853 lines
25 KiB
853 lines
25 KiB
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var PromiseA = exports.Promise || require('bluebird').Promise
, path = exports.path || require('path')
, Mustache = exports.Mustache || require('mustache')
, marked = (exports.markdownit || require('markdown-it'))({ html: true, linkify: true })
, forEachAsync = exports.forEachAsync || require('foreachasync').forEachAsync
//, sha1sum = exports.sha1sum || require('./lib/deardesi-node').sha1sum
, frontmatter = exports.Frontmatter || require('./lib/frontmatter').Frontmatter
//, safeResolve = exports.safeResolve || require('./lib/deardesi-utils').safeResolve
, fsapi = exports.fsapi || require('./lib/deardesi-node').fsapi
//, UUID = exports.uuid || require('node-uuid')
, months
months = {
1: 'January'
, 2: 'February'
, 3: 'March'
, 4: 'April'
, 5: 'May'
, 6: 'June'
, 7: 'July'
, 8: 'August'
, 9: 'September'
, 10: 'October'
, 11: 'November'
, 12: 'December'
function firstCap(str) {
return str.replace(/^./, function ($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); });
function pad(str) {
str = str.toString();
if (str.length < 2) {
return '0' + str;
return str;
function toLocaleDate(d) {
return d.getFullYear() + '-' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + d.getDate()
+ ' '
+ (d.getHours() % 12) + ':' + pad(d.getMinutes()) + ':' + pad(d.getSeconds())
function fromLocaleDate(str) {
// handles ISO and ISO-ish dates
var m = str.match(/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})([T\s](\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(:(\d{1,2}))?)?/)
if (!m) {
return [];
m.year = m[1];
m.month = m[2];
m.day = m[3];
m.hour = m[4] = pad(m[5] || '00'); // hours
m.minute = m[5] = pad(m[6] || '00'); // minutes
m.second = m[6] = pad(m[8] || '00'); // seconds
if (m[4] > 12) {
m.twelve_hour = m[7] = m[4] - 12; // 12-hour
m.meridian = m[8] = 'pm'; // am/pm
} else {
m.twelve_hour = m[7] = m[4];
m.meridian = m[8] = 'am';
return m;
// See https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/415
function num2str(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj, function (key, val) {
if ('number' === typeof val) {
val = val.toString();
return val;
function readFrontmatter(things) {
return forEachAsync(things, function (file) {
var parts = frontmatter.parse(file.contents)
if (!file.sha1) {
// TODO sha1sum
file.yml = parts.yml;
file.frontmatter = parts.frontmatter;
file.body = parts.body;
if (!parts.yml) {
console.warn("No frontmatter for " + (file.path || (file.relativePath + '/' + file.name)));
function getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, thingies, deps) {
var byDirty = {}
Object.keys(thingies).forEach(function (key) {
var files = thingies[key]
, cached
, cdate
, fdate
files.forEach(function (file) {
var pathname = path.join(file.relativePath + '/' + file.name)
// TODO legitimately checkout layout dependencies
if (deps && Object.keys(deps).length) {
byDirty[pathname] = file;
if (!cacheByPath[pathname]) {
if (cacheBySha1[file.sha1]) {
// TODO rename
byDirty[pathname] = file;
cached = cacheByPath[pathname];
cached.visited = true;
if (cached.sha1 && file.sha1) {
if (file.sha1 && cached.sha1 !== file.sha1) {
byDirty[pathname] = file;
cdate = cached.lastModifiedDate && new Date(cached.lastModifiedDate);
fdate = file.lastModifiedDate && new Date(file.lastModifiedDate);
if (!cdate || !fdate || cdate !== fdate) {
byDirty[pathname] = file;
return byDirty;
function getLayout(desi, themename, layout, arr) {
arr = arr || [];
var layoutdir = 'layouts'
, themepath
, file
if (!themename) {
themename = desi.config.themes.default;
if (!layout) {
// TODO make configurable
layout = 'posts.html';
themepath = themename + '/' + layoutdir + '/' + layout;
desi.content.themes.some(function (theme) {
// TODO what if it isn't html?
