dns-suite.js ======== | **dns-suite.js** | [dig.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dig.js) | [digd.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/digd.js) | Sponsored by [Daplie](https://daplie.com). Fast, lightweight, and easy-to-extend **pure JavaScript** (ES5.1) implementation for DNS / mDNS. Works great in **Web Browsers** and in node.js! Detailed error checking makes it great for * capture * packing (JSON to DNS/mDNS) * parsing (DNS/mDNS to JSON) * linting (finding errors in packets) * debugging **No external dependencies** for node.js or modern browsers. Uses `DataView`, `Uint8Array`, `Uint16Array`, and `ArrayBuffer` Similar API to `dns.js` and `native-dns-packet`. ```json { "header": { "id": 5423 , "qr": 0 , "opcode": 0 , "aa": 0 , "tc": 0 , "rd": 1 , "ra": 0 , "res1": 0 , "res2": 0 , "res3": 0 , "rcode": 0 } , "question": [ { "name": "bowie._sftp-ssh._tcp.local" , "type": 1 , "typeName": "A" , "class": 1 , "className": "IN" , "byteLength": 32 } ] , "answer": [] , "authority": [] , "additional": [] , "edns_options": [] , "byteLength": 44 } ``` Install with git ------- You can use git to install v1.x like so: ```bash # latest of v1.x npm install 'git+https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dns-suite.js#v1' ``` If you want to be more specific to v1.0.x or exactly v1.0.2 you can do so like this: ``` # latest of v1.0.x npm install 'git+https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dns-suite.js#v1.0' # exactly v1.0.2 npm install 'git+https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dns-suite.js#v1.0.2' ``` Install without git ------- Don't have git? Well you can also bow down to the gods of the centralized, monopolized, concentrated, dictatornet (as we like to call it here at Daplie Labs), if that's how you roll: ``` npm install --save dns-suite ``` **Test**: ```bash pushd node_modules/dns-suite npm test ``` Usage ----- * CLI * API ### CLI Usage When installed globally you can use these commands: ``` dns-parse.js [out.json] # parses a saved DNS packet to JSON dns-pack.js [out.bin] # packs a JSON DNS packet to binary dns-test.js # convert a packet back and forth to test reciprocity of the packer and parser ``` For **capturing packets** you should use [`dig.js`](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dig.js#options) with the `--output` option. It can capture mDNS as well. See . You can also access them directly from `node_modules/dns-suite` in a project: ```bash node node_modules/dns-suite/bin/dns-parse.js node_modules/dns-suite/samples/a-0.mdns.bin ``` ### Library API * `DNSPacket.parse(nodeOrArrayBuffer)` returns json (as shown above) * `DNSPacket.pack(packet)` returns ArrayBuffer (browser and node) * `DNSPacket.write(packet)` returns NodeBuffer (node only) node.js: ```js var nodeBuffer = fs.readFileSync('./samples/a-0.mdns.bin'); var arrayBuffer = nodeBuffer.buffer; var DNSPacket = require('dns-suite').DNSPacket; var packet = DNSPacket.parse(arrayBuffer); var ab = DNSPacket.pack(packet); console.log(packet); console.log(new Uint8Array(ab)); ``` Browser: ```js var arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array.from([ /* bytes */ ]).buffer; var packet = DNSPacket.parse(arrayBuffer); var ab = DNSPacket.pack(packet); console.log(packet); console.log(new Uint8Array(ab)); ``` Capturing Packets ----- We have a command line tool for that! See [dig.js](https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dig.js). ```bash # Install npm install -g 'git+https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/dig.js.git' # Use with DNS dig.js A daplie.com --output . # Use with mDNS dig.js --mdns PTR _services._dns-sd._udp.local --output . ``` Resource Record Examples ======================== * SOA * NS * A * AAAA * CNAME * MX * TXT * SRV * PTR SOA --- I'm pretty sure that the SOA only goes in the `authority` section (except when SOA is queried explicitly) and that it's only given as a response to any empty set (where `RCODE == NXDOMAIN`) to affirm "yes, I am responsible for this domain but, no, I don't have a record for it". If another nameserver has been delegated authority for a particular subdomain a set of `NS` records should be returned instead. ```json { "name": "yahoo.com", "type": 6, "typeName": "SOA", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 599, "primary": "ns1.yahoo.com", "admin": "hostmaster.yahoo-inc.com", "serial": 2017092539, "refresh": 3600, "retry": 300, "expiration": 1814400, "minimum": 600 } ``` NS --- I'm also pretty sure that the NS only goes in the `authority` section (except when NS is queried explicitly) and that it's given as a successful response (`RCODE == SUCCESS`) to any query type (`A` or `AAAA`, `MX`, `TXT`, or `SRV`) where the answer sections is an empty set because the records in question have been delegated to another nameserver. ```json { "name": "google.com", "type": 2, "typeName": "NS", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 82790, "data": "ns3.google.com" } ``` A --- The most common type of record. Returns the IPv4 address for a given domain. ```json { "name": "www.linode.com", "type": 1, "typeName": "A", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 291, "address": "" } ``` AAAA ---- Returns the IPv6 address for a