format should change permalink date show file path show prod url show dev url POST tests create a title and delete it (no error) change the format. does the permalink change? (yes) change the permalink. change the title. does the permalink stay? (yes) change the format. does the permalink change? (yes) change the format in the frontmatter permalink. does the format change? (yes) create a description and delete it (no error) create a description. does the frontmatter change? (yes) protection Don't allow changing the uuid, original_url, or original_date TODO --- check that no other post uses the same permalink default data-model 'ruhoh@2.2' other data-model 'desirae@1.0' Widgets ======= All widgets should export an object with a `create(widgetConf, desiState)` function that returns a promise. ```yaml widgets: foogizmo: # only stuff that is intensely specific to foogizmo goes here # stuff like google ad and disqus ids should go in config.yml or data.yml config: foobeep: boop handle: - html - markdown handlers: post: fooposter page: foopager ``` ```javascript 'use strict'; module.exports.Foogizmo.create = function (foogizmoConf, desiState) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { function pager(desiPageState) { // Do processing return Promise.resolve(); } function poster(desiPostState) { // Do processing desiPostState.fooembedinator = function (fooval) { // figure out what type of link fooval is and return iframe html return '' } } resolve({ foopager: pager, fooposter: poster }); }); } ``` Overlays -------- For any config a widget uses, it should also check on post.fooconfig and theme.fooconfig to make sure that they don't override the foogizmo.config.fooconfig Migrating from Ruhoh ==================== There are only a few things in Ruhoh that could only be done in ruby or were otherwise difficult to work around. config.yml ---------- Instead of having special names for some properties (`_root`) and `use` sub attributes for others (`twitter` theme, posts directory), I opted to move related stuff together. ``` RuhohSpec 2.6 -> NuhohSpec 3.0 production_url -> production.canonical_url, development.canonical_url base_path -> production.base_path, development.base_path compiled_path -> development.compiled_path twitter -> themes.twitter twitter.use = theme -> themes.default = twitter _root -> root posts -> collections.posts asset_pipeline [REMOVED (ruby only)] widgets [NO CHANGE] ``` All directories are ignored by default. If you want a directory to be interpreted as a collection of pages you need to specify it in the `collections` hash. data.yml -------- No changes --------- REMOVED (ruby only) themes layout ------------- TODO `twitter/default.html` has stuff like `{{# data.navigation?to__root }}{{> page_list }}{{/ data.navigation?to__root }}` that appears to be ruby-only syntax that will need to be changed.