This is what an entity looks like: ```yml # inherited from File Entity path : My Posts/My-Old-Name.html lastModifiedDate : 2015-07-04T13:56:01Z createdDate : 2015-07-04T13:56:01Z contents : '...' # whatever the file is # inherited from Collection Entity name : My-Old-Name.html relativePath : My Posts ext : .html collection : posts # inherited from Content Entity frontmatter : '---\n...\n---' # frontmatter as a string yml : {} # frontmatter, parsed body : 'I think ...' # body, after frontmatter # inherited from Normalized Entity title : My Title # yml.title | titlize( slug : my-title # slugify(title) slug_path : my-posts # slugifyPath(relativePath) year : 2014 month : 07 day : 04 hour : 13 twelve_hour : 1 meridian : pm minute : 22 categories : ['tech'] tags : ['http','url','website'] # includes index.html relative_file : /posts/foo/index.html # excludes index.html relative_link : /posts/foo/ # actual url of this file, even if redirect # excludes index.html url : # the appropriate url, even in a redirect or duplicate # excludes index.html canonical_url : # production url, even in development (for disqus, etc) # excludes index.html production_url : ``` Note: The option `env.explicitIndexes` turns on `/index.html`. This option is automatically turned on when Dropbox is the host.