var path = require('path'); var electron = require('electron'); var app =; var win, tray; function updateTrayMenu () { if (!tray) { return; } var menuTemplate = []; if (win.isVisible()) { menuTemplate.push({ label: 'Hide to tray', click: function () { win.hide(); }, }); } else { menuTemplate.push({ label: 'Electron Demo App', click: function () {; }, }); } menuTemplate.push({ label: 'Quit', click: function () { app.quit(); }, }); tray.setContextMenu(electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuTemplate)); } // Check to see if the tray is supported on this system. This code was mostly copied from // the Webtorrent project. function checkLinuxTraySupport (cb) { var cp = require('child_process'); cp.exec('dpkg --get-selections libappindicator1', function (err, stdout) { // Unfortunately there's no cleaner way, as far as I can tell, to check // whether a debian package is installed: if (err) { cb(err); } else if (stdout.endsWith('\tinstall\n')) { cb(null); } else { cb(new Error('debian package not installed')); } }); } function createTray() { tray = new electron.Tray(path.join(__dirname, 'images', 'daplie-logo.png')); tray.on('click', function () {; }); updateTrayMenu(); } function initLinux () { checkLinuxTraySupport(function (err) { if (!err) { createTray(); } }); } function initWin32 () { createTray(); } function init(window) { if (win) { console.error("can't initialize the tray mulitple times"); return; } win = window; win.on('blur', updateTrayMenu); win.on('focus', updateTrayMenu); win.on('hide', updateTrayMenu); win.on('show', updateTrayMenu); // Mac apps generally do not have menu bar icons if (process.platform === 'linux') { initLinux(); } if (process.platform === 'win32') { initWin32(); } } function hasTray() { return !!tray; } module.exports.init = init; module.exports.hasTray = hasTray;