'use strict'; var packer = require('../dns.packer.type.a.js').DNS_PACKER_TYPE_A; var ab = new ArrayBuffer(6); // 16-bit RDLENGTH + 32-bit address var dv = new DataView(ab); var total; // just to see that bytes are changed as a marker dv.setUint32(0x0, 0xDDDDDDDD, false); [ '' , '' , '' , '' , '' ].forEach(function (ipv4) { total = 0; total = packer(ab, dv, total, { address: ipv4 }); if (0x06 !== total) { console.error('unexpected total ' + total); process.exit(1); } // 0.4 is just a hacky way to account for the RDLENGTH if ('0.4.' + ipv4 !== new Uint8Array(ab).join('.')) { console.error("expected: ", ipv4); console.error("actual: ", new Uint8Array(ab).join('.')); process.exit(1); } }); console.log('PASS');