Tests todo: A - SERVFAIL - should return empty response, ra 0 A - NXDOMAIN - should return SOA A - NOERROR - should return A record - or delegated NS record Record delegated to self should return SOA record rather than NS delegation Casing should match on question section, always. Casing should match on other sections if a direct match? (not required, but efficient for compression pointers) - www.EXample.COm + example.com = EXample.COm - EXample.COm + www.example.com = www.EXample.COm - (this should be taken care of by compression pointer logic, once implemented) Send malformed packets (both as queries and as answers): - bad question count, answer count, etc - bad rdata (too long, too short) - proper packets, truncated - randomly twiddled bits - forward compression pointers - compression pointers to wrong bits (throw error on non-ascii / unsafe chars) Test that ANY queries return records of all types matching the domain Test that A queries only return A records, not others matching the domain ``` # Sample Data: # no A records for delegated.daplie.me # two external NS records for delegted.daplie.me # zone daplie.me exists # Test: # should return NS records in AUTHORITY section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 A delegated.daplie.me # should return NS records in ANSWER section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 NS delegated.daplie.me # Sample Data: # two A records for daplie.me # no NS records # Test: # should return A records in ANSWER section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 A daplie.me # should return SOA records in AUTHORITY section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 A doesntexist.daplie.me node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 NS doesntexist.daplie.me # Sample Data: # two A records for a.daplie.me # has **internal** NS records # Test: # should return A record in ANSWER section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 A a.daplie.me # should return SOA record in AUTHORITY section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 A doesntexist.a.daplie.me # should return NS records in ANSWER section, nothing else node bin/dig.js @localhost -p 65053 NS a.daplie.me ```