if (theme.path === themepath || theme.path.match(themepath + '\\.html')) {
file = theme;
return true;
if (!file) {
console.error("could not find " + themepath);
// TODO handle possible circular dep condition page -> post -> page
if (file.yml && file.yml.layout) {
return getLayout(desi, themename, file.yml.layout, arr);
} else {
// return the chain page -> posts -> default -> twitter
return arr;
function runDesi(desi, development) {
var cache = desi.cache
//, config = desi.config
, cacheByPath = {}
, cacheBySha1 = {}
, dfiles
, dthemes
, droot
desi.urls = desi.config.urls = {};
if (true || development) {
desi.urls.base_path = desi.config.development.base_path;
desi.urls.url = desi.config.development.url;
desi.urls.development_url = desi.config.development.url;
} else {
desi.config.base_path = desi.urls.base_path = desi.config.production.base_path;
desi.urls.url = desi.config.production.url;
desi.urls.production_url = desi.config.production.url;
cache.sources = cache.sources || [];
cache.sources.forEach(function (source) {
cacheByPath[source.path] = source;
cacheBySha1[source.sha1] = source;
dthemes = getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, desi.meta.themes);
droot = getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, [desi.meta.root], dthemes);
dfiles = getDirty(cacheByPath, cacheBySha1, desi.meta.collections, dthemes);
if (!droot.length) {
console.error("no root files to get");
if (!dfiles.length) {
console.error("no content files to get");
if (!dthemes.length) {
console.error("no theme files to get");
if (!droot || !dfiles || !droot) {
throw new Error("didn't read files");
return PromiseA.all([
Object.keys(droot).length ? fsapi.getContents(Object.keys(droot)) : PromiseA.resolve([])
, Object.keys(dfiles).length ? fsapi.getContents(Object.keys(dfiles)) : PromiseA.resolve([])
, Object.keys(dthemes).length ? fsapi.getContents(Object.keys(dthemes)) : PromiseA.resolve([])
]).then(function (arr) {
// TODO XXX display errors in html
function noErrors(o) {
if (!o.error) {
return true;
console.warn("Couldn't get file contents for " + o.path);
desi.content = {
root: arr[0].filter(noErrors)
, collections: arr[1].filter(noErrors)
, themes: arr[2].filter(noErrors)
return desi;
console.info('getting config, data, caches...');
return PromiseA.all([fsapi.getConfig(), fsapi.getData(), fsapi.getCache(), fsapi.getPartials()]).then(function (arr) {
var config = arr[0]
, data = arr[1]
, cache = arr[2]
, partials = arr[3]
, collectionnames = Object.keys(config.collections)
, themenames = Object.keys(config.themes)
.filter(function (k) { return 'default' !== k; })
//.map(function (n) { return path.join(n, 'layouts'); })
, assetnames = Object.keys(config.assets)
console.info('loaded config, data, caches, partials');
config: arr[0]
, data: arr[1]
, cache: arr[2]
, partials: arr[3]
console.info('last update: ' + (cache.lastUpdate && new Date(cache.lastUpdate) || 'never'));
// TODO make document configurability
config.rootdir = config.rootdir || '_root';
return PromiseA.all([
, { dotfiles: false
, extensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'htm', 'html', 'jade', 'css', 'js', 'yml']
, fsapi.getMeta(
, { dotfiles: false
, extensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'htm', 'html', 'jade']
, fsapi.getMeta(
, { dotfiles: false
, extensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'htm', 'html', 'jade']
, fsapi.getMeta(
, { dotfiles: false
//, extensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'htm', 'html', 'jade', 'css', 'js', 'yml']
]).then(function (things) {
console.info('loaded theme meta, root meta, collection meta');
theme: things[0]
, root: things[1]
, collection: things[2]
, asset: things[3]
function noErrors(map) {
Object.keys(map).forEach(function (path) {
map[path] = map[path].filter(function (m) {
if (!m.error && m.size) {
return true;
if (!m.size) {
console.warn("Ignoring 0 byte file " + (m.path || m.name));
return false;
console.warn("Couldn't get stats for " + (m.path || m.name));
return map;
var themes = noErrors(things[0])
, root = noErrors(things[1])[config.rootdir]
, collections = noErrors(things[2])
, assets = noErrors(things[3])
if (!themes[Object.keys(themes)[0]].length) {
console.error('Missing THEMES!');
throw new Error('It seems that your themes directory is missing');
if (!root.length) {
console.error('Missing ROOT!');
if (!collections[Object.keys(collections)[0]].length) {
console.error('Missing Collections!');
return {
config: config
, data: data
, cache: cache
, meta: {
themes: themes
, collections: collections
, root: root
, assets: assets
, partials: partials
}).then(runDesi).then(function (desi) {
var files = {}
// copy assets -> easy!
