// Copyright 2011 Timothy J Fontaine // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, net = require('net'), os = require('os'), util = require('util'), Cache = require('native-dns-cache'), consts = require('native-dns-packet').consts, path = require('path'), utils = require('./utils'); var A = consts.NAME_TO_QTYPE.A, AAAA = consts.NAME_TO_QTYPE.AAAA, PTR = consts.NAME_TO_QTYPE.PTR; var Platform = function() { this._nsReady = false; this._hostsReady = false; Object.defineProperty(this, 'ready', { get: function() { return this._nsReady && this._hostsReady; } }); this._watches = {}; Object.defineProperty(this, 'watching', { get: function() { return Object.keys(this._watches).length > 0; }, set: function(value) { var k; if (value) this._watchFiles(); else { for (k in this._watches) { this._watches[k].close(); delete this._watches[k]; } } } }); this.hosts = new Cache(); this._initNameServers(); this._initHostsFile(); this._populate(); this.cache = false; //new Cache(); }; util.inherits(Platform, EventEmitter); Platform.prototype.reload = function() { this.emit('unready'); this._initNameServers(); this._initHostsFile(); this._populate(); }; Platform.prototype._initNameServers = function() { this._nsReady = false; this.name_servers = []; this.search_path = []; this.timeout = 5 * 1000; this.attempts = 5; this.edns = false; }; Platform.prototype._initHostsFile = function() { this._hostsReady = false; this.hosts.purge(); }; Platform.prototype._populate = function() { var hostsfile, self = this; switch (os.platform()) { case 'win32': this.name_servers = [ { address: '', port: 53 }, { address: '', port: 53 } ]; self._nsReady = true; hostsfile = path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, '\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts'); break; default: this.parseResolv(); hostsfile = '/etc/hosts'; break; } this._parseHosts(hostsfile); }; Platform.prototype._watchFiles = function() { var self = this, watchParams; watchParams = {persistent: false}; switch (os.platform()) { case 'win32': //TODO XXX FIXME: it would be nice if this existed break; default: this._watches.resolve = fs.watch('/etc/resolv.conf', watchParams, function(event, filename) { if (event === 'change') { self.emit('unready'); self._initNameServers(); self.parseResolv(); } }); this._watches.hosts = fs.watch('/etc/hosts', watchParams, function(event, filename) { if (event === 'change') { self.emit('unready'); self._initHostsFile(); self._parseHosts(hostsfile); } }); break; } }; Platform.prototype._checkReady = function() { if (this.ready) { this.emit('ready'); } }; Platform.prototype.parseResolv = function() { var self = this; fs.readFile('/etc/resolv.conf', 'ascii', function(err, file) { if (err) { throw err; } file.split(/\n/).forEach(function(line) { var i, parts, subparts; line = line.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (!line.match(/^#/)) { parts = line.split(/\s+/); switch (parts[0]) { case 'nameserver': self.name_servers.push({ address: parts[1], port: 53 }); break; case 'domain': self.search_path = [parts[1]]; break; case 'search': self.search_path = [parts.slice(1)]; break; case 'options': for (i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { subparts = parts[i].split(/:/); switch (subparts[0]) { case 'timeout': self.timeout = parseInt(subparts[1], 10) * 1000; break; case 'attempts': self.attempts = parseInt(subparts[1], 10); break; case 'edns0': self.edns = true; break; } } break; } } }); self._nsReady = true; self._checkReady(); }); }; Platform.prototype._parseHosts = function(hostsfile) { var self = this; fs.readFile(hostsfile, 'ascii', function(err, file) { var toStore = {}; if (err) { throw err; } file.split(/\n/).forEach(function(line) { var i, parts, ip, revip, kind; line = line.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (!line.match(/^#/)) { parts = line.split(/\s+/); ip = parts[0]; parts = parts.slice(1); kind = net.isIP(ip); if (parts.length && ip && kind) { /* IP -> Domain */ revip = utils.reverseIP(ip); parts.forEach(function(domain) { var r = toStore[revip]; if (!r) r = toStore[revip] = {}; var t = r[PTR]; if (!t) t = r[PTR] = []; t.push({ type: PTR, class: 1, name: revip, data: domain, ttl: Infinity }); }); /* Domain -> IP */ parts.forEach(function(domain) { var r = toStore[domain.toLowerCase()]; if (!r) { r = toStore[domain.toLowerCase()] = {}; } var type = kind === 4 ? A : AAAA; var t = r[type]; if (!t) t = r[type] = []; t.push({ type: type, name: domain.toLowerCase(), address: ip, ttl: Infinity }); }); } } }); Object.keys(toStore).forEach(function (key) { self.hosts._store.set(self.hosts._zone, key, toStore[key]); }); self._hostsReady = true; self._checkReady(); }); }; module.exports = new Platform();