var debug = require('debug')('mdns-packet:lib:dns:dnsrecord'); var BufferConsumer = require('./bufferconsumer'); var errors = require('./errors'); /** * DNSRecord is a record inside a DNS packet; e.g. a QUESTION, or an ANSWER, * AUTHORITY, or ADDITIONAL record. Note that QUESTION records are special, * and do not have ttl or data. * @class * @param {string} name * @param {number} type * @param {number} cl - class * @param {number} [optTTL] - time to live in seconds */ var DNSRecord = module.exports = function (name, type, cl, optTTL) { var self = this; = name; this.type = type; this.class = cl; if (type === 0 || typeof type === 'undefined') { throw new errors.MalformedPacket('Record.type is empty'); } if (cl === 0) { throw new errors.MalformedPacket('Record.class is empty'); } this.ttl = (typeof optTTL !== 'undefined') ? optTTL : DNSRecord.TTL; this.isQD = (arguments.length === 3); debug('new DNSRecord', this); this.__defineGetter__('typeName', function () { return DNSRecord.TypeName[self.type]; }); this.__defineGetter__('className', function () { return DNSRecord.ClassName[self.class & 0x7fff]; }); this.__defineGetter__('flag', function () { return (self.class & 0x8000) >> 15; }); }; /** * Enum for record type values * @readonly * @enum {number} */ DNSRecord.Type = { A: 0x01, // 1 NS: 0x02, //2 CNAME: 0x05, //5 SOA: 0x06, //6 PTR: 0x0c, // 12 MX: 0x0f, //15 TXT: 0x10, // 16 AAAA: 28, // 0x16 SRV: 0x21, // 33 OPT: 0x29, //41 RFC6981 -needed for EDNS NSEC: 0x2f, //47 TLSA: 0x34, //52 RFC6698 - associate TLS server certificate. ANY: 0xff }; /** * Enum for record class values * @readonly * @enum {number} */ DNSRecord.Class = { IN: 0x01, ANY: 0xff, FLUSH: 0x8000, IS_QM: 0x8000 }; DNSRecord.TTL = 3600; // one hour default TTL DNSRecord.TypeName = {}; DNSRecord.ClassName = {}; var typekey; for (typekey in DNSRecord.Type) { if (DNSRecord.Type.hasOwnProperty(typekey)) { DNSRecord.TypeName[DNSRecord.Type[typekey]] = typekey; } } for (typekey in DNSRecord.Class) { if (DNSRecord.Class.hasOwnProperty(typekey)) { DNSRecord.ClassName[DNSRecord.Class[typekey]] = typekey; } } DNSRecord.write = function (out, rec, withLength) { withLength = withLength || false; debug('#write() type: %s, flag:%d class:%s, withLength:%s', rec.typeName, rec.flag, rec.className, withLength); if (rec.type === 0 || rec.class === 0) { throw new Error('Bad record with empty type and/or class'); } //TODO:if outer and any string in data or name // can be found there. Do a ref instead.; if (rec.isQD) { return out; } out.long(rec.ttl); var startPos = out.tell(); out.short(0xffff); //reserve some length switch (rec.type) { case DNSRecord.Type.A: writeA(out, rec.address); break; case DNSRecord.Type.NS: case DNSRecord.Type.CNAME: case DNSRecord.Type.PTR:; break; case DNSRecord.Type.MX: //asMx(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.TXT: for (var key in { if ( { // properly encode this + '=' +[key]); out.offset--; } } break; case DNSRecord.Type.AAAA: //asAAAA(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.SRV: out.short(rec.priority & 0xffff).short(rec.weight & 0xffff) .short(rec.port & 0xffff).name(; break; case DNSRecord.Type.SOA: .long(rec.retry).long(rec.expiration).long(rec.minimum); break; default: debug('non implemented recordtype of ' + rec.type); throw new Error('Not implemented recordtype'); // = new BufferConsumer(consumer.slice(dataSize)); } var endPos = out.tell(); //update with correct size var correctSize = endPos - startPos - 2; debug('correct size=%s bytes', correctSize);; return out; }; function writeA(out, ip) { var parts = ip.