// TODO check cache
Object.keys(desi.meta.assets).forEach(function (key) {
var assets = desi.meta.assets[key]
// TODO fix compiled_path + base_path
assets.forEach(function (asset) {
files[path.join(asset.relativePath, asset.name)] = path.join(desi.config.compiled_path, 'assets', asset.relativePath, asset.name);
return Object.keys(files).length && fsapi.copy(files).then(function (copied) {
if (copied.error) {
throw new Error(copied.error);
if (copied.errors && copied.errors.length) {
console.error("Errors copying assets...");
copied.errors.forEach(function (err) {
return desi;
}) || PromiseA.resolve(desi);
}).then(runDesi).then(function (desi) {
return readFrontmatter(desi.content.root.concat(desi.content.themes.concat(desi.content.collections))).then(function () {
return desi;
}).then(function (desi) {
// TODO add missing metadata and resave file
desi.navigation = [];
desi.content.root.forEach(function (page) {
var name = path.basename(page.path, path.extname(page.path))
, nindex
//if (-1 === desi.data.navigation.indexOf(name) && 'index' !== name)
nindex = desi.data.navigation.indexOf(name);
if (-1 === nindex) {
desi.navigation[nindex] = {
title: page.yml && page.yml.title || firstCap(name)
, href: desi.urls.base_path + '/' + name
, path: desi.urls.base_path + '/' + name
, name: name
, active: false // placeholder
desi.content.root.forEach(function (page) {
page.yml = page.yml || {};
// TODO make default layout configurable
page.yml.layout = page.yml.layout || '_root';
if (!page.relativePath) {
page.relativePath = path.dirname(page.path);
page.name = page.name || path.basename(page.path);
page.relativePath = page.relativePath.replace(desi.config.rootdir, '').replace(/^\//, '');
page.path = path.join(page.relativePath, page.name);
// TODO make bare root routes configurable
page.yml.permalink = page.yml.permalink || page.path.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
page.yml.title = page.yml.title || firstCap(page.name.replace(/\.\w+$/, ''));
desi.content.collections = desi.content.collections.filter(function (article) {
if (!article.yml) {
console.warn("no frontmatter for " + article.name);
if (!article.body || !article.body.trim()) {
console.warn('Ignoring empty content file ' + (article.path || article.name));
return true;
function normalizeFrontmatter(page) {
var yml = page.yml
// TODO read the config for this collection for how to create premalink
if (!yml.permalink) {
if (page.name) {
page.htmlname = page.name.replace(/\.\w+$/, '.html');
page.path = page.path || path.join(page.relativePath, page.name);
page.htmlpath = page.path.replace(/\.\w+$/, '.html');
// TODO strip '_root' or whatever
// strip .html, .md, .jade, etc
yml.permalink = page.htmlpath;
console.info('1', yml.permalink);
if (!/\.html?$/.test(yml.permalink)) {
yml.permalink = path.join(yml.permalink, 'index.html');
//yml.permalinkBase = path.join(path.dirname(yml.permalink), path.basename(yml.permalink, path.extname(yml.permalink)));
//yml.permalink = path.join(path.dirname(yml.permalink), path.basename(yml.permalink, path.extname(yml.permalink)));
if (!page.yml.uuid) {
// TODO only do this if it's going to be saved
// page.yml.uuid = UUID.v4();
if (!page.yml.date) {
// TODO tell YAML parser to keep the date a string
page.yml.date = new Date(page.yml.created_at || page.yml.time || page.createdDate || page.lastModifiedDate).toISOString();
if ('object' === typeof page.yml.date) {
page.yml.date = page.yml.date.toISOString();
if (!page.yml.updated_at) {
page.yml.updated_at = page.lastModifiedDate;
function normalizeContentEntity(entity) {
entity.ext = path.extname(entity.path);
entity.url = desi.urls.url + path.join(desi.urls.base_path, entity.yml.permalink);
