(function (exports) { 'use strict'; // TODO. Not yet implemented // Value: Preference // Meaning/Use: Unsigned 16-bit integer //------------------------------------- // Value: Mail Exchanger // Meaning/Use: The name host name that provides the service. // May be a label, pointer or any combination // ab is arrayBuffer, packet is Object, Record is Object var unpackLabels = exports.DNS_UNPACK_LABELS || require('./dns.unpack-labels.js').DNS_UNPACK_LABELS; exports.DNS_TYPE_MX = function (ab, packet, record) { var rdataAb = ab.slice(record.rdstart, record.rdstart + record.rdlength) var dv = new DataView(rdataAb); var data = ''; var s = { priority: '' // also known as preference , exchange: '' // }; var temp = '' var stuff = ''; console.log("dataview length: " + dv.byteLength); for (var i = 0; i < dv.byteLength; i += 1) { console.log(dv.getUint8(i, false.toString(16))); //Priority is the first two bytes if (i < 2){ s.priority += dv.getUint8(i, false).toString(10); // take off an padded zeros if (s.priority.substr(0, 1) === '0') { s.priority = s.priority.slice(1, s.priority.length); } } else { // get data from uint8 array data = dv.getUint8(i, false); // get the string from the data temp = String.fromCharCode(data); console.log("data at index " + i + ":" + temp); // I need to place the '.' in the correct place. This is wrong though. if ((temp.trim() === '' && i > 2) || (!temp.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$/) && i > 2)) { s.exchange += "."; } // filter out everything that isn't a valid character temp = temp.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$/); // if temp is null, do nothing if (temp === null){ // otherwise, append to s.exchange }else{ s.exchange += temp; } } } // the below code returns an empty string. // s.exchange = unpackLabels(new Uint8Array(ab), record.rdstart, { byteLength: 0, cpcount: 0, labels: [], name: '' }).labels; return s; }; }('undefined' !== typeof window ? window : exports));