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { out.byte(parts[i]); } } DNSRecord.parse = function (consumer) { if (consumer instanceof Buffer) { debug('making consumer out of buffer'); consumer = new BufferConsumer(consumer);; } debug('#parse from %d', consumer.tell()); var rec = new DNSRecord(, consumer.short(), // type consumer.short(), // class consumer.long() //ttlgf ); debug('parsing from %d', consumer.tell()); var dataSize = consumer.short(); debug('going for type %s. start: %d, size: %d, end: %d, length: %d', rec.type, consumer.tell(), dataSize, consumer.tell() + dataSize, consumer.length ); switch (rec.type) { case DNSRecord.Type.A: asA(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.NS: case DNSRecord.Type.CNAME: case DNSRecord.Type.PTR: = asName(consumer); break; case DNSRecord.Type.MX: asMx(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.TXT: = asTxt(consumer, consumer.tell() + dataSize); break; case DNSRecord.Type.AAAA: asAAAA(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.SRV: asSrv(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.SOA: asSoa(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.OPT: asOpt(consumer, rec); break; case DNSRecord.Type.TLSA: asTLSA(consumer, rec, dataSize); break; default: debug('non implemented recordtype of ' + rec.type); = new BufferConsumer(consumer.slice(dataSize)); } debug('record done at %d', consumer.tell(), rec); return rec; }; DNSRecord.parseQuestion = function (consumer) { if (consumer instanceof Buffer) { debug('making consumer out of buffer'); consumer = new BufferConsumer(consumer); } debug('#parseQuestion from %d', consumer.tell()); var r = new DNSRecord(, consumer.short(), // type consumer.short() // class ); debug('record done at %d', consumer.tell(), r); return r; }; function asName(consumer) { return; } function asSrv(consumer, record) { debug('priority: %d', record.priority = consumer.short()); debug('weight: %d', record.weight = consumer.short()); debug('port: %d', record.port = consumer.short()); =; // debug('priority:%d, weight: %d, port:%d, target:%s', record.priority, // record.weight, record.port,; } function asMx(consumer, record) { record.priority = consumer.short(); = asName(consumer); } function asTxt(consumer, endAt) { var items =, endAt); debug('txt items', items); //note:disable to have same syntax as native-dns-packet // if (items.length === 1 && items[0].length > 0) { // return items[0]; // } return items; } function asA(consumer, record) { var data = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { data += consumer.byte() + '.'; } data += consumer.byte(); record.address = data; } /* * Parse data into a IPV6 address string * @returns {string} */ function asAAAA(consumer, packet) { var data = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { data += consumer.short().toString(16) + ':'; } data += consumer.short().toString(16); packet.address = data; } function asSoa(consumer, packet) { packet.primary =; packet.admin =; packet.serial = consumer.long(); packet.refresh = consumer.long(); packet.retry = consumer.long(); packet.expiration = consumer.long(); packet.minimum = consumer.long(); } function asOpt(consumer, packet) { //if at end of buffer there is no optional data. var opt = { code: 0, data: [], rcode: 0, version: 0, do: 0, z: 0 }; if (!consumer.isEOF()) { opt.code = consumer.short(); = consumer.slice(consumer.short()); } opt.rcode = (packet.ttl & 0xff000000) >> 24; opt.version = (packet.ttl & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; = (packet.ttl & 0x00008000) >> 15; opt.z = (packet.ttl & 0x00001FFF); debug('asOpt', opt); packet.opt = opt; } function asTLSA(consumer, packet, dataSize) { packet.usage = consumer.byte(); packet.selector = consumer.byte(); packet.matchingtype = consumer.byte(); packet.buff = consumer.slice(dataSize - 3); //size - 3 because of 3 bytes above }