entity.canonical_url = desi.urls.url + path.join(desi.urls.base_path, entity.yml.permalink);
entity.relative_url = path.join(desi.urls.base_path, entity.yml.permalink);
entity.published_at = fromLocaleDate(entity.yml.date);
entity.year = entity.published_at.year;
entity.month = entity.published_at.month;
entity.day = entity.published_at.day;
entity.hour = entity.published_at.hour;
entity.twelve_hour = entity.published_at.twelve_hour;
entity.meridian = entity.published_at.meridian;
entity.minute = entity.published_at.minute;
entity.title = entity.yml.title;
// let's just agree that that's too far
//entity.second = entity.published_at.second;
// The root index is the one exception
if (/^\/?index(\.html?)?$/.test(entity.yml.permalink)) {
entity.yml.permalink = '';
console.info('found index', entity);
function byDate(a, b) {
if (a.year > b.year) {
return -1;
} else if (a.year < b.year) {
return 1;
if (a.month > b.month) {
return -1;
} else if (a.month < b.month) {
return 1;
if (a.day > b.day) {
return -1;
} else if (a.day < b.day) {
return 1;
if (a.hour > b.hour) {
return -1;
} else if (a.hour < b.hour) {
return 1;
if (a.minute > b.minute) {
return -1;
} else if (a.minute < b.minute) {
return 1;
if (a.title.toLowerCase() <= b.title.toLowerCase()) {
return -1;
return 1;
function collate(entities) {
var yearsArr = []
entities.forEach(function (f) {
var set
, yindex = 3000 - f.year
, mindex = 12 - f.month
if (!yearsArr[yindex]) {
yearsArr[yindex] = { year: f.year, months: [] };
set = yearsArr[yindex];
if (!set.months[mindex]) {
set.months[mindex] = { month: months[parseInt(f.month, 10)], pages: [] };
set = set.months[mindex];
yearsArr = yearsArr.filter(function (y) {
if (!y) {
return false;
y.months = y.months.filter(function (m) {
return m && m.pages.length;
if (!y.months.length) {
return false;
return true;
return { years: yearsArr };
// TODO process tags and categories and such
desi.collated = collate(desi.content.collections);
return desi;
}).then(function (desi) {
var compiled = []
function compileScriptEntity(entity, i, arr) {
desi.assets = [];
function compileThemeEntity(entity, i, arr) {
console.log("compiling " + (i + 1) + "/" + arr.length + " " + (entity.path || entity.name));
// TODO less / sass / etc
compiled.push({ contents: entity.body || entity.contents, path: path.join(desi.config.compiled_path, 'themes', entity.path) });
if (/stylesheets.*\.css/.test(entity.path) && (!/google/.test(entity.path) || /obsid/.test(entity.path))) {
// TODO XXX move to a partial
'<link href="' + desi.urls.base_path + '/themes/' + entity.path + '" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all">'
desi.navigation.filter(function (n) {
return n;
function compileContentEntity(entity, i, arr) {
console.log("compiling " + (i + 1) + "/" + arr.length + " " + (entity.path || entity.name));
var previous = ''
, layers
, view
layers = getLayout(desi, entity.yml.theme, entity.yml.layout, [entity]);
view = {
page: entity.yml // data for just *this* page
//, data: desi.data // data.yml
// https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/415
, data: num2str(desi.data)
, collection: {} // data for just *this* collection
, categories: [] // *all* categories in all collections
, tags: [] // *all* tags in all collections
, site: num2str(desi.site || {})
, url: entity.canonical_url
, canonical_url: entity.canonical_url
, relative_url: entity.relative_url
, urls: desi.urls
, previous: arr[i - 1]
, next: arr[i + 1]
, posts: { collated: desi.collated }
// TODO concat theme, widget, and site assets
, assets: desi.assets.join('\n')
//console.log('rel:', view.relative_url);
view.site.author = desi.data.author;
view.site.navigation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(desi.navigation));
view.site.navigation.forEach(function (nav) {
