(function (exports) { 'use strict'; var classes = exports.DNS_CLASSES || require('./dns.classes.js').DNS_CLASSES; var types = exports.DNS_TYPES || require('./dns.types.js').DNS_TYPES; exports.DNS_RDATA_PARSE = function (ab, packet, record) { // ab is needed if the rdata makes use of compression pointers // packet is given for convenience var parser; if (!record.className) { throw new Error("Support for DNS Class " + record.class.toString(16) + "(" + record.class + ")" + " is not implemented yet. Open an issue if you actually need support" + " (i.e. you're not working with a malformed packet)" ); } if (!record.typeName) { throw new Error("Support for DNS Type " + record.type.toString(16) + "(" + record.type + ")" + " is not implemented yet. Open an issue if you actually need support" + " (i.e. you're not working with a malformed packet)" ); } try { parser = exports['DNS_TYPE_' + record.typeName] || require('./dns.type.' + record.typeName.toLowerCase())['DNS_TYPE_' + record.typeName]; } catch (e) { /*console.error(e)*/ } if (!parser) { throw new Error("Parser for DNS Type " + record.typeName + " could not be loaded." + " Did you include ?" + " (or perhaps we plan to implement it and haven't yet - in which case please open an issue)" ); } // NOTE: record will be modified // Things that get added include: // address, data, priority exchange, weight, return parser(ab, packet, record); }; }('undefined' !== typeof window ? window : exports));