341 lines
8.2 KiB
341 lines
8.2 KiB
'use strict';
var PromiseA = require('bluebird').Promise
, fs = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
, forEachAsync = require('foreachasync').forEachAsync
, path = require('path')
, walk = require('walk')
, escapeRegExp = require('./deardesi-utils').escapeRegExp
, safeResolve = require('./deardesi-utils').safeResolve
, sha1sum = function (str) { return require('secret-utils').hashsum('sha1', str); }
, mkdirp = PromiseA.promisify(require('mkdirp'))
, fsExtra = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('fs.extra'))
function strip(prefix, pathname) {
return pathname.substr(prefix.length + 1);
function walkDir(parent, sub, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var prefix = path.resolve(parent)
, trueRoot = path.resolve(prefix, sub)
, files = []
function filter(name) {
if (!name) {
return false;
if ('.' === name[0] && !opts.dotfiles) {
return false;
if (opts.extensions && opts.extensions.length) {
if (!opts.extensions.some(function (ext) {
return new RegExp('\\.' + escapeRegExp(ext) + '$').test(name);
})) {
return false;
return true;
return new PromiseA(function (resolve) {
var walker = walk.walk(trueRoot)
walker.on('nodeError', function (filepath, stat, next) {
//stats.forEach(function (stat) {
if (!filter(stat.name)) {
stat.error.path = path.join(strip(prefix, filepath), stat.name);
name: stat.name
, relativePath: strip(prefix, filepath)
, type: undefined
, error: stat.error
walker.on('files', function (root, stats, next) {
var dirname = strip(prefix, root)
function eachFile(stat) {
var file
if (!filter(stat.name)) {
file = {
name: stat.name
, lastModifiedDate: stat.mtime.toISOString()
, size: stat.size
, relativePath: dirname
, type: undefined // TODO include mimetype
if (opts.contents) {
return fs.readFileAsync(path.join(root, stat.name), null).then(function (buffer) {
var contents = buffer.toString('utf8')
file.contents = contents;
file.sha1 = sha1sum(contents);
file.size = buffer.length;
file.type = undefined;
if (!opts.contents) {
} else {
forEachAsync(stats, eachFile).then(next);
walker.on('end', function () {
function walkDirs(parent, subs, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var collections = {}
return forEachAsync(subs, function (sub) {
return walkDir(parent, sub, opts).then(function (results) {
collections[sub] = results;
}).then(function () {
return collections;
function getfs(blogdir, filepaths) {
var files = []
return forEachAsync(filepaths, function (filepath) {
var pathname = safeResolve(blogdir, filepath)
return fs.lstatAsync(pathname).then(function (stat) {
return fs.readFileAsync(pathname, null).then(function (buffer) {
path: filepath
, size: buffer.length
, lastModifiedDate: stat.mtime.toISOString()
, contents: buffer.toString('utf8')
, sha1: sha1sum(buffer)
, type: undefined
}).catch(function (e) {
files.push({ path: filepath, error: e.message });
}).then(function () {
return files;
function makeAllDirs(dirpaths) {
var errors = []
return forEachAsync(dirpaths, function (pathname) {
return mkdirp(pathname).catch(function (e) {
// TODO exclude attempting to write files to this dir?
type: 'directory'
, directory: pathname
, message: e.message
, code: e.code
, errno: e.errno
, status: e.status
, syscall: e.syscall
}).then(function () {
return errors;
function copyfs(blogdir, files) {
// TODO switch format to { source: ..., dest: ..., opts: ... } ?
var results = { errors: [] }
, dirpaths = {}
, sources = Object.keys(files)
return forEachAsync(sources, function (source) {
var nsource = safeResolve(blogdir, source)
var dest = safeResolve(blogdir, files[source])
, pathname = path.dirname(dest)
//, filename = path.basename(dest)
dirpaths[pathname] = true;
return Promise.resolve();
}).then(function () {
// TODO is it better to do this lazy-like or as a batch?
// I figure as batch when there may be hundreds of files,
// likely within 2 or 3 directories
return makeAllDirs(Object.keys(dirpaths)).then(function (errors) {
errors.forEach(function (e) {
}).then(function () {
// TODO allow delete?
return forEachAsync(sources, function (source) {
return fsExtra.copyAsync(safeResolve(blogdir, source), safeResolve(blogdir, files[source])).catch(function (e) {
type: 'file'
, source: source
, destination: files[source]
, message: e.message
, code: e.code
, errno: e.errno
, status: e.status
, syscall: e.syscall
}).catch(function (e) {
results.error = {
message: e.message
, code: e.code
, errno: e.errno
, status: e.status
, syscall: e.syscall
}).then(function () {
return results;
function putfs(blogdir, files) {
var results = { errors: [] }
, dirpaths = {}
return forEachAsync(files, function (file) {
var filepath = safeResolve(blogdir, file.path || path.join(file.relativePath, file.name))
, pathname = path.dirname(filepath)
, filename = file.name || path.basename(filepath)
file.realPath = filepath;
file.name = filename;
dirpaths[pathname] = true;
return Promise.resolve();
}).then(function () {
// TODO is it better to do this lazy-like or as a batch?
// I figure as batch when there may be hundreds of files,
// likely within 2 or 3 directories
return forEachAsync(Object.keys(dirpaths), function (pathname) {
return mkdirp(pathname).catch(function (e) {
// TODO exclude attempting to write files to this dir?
type: 'directory'
, directory: pathname
, message: e.message
, code: e.code
, errno: e.errno
, status: e.status
, syscall: e.syscall
}).then(function () {
// TODO sort deletes last
return forEachAsync(files, function (file) {
var p
// TODO use lastModifiedDate as per client request?
// TODO compare sha1 sums for integrity
if (file.delete || !file.contents) {
p = fs.unlinkAsync(file.realPath);
} else {
p = fs.writeFileAsync(file.realPath, file.contents, 'utf8');
return p.catch(function (e) {
type: 'file'
, file: file.realPath
, delete: !file.contents
, path: file.path
, relativePath: file.relativePath
, name: file.name
, message: e.message
, code: e.code
, errno: e.errno
, status: e.status
, syscall: e.syscall
}).catch(function (e) {
results.error = {
message: e.message
, code: e.code
, errno: e.errno
, status: e.status
, syscall: e.syscall
}).then(function () {
return results;
walkDirs('blog', ['posts'], { contents: false }).then(function (stats) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(stats, null, ' '));
module.exports.walk = { walkDirs: walkDirs, walkDir: walkDir };
module.exports.copyfs = copyfs;
module.exports.getfs = getfs;
module.exports.putfs = putfs;
module.exports.walkDir = walkDir;
module.exports.walkDirs = walkDirs;