if (nav.href === view.relative_url) {
nav.active = true;
// backwards compat
view.site['navigation?to_pages'] = view.site.navigation;
view.site['navigation?to__root'] = view.site.navigation;
view.data.navigation = view.site.navigation;
view.data['navigation?to_pages'] = view.site.navigation;
view.data['navigation?to__root'] = view.site.navigation;
layers.forEach(function (current) {
// TODO meta.layout
var body = (current.body || current.contents || '').trim()
, html
, curview = {}
// TODO move to normalization
current.path = current.path || (entity.relativePath + '/' + entity.name);
if (/\.(html|htm)$/.test(current.path)) {
html = body;
} else if (/\.(md|markdown|mdown|mkdn|mkd|mdwn|mdtxt|mdtext)$/.test(current.ext)) {
html = marked.render(body)
//.replace('"', '"')
//.replace(''', "'")
//.replace('/', '/')
} else {
console.error('unknown parser for ' + (entity.path));
view.content = previous;
view.page.content = previous;
// to prevent perfect object equality (and potential template caching)
Object.keys(view).forEach(function (key) {
curview[key] = view[key];
previous = Mustache.render(html, curview, desi.partials);
console.log({ contents: previous });
// NOTE: by now, all permalinks should be in the format /path/to/page.html or /path/to/page/index.html
compiled.push({ contents: previous, path: path.join(desi.config.compiled_path, entity.yml.permalink/*, 'index.html'*/) });
entity.yml.redirects = entity.yml.redirects || [];
if (/\/index.html$/.test(entity.yml.permalink)) {
entity.yml.redirects.push(entity.yml.permalink.replace(/\/index.html$/, '.html'));
} else {
entity.yml.redirects.push(entity.yml.permalink.replace(/\.html?$/, '/index.html'));
entity.yml.redirects.forEach(function (redirect) {
var content
// TODO move to partial
content =
+ '<head>'
+ '<title>Redirecting to ' + entity.yml.title + '</title>'
+ '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=\''
+ desi.urls.url + path.join(desi.urls.base_path, entity.yml.permalink)
+ '\'" />'
+ '</head>'
+ '<body>'
+ '<p>This page has moved to a <a href="'
+ desi.urls.url + path.join(desi.urls.base_path, entity.yml.permalink)
+ entity.yml.title
+ '</a>.</p>'
+ '</body>'
+ '</html>'
compiled.push({ contents: content, path: path.join(desi.config.compiled_path, redirect) });
console.info('[first] compiling theme assets');
desi.content.themes.filter(function (f) { return !/\blayouts\b/.test(f.path); }).forEach(compileThemeEntity);
console.info('compiling root pages');
console.info('compiling article pages');
desi.compiled = compiled;
return desi;
}).then(function (desi) {
var compiled = desi.compiled.slice(0)
, batches = []
, now
, size = 0
if (!compiled.length) {
console.info("No files were deemed worthy to compile. Done");
// because some servers / proxies are terrible at handling large uploads (>= 100k)
// (vagrant? or express? one of the two is CRAZY slow)
console.info('saving compiled files', desi.compiled);
while (compiled.length) {
batches.push(compiled.splice(0, 500));
now = Date.now();
console.info('compiled files');
return forEachAsync(batches, function (files) {
return fsapi.putFiles(files).then(function (saved) {
size += saved.size;
if (saved.error) {
if (!saved.errors || !saved.errors.length) {
saved.errors.forEach(function (e) {
//console.info('saved ' + files.length + ' files');
}).then(function () {
// TODO update cache
console.info('wrote ' + desi.compiled.length
+ ' files (' + (size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2)
+ ' MiB) in '
+ ((Date.now() - now) / 1000).toFixed(3) + 's'
}).catch(function (e) {
console.error('A great and uncatchable error has befallen the land. Read ye here for das detalles..');
throw e;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || window));