var dns = require('../dns'), Request = dns.Request, Question = dns.Question, consts = dns.consts, dgram = require('dgram'); var q = Question({ name: '', type: consts.NAME_TO_QTYPE.A, }); var noServer = { address: '', port: 19999, type: 'udp', }; var udpServ = { address: '', port: 53, type: 'udp', }; var tcpServ = { address: '', port: 53, type: 'tcp', }; exports.setUp = function (cb) { cb(); }; exports.timeout = function (test) { var r = Request({ question: q, server: noServer, timeout: 100, cache: false, }); var timedout = false; r.on('timeout', function () { timedout = true; }); r.on('end', function () { test.ok(timedout, 'Failed to timeout'); test.done(); }); r.send(); }; exports.udpResponse = function (test) { var r = Request({ question: q, server: udpServ, timeout: 4000, }); r.on('message', function (err, answer) { test.ok(!err, 'UDP Request should not error'); test.ok(answer, 'No UDP answer provided'); test.ok(answer.answer.length > 0, 'No answers found'); }); r.on('timeout', function () { test.ok(false, 'UDP Requests should not timeout'); }); r.on('end', function () { test.done(); }); r.send(); }; exports.tcpResponse = function (test) { var r = Request({ question: q, server: tcpServ, timeout: 4000, }); r.on('message', function (err, answer) { test.ok(!err, 'TCP Request should not error'); test.ok(answer, 'No TCP answer provided'); test.ok(answer.answer.length > 0, 'No answers found'); }); r.on('timeout', function () { test.ok(false, 'TCP Requests should not timeout'); }); r.on('end', function () { test.done(); }); r.send(); }; exports.serverString = function (test) { var r = Request({ question: q, server: '', }); r.on('message', function (err, answer) { test.ok(answer.answer.length > 0, 'no answers found'); }); r.on('timeout', function () { test.ok(false, 'Should not timeout'); }); r.on('end', function () { test.done(); }); r.send(); }; exports.questionString = function (test) { var r = Request({ question: Question({ name: '', type: 'a', }), server: '', }); r.on('message', function (err, answer) { test.ok(answer.answer.length > 0, 'no answers found'); }); r.on('timeout', function () { test.ok(false, 'Should not timeout'); }); r.on('end', function () { test.done(); }); r.send(); }; exports.emptyUdp = function (test) { var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.on('listening', function () { var timeout = false; var r = Request({ question: q, server: { address: '', port: socket.address().port, type: 'udp' }, timeout: 300, cache: false, }); r.on('message', function () { test.ok(false, 'There should not be a response'); }); r.on('timeout', function () { timeout = true; }); r.on('end', function () { test.ok(timeout, 'This should timeout'); socket.close(); test.done(); }); r.send(); }); socket.on('message', function (msg, remote) { socket.send(new Buffer(1), 0, 1, remote.port, remote.address); }); socket.bind(); }; exports.longName = function (test) { var didErr = false; var r = Request({ question: Question({ name: '*************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************' + '***************', }), server: '', timeout: 1000, }); r.on('error', function (err) { test.ok(err, 'We should error because the packet failed to pack'); didErr = true; }); r.on('end', function () { test.ok(didErr, 'We did not err'); test.done(); }); r.send(); }; exports.tearDown = function (cb) { cb(); };