|md|jade nodes = nodes.filter(function (node) { // TODO have handlers accept or reject extensions in the order they are registered if (!/\.(htm|html|md|markdown|mdown|mkdn|mkd|jade)$/.test(node)) { console.warn("ignoring " + collection.name + '/' + node + " (unknown filetype processor)"); return false; } return true; }); return forEachAsync(nodes, function (pagename) { var pagepath = path.join(collection.path, pagename) ; // TODO: support walking deep // TODO: test .html, .md, etc return fs.lstatAsync(pagepath).then(function (lstat) { // no funny business allowed if (!lstat.isFile()) { return; } return fs.readFileAsync(nodepath, 'utf8').then(function (data) { updatePage(pagedir, node, lstat, data); }); }); }); }).then(function () { console.log('doneish', ((Date.now() - begintime) / 1000).toFixed(4)); }); }); }); }); }('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || window));