Data ==== Every template gets an object with the exact same structure - whether it's a template or a widget or a page or a post. Here we only document Desirae's default behavior, but there are many objects added for compatibility with Ruhoh that are not documented. ``` desi = {} ``` desi ==== * `config` - literally `config.yml`, parsed * `site` - literally `site.yml`, parsed * `authors` - literally the authors from `authors/*.yml`, parsed * `author` - the primary author of the site * `env` - urls and paths for this build (be it production, development, staging, etc) * `content` - pre-rendered content (i.e. content rendered into the post layout rendered into the default layout) * `collection` - config related to this collection * `entity` - the page, post, article, etc that is the focus of the present template process * `themes` - all themes * `theme` - the default theme * `layout` - the selected layout for this theme * `satch` - the selected swatch for this theme * `categories` - all categories * `tags` - all tags * `styles` - ??? goes into the final template in the head * `scripts` - ?? that goes into the final template just before the body close desi.entity =========== stuff * `uuid` * `title` * `disqus_url` * `disqus_identifier` more stuff * `type` - `post`, `page`, etc * `authors` - literally the relevant authors from `authors/*.yml`, parsed * `author` - the primary author of this entity * `theme` - null or a non-default theme * `layout` - null or a non-default layout for this theme * `swatch` - null or a non-default swatch for this theme * `categories`: [] // *all* categories in all collections * `tags`: [] // *all* categories in all collections * `production_canonical_url` the PRODUCTION canonical_url for this entity * `production_url` the PRODUCTION url for this entity * `production_path` the PRODUCTION path for this entity * `url` the full url in the current environment (might be production, development, etc) * `path` the non-host part (i.e. `/compiled_dev/articles/my-first-post.html`) * `previous` the previous entity in this collection * `next` the next entitiy in this collection NOTE: Plugins, widgets, etc SHOULD NOT modify config, site, authors, author, or env. desi.posts ========== , posts: { collated: desi.collated } desi.config =========== =========== desi.env ===========