
102 lines
3.0 KiB

* Qap is a quick parser/matcher for string or buffer patterns.
* It is optimized for using with pattern strings/buffers <= 255 bytes.
* Better results are achieved with sparse and long patterns in the data to be parsed.
* It is an implementation of QuickSearch algorithm :
* http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/node19.html#SECTION00190.
* Copyright(c) 2015 Guglielmo Ferri <44gatti@gmail.com>
* MIT Licensed
exports.version = require( '../package' ).version;
exports.Qap = ( function () {
var isArray = Array.isArray
, isBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer
// shifting table
, lookupTable = function ( p ) {
var m = p.length
, t = m > 255 ? [] : new Buffer( 256 )
, i = 255
, j = 0
for ( ; i >= 0 ; t[ i ] = 0, i-- );
for ( ; m > 0; t[ p[ j++ ] ] = m-- );
return t;
, convert = function ( data ) {
if ( ! isBuffer( data ) ) {
// obviously, string conversion is slow
if ( typeof data === 'string' ) return new Buffer( data );
else throw new TypeError( 'the argument type should be Buffer or String' );
return data;
, set = function ( pattern ) {
var me = this
me.p = convert( pattern );
me.plkb = lookupTable( me.p );
return me.p;
// Quick Parser
, Qap = function ( pattern ) {
var me = this
, is = me instanceof Qap
if ( ! is ) return new Qap( pattern );
set.call( me, pattern );
, qproto = Qap.prototype
qproto.set = set;
qproto.parse = function ( data, start, rlimit, array ) {
var me = this
, d = convert( data )
, plkb = me.plkb
, p = me.p
, m = p.length
, n = d.length
, ixs = isArray( array ) ? array : []
, j = start || 0
, ok = 1
, z = 0
, x = p[ 0 ]
, pos = 0 + j
, y = d[ pos ]
, i = m + j
, c = d[ i ]
, offset = n - m
, l = rlimit || Infinity
for ( ; j <= offset;
i = j + m,
c = d[ i ],
z = 0,
ok = 1,
pos = j,
x = p[ 0 ],
y = d[ pos ] ) {
for ( ; z < m ;
x = p[ z ],
y = d[ pos ] ) {
if ( x === y ) continue;
else {
ok = 0;
// if ( ok && ( ixs.push( j, pos ) >= l ) ) {
if ( ok && ( ixs.push( j ) >= l ) ) break;
j += plkb[ c ] || m + 1;
return ixs;
return Qap;
} )();