sessionStorage & localStorage for NodeJS === An inefficient, but as W3C-compliant as possible using only pure JavaScript, `DOMStorage` implementation. Purpose ---- This is meant for the purpose of being able to run unit-tests and such for browser-y modules in node. Usage ---- ```javascript var Storage = require('dom-storage') // in-file, doesn't call `String(val)` on values (default) , localStorage = new Storage('./db.json', { strict: false, ws: ' ' }) // in-memory, does call `String(val)` on values (i.e. `{}` becomes `'[object Object]'` , sessionStorage = new Storage(null, { strict: true }) , myValue = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'quux' } ; localStorage.setItem('myKey', myValue); myValue = localStorage.getItem('myKey'); // use JSON to stringify / parse when using strict w3c compliance sessionStorage.setItem('myKey', JSON.stringify(myValue)); myValue = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myKey')); ``` API --- * getItem(key) * setItem(key, value) * removeItem(key) * clear() * key(n) * length ### Options * strict - whether to stringify strictly as text `[Object object]` or as json `{ foo: bar }`. * ws - the whitespace to use saving json to disk. Defaults to `' '`. Tests --- ```javascript 0 === localStorage.length; null === localStorage.getItem('doesn\'t exist'); undefined === localStorage['doesn\'t exist']; localStorage.setItem('myItem'); 'undefined' === localStorage.getItem('myItem'); 1 === localStorage.length; localStorage.setItem('myItem', 0); '0' === localStorage.getItem('myItem'); localStorage.removeItem('myItem', 0); 0 === localStorage.length; localStorage.clear(); 0 === localStorage.length; ``` Notes --- * db is read in synchronously * No callback when db is saved * Doesn't not emit `Storage` events (not sure how to do) License ------- * [Apache2](