given domain. ```json { "name": "irc6.geo.oftc.net", "type": 28, "typeName": "AAAA", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 59, "address": "2607:f8f0:610:4000:211:11ff:fe1c:7bec" } ``` CNAME ----- The CNAME is used to look up the IP address for the given alias. (the alias is often referred to incorrectly as a CNAME but it is, in fact, the alias) ```json { "name": "www.nodejs.org", "type": 5, "typeName": "CNAME", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 3600, "data": "nodejs.org" } ``` MX --- Mail Exchange Records show the alias that should be looked up to know where incoming mail should be sent. ```json { "name": "microsoft.com", "type": 15, "typeName": "MX", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 197, "priority": 10, "exchange": "microsoft-com.mail.protection.outlook.com" } ``` TXT --- Often used for outgoing mail validations, public keys, lots of arbitrary stuff. ```json { "name": "aol.com", "type": 16, "typeName": "TXT", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 1926, "data": [ "v=spf1 ptr:mx.aol.com ?all" ] } ``` SRV --- A way to associate a service with a port and other relevant information. Used for federated / dencentralized protocols (like XMPP) and mDNS/DLNA/UPnP/DNS-SD type stuff. ```json { "name": "_xmpp-server._tcp.gmail.com", "type": 33, "typeName": "SRV", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 900, "priority": 5, "weight": 0, "port": 5269, "target": "xmpp-server.l.google.com" } ``` PTR --- Used for mDNS/DNS-SD type discoveries and anti-spam reverse lookup verification for mail servers. ```json { "name": "_pdl-datastream._tcp.local", "type": 12, "typeName": "PTR", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 255, "data": "Canon MF620C Series._pdl-datastream._tcp.local" } ``` All Properties --------- For simplicity, here's a list of all properties, just for fun: ```js { // All RRs "name": "example.com", "type": 1, "typeName": "A", "class": 1, "className": "IN", "ttl": 600, // SOA "primary": "ns1.yahoo.com", "admin": "hostmaster.yahoo-inc.com", "serial": 2017092539, "refresh": 3600, "retry": 300, "expiration": 1814400, "minimum": 600, // A, AAAA "address": "", // CNAME, NS, PTR "data": "ns3.google.com", // TXT // "data": [ "v=spf1 ptr:mx.aol.com ?all" ], // MX "priority": 10, "exchange": "microsoft-com.mail.protection.outlook.com", // SRV "priority": 5, "weight": 0, "port": 5269, "target": "xmpp-server.l.google.com" } ``` Contributing and Development ============================ How to add a new parser ----------------------- Each RR (aka Resource Record or RData) parser is individual. Examples include: * A (`parser/type.a.js`) * AAAA (`parser/type.aaaa.js`) * CNAME (`parser/type.cname.js`) * TXT (`parser/type.txt.js`) * SRV (`parser/type.srv.js`) Let's say that To create a parser for a type which we don't currently support, just add the appropriate information to `dns.types.js` and create a file for the name of the type in the format `parser/type..js`. For example, if `CNAME` wasn't already supported and I wanted to add support for it I would follow these steps: 1) Update `dns.types.js` if it's not there already. ``` A: 0x01 // 1 , NS: 0x02 // 2 , CNAME: 0x05 // 5 // I would simply add this line , SOA: 0x06 // 6 ``` 2) Capture a packet to `test/fixtures/...bin` This will construct and send a DNS query and save the first result that comes back. In some cases (such as CNAME), the typical (or required) way to illicit the desired response is to make a request of a different type. If that's the case, manually rename the the file afterwards. Ideally you should have some idea of what the result file should look like and should place that in `test/fixtures/...json` ```bash npm install -g dig.js dig.js --name www.google.com --type CNAME --output ./samples/ ``` 3) Create `parser/type.cname.js` Copy `parser/type.TEMPLATE.js` to the type for which you wish to create support (`parser/type.cname.js` in this example) and fill in the blanks. ``` var unpackLabels = exports.DNS_UNPACK_LABELS || require('./dns.unpack-labels.js').DNS_UNPACK_LABELS; exports.DNS_PARSER_TYPE_CNAME = function (ab, packet, record) { // record = { rdstart, rdlength, type, class } // example of not parsing and just leaving as binary data record.data = new Uint8Array(ab.slice(record.rdstart, record.rdstart + record.rdlength)); return record; }; }('undefined' !== typeof window ? window : exports)); ``` 4) Document what you've learned in `doc/.txt` You may be right or you might be wrong, but you might be right. In any case, take a minute to document some of the gritty details of what you learned about this record type - tips, tricks, little-known facts, etc. This may help (or wildly mislead) others if there's a bug in your parser that they need to track down. At the very least someone can follow a few links you followed and your thought process. 5) Check that my changes include these files ``` ├── README.md ├── demo.html (add the appropriate script tag) ├── doc | └── cname.txt ├── dns.classes.js (not necessarily, but potentially) ├── dns.types.js ├── package.json (bump the minor version) ├── packer | └── type.cname.js ├── parser | └── type.cname.js └── test └── fixtures    ├── www.google.com.cname.bin    └── www.google.com.cname.js ```