#!/usr/bin/env (function () { 'use strict'; var cli = { port: 65053, address: null, udp6: false, bin: process.argv[2] }; var dgram = require('dgram'); var server = dgram.createSocket({ type: cli.udp6 ? 'udp6' : 'udp4' , reuseAddr: true }); var handlers = {}; var bin = require('fs').readFileSync(cli.bin, null); handlers.onMessage = function (nb, rinfo) { console.log('[DEBUG] got a message'); // replace the id to match bin[0] = nb[0]; bin[1] = nb[1]; server.send(bin, rinfo.port, rinfo.address, function () { console.log('[DEBUG] sent response'); }); }; handlers.onListening = function () { /*jshint validthis:true*/ var server = this; if (cli.mdns || '' === cli.nameserver) { server.setBroadcast(true); server.addMembership(cli.nameserver); } console.log(''); console.log('Bound and Listening:'); console.log(server.address().address + '#' + server.address().port + ' (' + server.type + ')'); }; server.bind({ port: cli.port , address: cli.address }); server.on('listening', handlers.onListening); }());