89 lines
2.5 KiB
89 lines
2.5 KiB
"use strict";
// http://ruhoh.com/docs/2/pages/#toc_41
If a page has a permalink, that permalink should be respected.
Otherwise it should use the the permalink for that collection.
var tags,
path = /*exports.path ||*/ require("path");
tags = {
year: "Year from the page’s filename",
month: "Month from the page’s filename",
day: "Day from the page’s filename",
path: "The page file's path relative to the base of your website.",
relative_path: "The page file's path relative to its name-spaced directory.",
filename: "The page file's filename (path is not included).",
"The specified categories for this page. If more than one category is set, only the first one is used. If no categories exist, the URL omits this parameter.",
i_month: "Month from the page’s filename without leading zeros.",
i_day: "Day from the page’s filename without leading zeros.",
title: "The title, as a slug.",
slug: "alias of title",
name: "alias of title",
collection: "i.e. posts/ or essays/ or whatever/",
function pad(str, n) {
str = str.toString();
if (str.length < n) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NryFD9_hR0&list=RDOeLUK4a6Ojc&index=2
cases = {
"/:title.html": "/my-title.html",
":title/": "/my-title/",
"/:bad/:title/": "/:bad/my-title/",
"/:slug/": "/my-title/",
"/:path/:name.html": "/posts/fun/my-title.html",
"/:relative_path/:name/": "/fun/my-title/",
"/:year-:month-:day/:name": "/2015-07-04/my-title/",
"/:year/:i_month/:i_day/:name": "/2015/7/4/my-title/",
"/:filename.html": "/my-file-name.html",
"/:filename": "/my-file-name/",
"/:filename/": "/my-file-name/",
"/:collection/:title/": "/posts/my-title/",
"/:collection/:filename": "/posts/my-file-name/",
"/:something/:or/:other": "/:something/:or/:other/",
"/:categories/:title/": "/desi/my-title/",
Object.keys(cases).forEach(function (tpl) {
var entity, tpld;
entity = {
year: "2015",
month: "07",
day: "04",
title: "My Title",
slug: "my-title",
name: "My-File-Name.html",
relativePath: "posts/fun",
path: "posts/fun/My-File-Name.html",
collection: "posts",
yml: { categories: ["desi"] },
tpld = permalinker(tpl, entity);
if (cases[tpl] !== tpld) {
console.error(tpl + " " + tpld + " " + cases[tpl]);
throw new Error(
"Did not template permalink correctly. " +
tpl +
" " +
tpld +
" " +