/* The follwoing code adapted from node's test-dns.js license is as follows */ // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. var dns = require('../dns'), net = require('net'), isIP = net.isIP, isIPv4 = net.isIPv4, isIPv6 = net.isIPv6; var platform = require('../lib/platform'); platform.cache = false; function checkWrap(test, req) { test.ok(typeof req === 'object'); } var fixed = false; var fixupDns = function () { platform.name_servers = [{ address: '', port: 53, }]; platform.search_path = []; fixed = true; }; platform.on('ready', fixupDns); if (platform.ready) fixupDns(); exports.setUp = function (cb) { var checkReady = function() { if (fixed) { cb(); } else { process.nextTick(checkReady); } } checkReady(); }; exports.resolve4 = function (test) { var req = dns.resolve4('www.google.com', function(err, ips) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(ips.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < ips.length; i++) { test.ok(isIPv4(ips[i])); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.resolve6 = function (test) { var req = dns.resolve6('ipv6.google.com', function(err, ips) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(ips.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < ips.length; i++) { test.ok(isIPv6(ips[i])); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.reverse_ipv4 = function (test) { var req = dns.reverse('', function(err, domains) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(domains.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { test.ok(domains[i]); test.ok(typeof domains[i] === 'string'); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.reverse_ipv6 = function (test) { var req = dns.reverse('2001:4860:4860::8888', function(err, domains) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(domains.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { test.ok(domains[i]); test.ok(typeof domains[i] === 'string'); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.reverse_bogus = function (test) { var error; try { var req = dns.reverse('bogus ip', function() { test.ok(false); }); } catch (e) { error = e; } test.ok(error instanceof Error); test.strictEqual(error.errno, 'ENOTIMP'); test.done(); }; exports.resolveMx = function (test) { var req = dns.resolveMx('gmail.com', function(err, result) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(result.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var item = result[i]; test.ok(item); test.ok(typeof item === 'object'); test.ok(item.exchange); test.ok(typeof item.exchange === 'string'); test.ok(typeof item.priority === 'number'); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.resolveNs = function (test) { var req = dns.resolveNs('google.com', function(err, names) { test.ifError(err); if (names) { test.ok(names.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; test.ok(name); test.ok(typeof name === 'string'); } } else { test.ok(names); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.resolveSrv = function (test) { var req = dns.resolveSrv('_jabber._tcp.google.com', function(err, result) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(result.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var item = result[i]; test.ok(item); test.ok(typeof item === 'object'); test.ok(item.name); test.ok(typeof item.name === 'string'); test.ok(typeof item.port === 'number'); test.ok(typeof item.priority === 'number'); test.ok(typeof item.weight === 'number'); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; /* exports.resolveCname = function (test) { var req = dns.resolveCname('www.google.com', function(err, names) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(names.length > 0); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; test.ok(name); test.ok(typeof name === 'string'); } test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; */ exports.resolveTxt = function (test) { var req = dns.resolveTxt('google.com', function(err, records) { test.ifError(err); test.equal(records.length, 1); test.equal(records[0].indexOf('v=spf1'), 0); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.lookup_ipv4_explicit = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('www.google.com', 4, function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(net.isIPv4(ip)); test.strictEqual(family, 4); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.lookup_ipv4_implicit = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('www.google.com', function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(net.isIPv4(ip)); test.strictEqual(family, 4); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.lookup_ipv6_explicit = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('ipv6.google.com', 6, function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(net.isIPv6(ip)); test.strictEqual(family, 6); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; /* // TODO XXX FIXME Doesn't google require ipv6 for this test to pass? exports.lookup_ipv6_implicit = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('ipv6.google.com', function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(net.isIPv6(ip)); test.strictEqual(family, 6); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; //*/ exports.lookup_failure = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('does.not.exist', 4, function(err, ip, family) { test.ok(err instanceof Error); test.strictEqual(err.errno, dns.NOTFOUND); test.strictEqual(err.errno, 'ENOTFOUND'); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.lookup_null = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup(null, function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.strictEqual(ip, null); test.strictEqual(family, 4); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.lookup_ip_ipv4 = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('', function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.strictEqual(ip, ''); test.strictEqual(family, 4); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; //* exports.lookup_ip_ipv6 = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('::1', function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(net.isIPv6(ip)); test.strictEqual(family, 6); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; //*/ exports.lookup_localhost_ipv4 = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('localhost', 4, function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.strictEqual(ip, ''); test.strictEqual(family, 4); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; exports.lookup_longname = function (test) { var name, request; var name = '************'; name += name + '***************' name += name + '***************' name += name + '***************' name += name + '***************' name += name + '***************' request = dns.lookup(name, 4, function (err, ip, family) { test.ok(err, "we should fail"); test.strictEqual(err.errno, dns.NOTFOUND); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, request); }; /* Disabled because it appears to be not working on linux. */ /* exports.lookup_localhost_ipv6 = function (test) { var req = dns.lookup('localhost', 6, function(err, ip, family) { test.ifError(err); test.ok(net.isIPv6(ip)); test.strictEqual(family, 6); test.done(); }); checkWrap(test, req); }; //*/