'use strict'; module.exports = { "primaryNameservers": [ "localhost" ] // 'ns1.vanity-dns.org' , "domains": [ { "id": "example.com", "revokedAt": 0 } , { "id": "smith.example.com", "revokedAt": 0 } , { "id": "in-delegated.example.com", "revokedAt": 0 } , { "id": "john.smith.example.com", "revokedAt": 0, "vanityNs": [ "ns1.dns-server.net", "ns2.dns-server.net" ] } // test and probably remove //, { "id": "out-delegated.example.com", "revokedAt": 0 } ] , "records": [ // zone example.com should be able to have some records on its own { "zone": "example.com", "name": "example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "fido.devices.example.com" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "" , "type": "MX", "priority": 10, "exchange": "mxa.example.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "" , "type": "MX", "priority": 10, "exchange": "mxb.example.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "" , "type": "SRV", "priority": 10, "weight": 20, "port": 65065, "target": "spot.devices.example.com" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "" , "type": "TXT", "data": [ "foo bar baz" ] } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "" , "type": "TXT", "data": [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ] } // A, CNAME, ANAME, MX, SRV, TXT , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "a.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "a" , "type": "A", "address": "" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "aaaa.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "aaaa" , "type": "AAAA", "address": "::1" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "aname.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "aname" , "type": "A", "aname": "amazon.com" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "devname.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "devname" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "fido.devices.example.com" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "cname.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "cname" , "type": "CNAME", "data": "example.com" } // TODO should return additional , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "mx.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "mx" , "type": "MX", "priority": 10, "exchange": "mxa.example.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "mx.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "mx" , "type": "MX", "priority": 10, "exchange": "mxb.example.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "srv.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "srv" , "type": "SRV", "priority": 10, "weight": 20, "port": 65065, "target": "spot.devices.example.com" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "txt.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "txt" , "type": "TXT", "data": [ "foo bar baz" ] } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "mtxt.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "mtxt" , "type": "TXT", "data": [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ] } , { "zone": "example.com", "type": "NS", "name": "ns.example.com" , "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "ns", "data": "ns1.vanity-dns.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "type": "NS", "name": "ns.example.com" , "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "ns", "data": "ns2.vanity-dns.org" } // www., email., etc just for fun , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "www.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "www" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "fido.devices.example.com" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "email.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "email" , "type": "CNAME", "data": "mailgun.org" } // a wildcard domain // wild.example.com does NOT match // exists.wild.example.com DOES match, statically // doesntexist.wild.example.com DOES match, wildly , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "*.wild.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "*.wild" , "type": "A", "address": "" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "exists.wild.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "exists.wild" , "type": "A", "address": "" } // Out-delegated Domains , { "zone": "example.com", "type": "NS", "name": "out-delegated.example.com" , "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "out-delegated", "data": "ns1.vanity-dns.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "type": "NS", "name": "out-delegated.example.com" , "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "out-delegated", "data": "ns2.vanity-dns.org" } // In-delegated Domains , { "zone": "example.com", "type": "NS", "name": "in-delegated.example.com" , "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "in-delegated", "data": "localhost" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "fido.devices.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "fido.devices" , "device": "abcdef123" , "type": "ANAME", "address": "" } // zone example.com can delegate smith.example.com to the same nameserver // (it's probably programmatically and politically simplest to always delegate from a parent zone) // Thought Experiment: could we delegate the root to a child? i.e. example.com -> www.example.com // to let someone exclusively "own" the root domain, but none of the children? , { "zone": "example.com", "type": "NS", "name": "smith.example.com" , "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "smith", "data": "ns1.vanity-dns.org" } , { "zone": "example.com", "name": "smith.example.com", "tld": "com", "sld": "example", "sub": "smith" , "type": "NS", "data": "ns2.vanity-dns.org" } // // now the zone "smith.example.com" can be independently owned (and delegated) // ... but what about email for john@example.com with john@example.com? , { "zone": "smith.example.com", "name": "smith.example.com", "tld": "example.com", "sld": "smith", "sub": "" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "rex.devices.smith.example.com" } , { "zone": "smith.example.com", "name": "www.smith.example.com", "tld": "example.com", "sld": "smith", "sub": "www" , "type": "CNAME", "data": "smith.example.com" } , { "zone": "smith.example.com", "name": "john.smith.example.com", "tld": "example.com", "sld": "smith", "sub": "john" , "type": "NS", "data": "ns1.vanity-dns.org" } , { "zone": "smith.example.com", "name": "john.smith.example.com", "tld": "example.com", "sld": "smith", "sub": "john" , "type": "NS", "data": "ns2.vanity-dns.org" } // there can be a wildcard, to which a delegation is the exception , { "zone": "smith.example.com", "name": "*.smith.example.com", "tld": "example.com", "sld": "smith", "sub": "*" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "rex.devices.smith.example.com" } // there can be an exception to the delegation , { "zone": "smith.example.com", "name": "exception.john.smith.example.com", "tld": "example.com", "sld": "smith", "sub": "exception.john" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "rex.devices.smith.example.com" } // // john.smith.example.com // , { "zone": "john.smith.example.com", "name": "john.smith.example.com", "tld": "smith.example.com", "sld": "john", "sub": "" , "type": "A", "address": "", "aname": "rex.devices.smith.example.com" } ] } ;